Thursday, April 10, 2014

Divine Justice Satisfied 11

This is vital truth that is not communicated today in 2014:  There is but a step between you and eternal death.  There is not anything good in you.  Men think they are good by man's estimates, but no man is Good in God's sight, for all men are sinners and guilty before God.  There is no respect of persons with God, and God accepts no man's person.  There is no way any man alive can satisfy God's divine justice.  That is why we needed a perfect sinless man, Christ Jesus, who has a perfect Righteousness to die for us, save us, and represent us before God. *I Timothy 2:5*  Now understand - Righteousness and Blood is what God Almighty is looking for at the Judgment.  No sinner has any Righteousness, that is why Jesus came down here to earth, to provide us a Righteousness, that would satisfy God's holy demands.  There is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.

Religion makes being saved from hell and the forgiveness of sins complicated and puzzling, but the Gospel of the Grace of God *Acts 20:24; I Corinthians 15:3-4; I Thessalonians 2:9* makes it so simple and straightforward that a little child can understand it.  That's why the Gospel of Christ found in the Scriptures is not preached in churches today, because religionists like keeping people wondering and guessing about their Eternity.

Today's religiosity and church-ianity keeps folks in fear and bondage, and keeps them coming back to a religious building and charlatan to obtain some sort of calming for their superstitious consciences.  Beware of a so-called church that is not freely preaching Christ Crucified, that is, God manifest in the flesh bleeding to death in agony and shame on Calvary's Cross to atone for human sin, so sinners can be freely, immediately and irreversibly saved by grace through faith in the atoning blood of the Lamb of God.

The Creator of the universe humbled Himself and became a Jewish baby in Bethlehem.  *John 1:3* The meanness of Jesus' birth, parentage, education, message, the company He kept, and His audience were all a stumblingblock the religious folks of that day. The Gospel makes heady and highminded people stumble as well, that heavenly riches come through Jesus' poverty, eternal life through His bloody death, access to the kingdom of God by a poor Jewish peasant, eternal salvation through His shameful crucifixion, the blessings of God freely obtained through Jesus being cursed, justification by His condemnation, free pardon through childlike faith in His blood.  All of these Gospel truths confound the haughty, carnal, superstitious mind.  If you love sin, you cannot spiritually discern the things of Christ.

Christ Jesus bore the full penalty due to our sins; He stood in the sinner's place, and suffered the wrath which fully satisfied the claims of divine justice on our behalf.  Jesus has paid the sinner's debt, so the Law must let me go free!  *Isaiah 53:5-6* The Great Sin-Bearer has suffered, bled, died and rose from the dead; divine justice smote the innocent Lamb of God.  Jesus yielded up His sinless life as an Atonement for human sin.  He willingly bore the sinner's penalty; and now that sin has been punished upon Jesus, God is just, and yet the Justifier of all who believe in His dear Son.  One day you will have to go into the world to come, and what will become of your soul then?

God in infinite justice determined that sin must be punished, so divine Wisdom devised the plan of Substitution, and Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, became the Substitute for sinners.  Jesus is my Sin-Bearer.  Divine justice came to punish sin, and found my sin upon Christ. Jesus was arrested, bruised, hauled off to the hall of judgment, given over to Roman soldiers, brutally scourged and tortured, insults were heaped upon Him, then He was led off to the hill of doom called Calvary, nailed to the cursed tree, lifted up high, His Cross fixed in the earth, there He bled to death, hanging by His hands and feet.

According to the righteous Law of God, sin must be punished.  Conscience tells you that it is impossible that your guilt can go without its due penalty.  Jesus came and bore our sins in His own body, and endured the dread penalty that was due to our sins.  Divine Justice had to fall on Someone, so Jesus suffered the terrible blows.  God laid down His life for us.  The man who trusts to the atoning blood of the Lamb of God hates the sins he formerly loved, and abhors the vain thoughts that once charmed him.

The Lord Jesus Christ has fought our battle; He won the victory for us.  Divine justice punished the Innocent one, so the guilty could go free.  Salvation by Substitution meets all the claims of divine justice.  Trust only in the blood of Jesus and all your sins shall be forgiven freely through His substitutionary Sacrifice.  Be satisfied with what satisfies the divine justice of Almighty God - the atoning blood of Jesus.

Jesus says this to you today, "You have sinned against Me, you have violated My Law. My Justice says you are to suffer eternally, but here's what I will do for you:  I will be your Substitute, I will suffer your sins' penalty, because you are guilty.  Someone must be punished for your sins, and if you suffer the just penalty due to your evil deeds, you would be sent to Hell forever. You cannot endure it, but I suffered the punishment and divine wrath which is your due.  I will take upon Myself your sins, and my Law shall be completely vindicated by My own blood.  I shall be Just, and yet be able to fully and freely forgive you, and to accept you. My Blood will be your forgiveness and protection from the wrath to come. Please trust what I have done for you on the Cross, receive Me now, trust My Precious Blood to wash away all your sins."

God has prepared a way by which you may be reconciled back to Him through innocent blood.  The divine justice of God, on account of my sins, puts an impassable barrier between God and my soul.  God must be Just, that is certain, and being Just, He must punish my sins. The soul that sinneth, it shall die; and the wages of sin is death. My sins deserve death, so Jesus loved me enough to take my sins' consequences. There is a penalty and consequences for sinning against God that cannot be revoked.  God has given His only begotten Son, and He stood in the sinner's place.  He bore the punishment that was due on account of the sinner's guilt. Jesus paid your sin's penalty on the Cross. At the Cross, the justice and mercy of God were both revealed through the bloody death of the Lamb of God. *John 1:27; Romans 3:25*  Now understand - You cannot pay the deadly price for your sins by doing good in your own way.

The holy Creator God only became a man only one time in history - His name was Jesus of Nazareth.  Jesus is the only safe Way back to God.  *John 14:6* God's justice is only satisfied by Jesus' bloody death, therefore trust to Jesus, the sinner's Substitute.  Christ Jesus came into the world to die for the ungodly, and now whosoever believes on Him is saved from the love of sin here in time, and from the wrath that is coming on sin in Eternity.  My sins were laid upon Christ Jesus when He died upon Golgotha's tree.  My sins were punished upon Him, and put away forever by His great Atonement which He freely offered for my sake.

I was in debt to divine justice.  There were a million or so charges recorded against me in God's law books.  But Jesus came from Heaven to bring glory to God, by vindicating His justice and manifesting His grace and mercy to the ungodly.  Christ Jesus is God, for He said, "I and my Father are one."  God Himself, the righteous Judge, became the Innocent Sufferer and died in the culprit's place.  Jesus offered to the infinite and inflexible justice a full recompense for my crimes, guilt, and sin.  By the Law, I was condemned already.  The Law knows nothing about mercy or forgiveness, and the Law provides no acceptable sacrifice for my sins.  If you die without seeking mercy at the hands of Christ, there can be no mercy for you, but only rigorous, unabated, undiluted Justice must be your portion.

Sinning against light is the worst of sins, and the willful rejection of Christ and His atoning blood is the climax of rebellion.  If you die neglecting Christ, you deserve all that God's infinite justice can bring upon you.  You are a full-blown sinner.  You are beyond human help; you need God's divine help to save your soul.  Flee to Christ now, so that He can hide you and protect you from divine justice.  The God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, has suffered the terrible consequences of your sins.  Jesus went up to the Cross, He laid down His life, so justice could be vindicated that God might be Just, and yet the Justifier of Him that believeth in Jesus.  All that was due from you to God's justice has been fully paid by Christ Himself.  Absolute justice requires the Merciful Mediator. *I Timothy 2:5-6* Your hope and faith must be fixed on Christ's Blood Atonement alone.  Faith that relies only upon Jesus' blood for forgiveness is God-given faith. *Romans 3:25*

There's only one thing you can do that will eliminate your fear of death and cause you to miss divine justice, and that is for you to simply and heartily trust to the atoning blood of Christ Jesus now.  When you die, you don't go to purgatory, your soul doesn't fall asleep, and you're not annihilated.  When you die, you go and face God immediately - absent from the body, and present with the Lord.  Trust to the atoning Sacrifice of the Lamb of God; never trust your works, only trust Christ's finished cross-work.  If you were to die today, where would you go?  Why do you say that?  The only basis any man has assurance of going to Heaven when he dies is the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The bloody death of Jesus Christ paid my sin debt in full.  Religions of this world teach that Jesus' death was a partial payment for your sins, but what you do or don't do in this life will in some way help take care of the rest of the payment for your sins.  Gently and truthfully we must warn lost souls about the wrath to come if they die without trusting Jesus Christ.  You can't be good enough to escape divine justice without the blood of Jesus on your soul.  It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment.

Self-righteous human nature says, "I am not that bad a person, I try to do the right thing, I do my best to my neighbor, I pay my bills, I've never killed everyone, I've never committed adultery, I'm just as good as most folks that go to church." Man is unwilling to face his sinfulness and to admit his inability to help save himself. Self-righteousness is obnoxious to God, for it leads a man to think he is just fine without Jesus Christ. You cannot go to Heaven based on how good you think you are in your own mind.  You need to prepare to die and face God safely.  Ye must be born again.  There is only way to prepare - it is essential that you by an act of your own will receive the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart, heartily ask Him to forgive all your sins (past, present, and future), believe that He went to the Cross for you and paid your sin debt in full.  Stop thinking about being saved sometime in the future; stop putting Jesus off and making excuses for rejecting Him, settle your eternal destiny now - Place all your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

God the Father laid all your sin, guilt and its penalty on the sinless Lamb of God, the only person who never sinned.  Trust the Incarnate God and His atoning blood. *John 6:53-57* Only the Blood of Jesus can take away your sins and make you whole within.  Simply receive God's gift of His Son and His blood as the only sufficient sacrifice for your sins.  Rejecting Christ is the most heinous sin you can commit, because He is the God the Father's gift to you to pay your sin debt.  Only the sinless Son of God could pay your sin debt.

God substituted His dear Son in your place to die to pay your sin debt, so you could freely forgiven based on the price Jesus paid with His own blood.  If you reject Christ, you will have to bear your sin and its penalty for all Eternity.  When you reject Jesus Christ, you reject your only access to Heaven. *Acts 4:12* If you think you have to do something to add to what God manifest in the flesh did on the Cross of Calvary, you are lost right now.  If you think your works matter, you are saying that Jesus' bloody death was inadequate, and that you have to help pay for your sins.

You will soon be weighed in the balances of unerring justice.  If unforgiven sin is upon your soul at death, you will be judged for that sin, and be cast into the Lake of Fire.  If you are distressed, despaired, and doubting, look now to Jesus.  Divine wrath was poured out upon the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus suffered in your place, so God's wrath would longer fall on you.  Infinite Justice demands a victim for your sins; it was needful that a sinless blood Sacrifice be made in your place.  The perfect Sacrifice has been made already, divine justice has received its full demand, and now mercy is available to all who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in truth.  O Lord Jesus, have mercy on my sinful soul through your Precious Blood.