Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lo and Behold!

Stop a minute or two and just think.  Sin will always lead you to waste your life. Sin makes you impulsive, restless, discontented, frustrated, and miserable. You can go to Hell a lot faster today in 2014. There is a tolerance of evil today that is horrifying. Immorality is spreading like a cancer across America. The dark clouds of divine judgment and recompense are gathering. The Darkness of Sin is settling on this world today. Sin will leave your soul debauched and damned. It's never right to do wrong.

The devil will never give you the bad at the first, he always holds back his worst for the last. The first drink of whiskey may seem sweet, but the last shot will be so bitter and sting like the bite of an adder. Don't do any more sinning. Sin will always complicate your life. Life is hard because of Sin, the way of transgressors is hard. Only the word of God can sweep down the cobwebs and spiders out of your mind. Without the Savior, you'll suffer the eternal consequences for your sins.

The wise man always makes preparation to meet the inevitable. Death is the inevitable, and the blood of Jesus Christ is the only preparation for death. You are facing dark and dangerous days without Jesus as your personal Savior from sin. Prepare to meet thy God. Your soul will live as long as God lives, that's a long time. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. Good men are always reasonable men - Be sensible, practical, and reasonable. Stop loving sin and living on in this world without God. Don't die unprepared and unsaved, life is uncertain, Eternity is forever. There's a hereafter, a heaven, a hell.

No religionist will ever tell you about the Blood Atonement of God manifest in the flesh.  You can listen to preachers at church, on the TV, radio, and internet till the cows come home; but they will never mention God's Incarnate's Precious Blood.  If you don't believe me, just listen closely for a long while.  

The natural man doesn't like to know he's wrong, unless he wants to be right. Most people want to be what they are, they want to do what they want to do, and they want to do it when they want to do it; that's human nature. Man wants to be his own savior. You have nothing to boast of, you need the Lord Jesus Christ. Working at it will not save you. You cannot partly save yourself, Jesus must do everything for you, or He will do nothing at all for you. Quit your deadly self-righteous doing, and trust Christ's doing and dying. Jesus does the saving, not you. Trust only in Jesus' atoning blood, He will save your soul. Salvation is always a personal matter, every man must give account of himself to God personally. Every man sins individually against God. The gift of God is eternal life through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh. No man apart from the Bible can know he is saved from his sins.

Whatever the Bible says is so. He that believeth not on Jesus Christ shall be damned. Men always trim down Jesus Christ to suit themselves, but the real Jesus Christ will save you if you take Him as He really is according to the Scriptures. Men were against Jesus Christ because He was Good through and through, they couldn't ever find any fault in Him. Human nature is a damnable thing. Ye must be born again.  More Christ-esteem, less self-esteem.

The natural man has a one-track mind - it is diametrically opposed to God and holiness. Human nature says, "I'm just as good as the rest of them, I'll save myself, I'll make my own way." You can't save yourself, you don't have any good works. If you keep on rejecting Jesus Christ, you'll wake up in Hell one day soon with a parched tongue, and all the fires of hell burning around you. You're on your way to Eternity. You can buy and earn an education, but you can't buy or earn Salvation. You better be sure about this one thing - Has God forgiven and forgotten your sins for Jesus' sake?

Now understand - Religion will make you proud and crazy; but Jesus Christ, the living God, will give you a humble, sound mind.  Religionists count heads and money on Sunday, but God counts hearts and minds all through the week.  You may not realize it, but God is always watching and listening to you.  The LORD knows all your thoughts, intents and desires.  Only Jesus can comb all the kinks out of a man's character, and the crookedness out of his soul. Jesus gives sanity to life. If you trust Christ's blood, your sordid past will be gone. You make trouble because you have sin trouble within your soul. You've ran your life for a long time, and you've made a mess out of things. All have sinned, and you are fallen and lost in your sins. Christ died for our sins, and was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. You can't hide your sin from God, but Jesus Christ can hide your sins under His blood, let Him do that for you.