Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 1

If any man have ears to hear, let him hear the Gospel of Emmanuel's Atonement.  Emmanuel (God with us), Atonement (Christ for us).  Religion won't ever tell you this stuff.  Wise up, don't let religion take you down a dark road and damn your soul.  When the blind lead the blind, they both wind up falling in the ditch of Hell.  The Pope might wash your feet and let you kiss his ring, but The Lord Jesus Christ wants to wash your heart clean with His own Precious Blood, and then you will want to kiss His feet. *Psalm 2:12* Buckle your seat belt, and take some time to read about what Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, did just for your sinful soul.  *Divine Justice - Atonement - Sinful Man*

Your sins must be atoned for by Someone. Only the Great Atoner, Jesus Christ, died to put away human evil. God Almighty in the person of Jesus of Nazareth died for every sinner (John 3:16; I Timothy 3:16; I John 3:16). You're a sinner, so that means God Himself died for you. As a man God was manifested in the flesh, Jesus of Nazareth was His name. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He (God) laid down His life for us. *I John 3:16* Come now and believe, trust and worship the wounded God who bled, died, and rose from the dead for His ungodly enemies. His very life was the price that had to be paid for your sins. Your sins are exceedingly black. There is a very hell of iniquity within your soul. Your heart is so vile and so deceitful. You have wickedly departed from the living God.

Christ Jesus humbled Himself and came all the way down here to Earth to provide my greatest need - an Atonement for my sins. Jesus bore the dreadful curse of my sins.  The King of Heaven laid aside His majestic crown.  He left His heavenly home in glory to bleed and die on Calvary's Cross for unworthy sinners.  Probably the most important word in the New Testament is only mentioned once in Romans 5:11 - *Atonement*.  Atonement for human sin has been perfectly made by Jesus alone, and not by us at all.  Jesus prove the sincerity of His love to every sinner on Calvary's Cross by enduring the punishment that my our sins justly deserved.  I have absolutely trusted to His atoning blood.  God chose to save this guilty world by the sinless blood of the Crucified Creator.  There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus; no one else could heal all my soul's diseases.  No Friend like Him is so high and holy, and yet no Friend is so meek and lowly.  The reconciliation of two estranged parties (God and sinners) was made through the bloody death of the Lord Jesus Christ, God in human flesh.

The Sinless Sufferer died for you - He took the sinner's sin upon Himself, and bore all its penalty. Jesus died for the greatest of all sinners and the basest of all blasphemers. He stripped Himself of all His heavenly splendor, happiness, and robes. He had a crown in heaven, but He laid it aside. He was virgin born as a Jewish baby in Bethlehem's manger. He lived a sinless life especially for you. At the end of His selfless life in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed in agony, and sweat great drops of blood. He was arrested and taken away to Pilate's judgment hall. He was made subject to the grossest and filthiest insults, and was spit upon by the Roman soldiers. His head was pierced with a crown of thorns, His back was torn and bruised beneath a terrible scourge. He was numbered with the transgressors.  See the Lamb of God nailed to the Cross and raised up to die between two thieves. He was wounded for your transgressions.  The wickedness of your sins killed the Savior that dark day on Calvary.  Christ Jesus laid down His life for poor lost sinners just like you. Jesus gave it all up to Ransom you from the love and damnation of sin.

O how sinful I am, O how much Jesus loves me, O how safe I am forever through His precious blood. God is just, we are unjust, Christ died and shed His own blood in the sinner's place. He is the Substitute for all sinners, notably you.  God Incarnate died for you, even you. We are reconciled to God by the bloody death of His Son, much more, we shall be saved by His life. The blood and agony of the Savior put our sins away, and the everlasting life of the Redeemer preserves us unto the end and out into Eternity.  Christ was damned in my place, my sin was condemned on Him.  I believe on Him, and now my sins can never condemn me, for they have been pardoned freely. All my sin, guilt, transgressions, and iniquities have been atoned for by the Great Atoner.  My sins are entirely removed from my soul forever. I am complete in Him, accepted in the Beloved through His bloody death and sinless merits. The mercy in Jesus' precious blood shall never die. The Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, laid down His life for us, and then on the third day, He rose from the dead.

Come on now to the Savior, all you sinners who need God's mercy.  Tell the Savior just what you are. No recommendations are needed; simply admit your poverty, sinfulness, and nothingness. Come as a wretched underserving sinner by nature and by practice. Plead nothing that looks like human goodness, but come covered in your sins, and Jesus will cover you in His Righteousness.  Come honestly as you really are, for you are a much worse sinner than you could ever think yourself to be. Trust only in God's free grace and the power of Jesus' blood and love to save your soul now. Fling away your self-righteousness, come and take Jesus as an empty-handed bankrupt sinner.

Come now and meet Jesus, the Great Atoner, at the Cross just as He is, and just as you are. Rest your filthy soul on His Blood that cleanses from all sin. *I John 1:7* The Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses sinners from all sin. Flee at one to the God of grace - look this very instant to Jesus - the Crucified and Risen Creator. One believing look of your eye to HIM who is the sinner's Substitute, and all your transgression are forgiven. Accept the Lord's will with absolute resignation, yield yourself completely to Him, trust in His Finished Work, and life eternal is yours.

Your Sin is an evil thing which God must punish. The eternal Law of God demands that every offense committed against God's laws shall never escape without a penalty. The penalty for sin is eternal death.  *Romans 6:23* God has opened a way of Mercy by sending His only begotten Son into this evil world to die as our Substitute and Sin-Bearer.

God became a Jewish man and suffered what I ought to have suffered for my sins. Jesus of Nazareth endured the divine vengeance and wrath at the hand of God which I ought to have endured. God cannot pardon a sin without first punishing it first. God punished all our sins on Christ when He died on Calvary's Cross. If you reject Christ, you must bear your own iniquity along with its punishment. Humbly resort to the Atonement now - the grand Sacrifice and finished Atonement of the Mediator.

The Atonement satisfied divine justice and appeased the wrath of God. Trust the pardoning, atoning blood of God's Son. The story of the Cross - Full Atonement made by God's appointed Sacrifice by resting upon God's perfect Sacrifice; and accepting God's way of free salvation. The Son of God bled for guilty sinners.  The Son of God on the tree offered an everlasting Atonement for human sin. Salvation is all free for the Lord Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of it. Grace and Mercy moved Jesus to save the guilty. Salvation must be of grace, because our own righteousness must be forsaken forever. Look only to the Savior's purity and atonement. Never slight God's Atonement. Think as badly of sin and yourself as you can, but think as gloriously of Christ as you can. There is no sin, no matter how heinous it may be, which the blood of Jesus cannot take away.

According to human nature and worldly religion, the sin-offering upon Calvary is not enough, the Atonement for sin is not finished, human merit must add to it. But Christ Jesus offered a Perfect Sacrifice for sin once for all. This is the all-important Truth - Atonement by Precious Blood. Don't let some religionist fool you.  Look entirely to the Lamb of God - suffering, bleeding, and dying for His enemies. Jesus is the Sin-Bearer. He came to seek and save that which was lost. You must find all your hope in the Crucified One. The man who died on Calvary was the True and Living God. Trust Him and you are saved. One simple act of trust in Jesus' Blood saves the guilty soul. Frankly appeal now to divine Pity.

Sin defiles every man horribly, sin ruins your soul. Sin damns every man that takes loves it and takes it lightly.  Sin is the dark center of your inward nature. Only Christ's Blood and the Holy Spirit can give you a new nature within that love God and His things.  Matchless Blood, Miraculous New Birth, Marvelous Forgiveness.  God was made flesh, crucified for sinners, and now whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. The Holy Spirit must first impress upon our minds the great evil of our sins, the strictness of divine justice, and then after that, He will press home the great mercy and power of the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Daysman; He is the one and only Mediator between God and sinful man. *Job 9:33* Rest in His Blood Atonement now. Christ paid my sin debt, I go free. Christ suffers for my sins, and now I am ransomed.

This is the Gospel, the sum and substance, the essence of Mercy's message, the Good News directly from Heaven: Jesus Christ by His own Blood has put away sin by making a bloody Sacrifice of Himself for sinners. Sacrifice by Blood, Substitution, Atonement for human sin by God Incarnate's sufferings and blood. The blood of Jesus is the only consolation for a troubled conscience. Atonement is the spinal cord and brain of of Biblical Christianity. The cleansing blood, the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ for the ungodly. Self-righteous, sin-loving human nature spurns the Gospel's call to be freely saved from the love of sin.

As a glove fits the hand, so does the crucified Savior suit the needs of every sinner. The man feels himself guilty, he dreads the punishment to come on his transgressions, his conscience troubles him.  But God who is rich in mercy offer His Son's Atonement freely to all.  Only Christ can help a sinner. Simple, solid, hearty, earnest trust in the Great Atoner is key.  Prompt, personal faith in the Mediator alone is most needful. Real, hearty gratitude and love for the Savior is a symptom that a man has been forgiven freely. A full Atonement has been made for all our iniquities by our blessed Substitute and Surety.  I am resting, resting, resting on the Atoning Sacrifice alone - this is the sure way to peace with God.  Diligently hearken now, cast your guilty soul on His Precious Atonement. Only the blood of Jesus can rescue you from the damning power of your sins.  Jesus died in the sinner's place satisfying divine justice. On His Atonement I have fixed my trust forever.  *Soli Autem Crucis*