Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 4

To think lightly of sin will lead to your soul's doom. You are filthy and loathsome in the sight of God, only fit to be cast into the lowest Hell. If you reject Christ's atoning blood, you must suffer for your sins, all alone in Hell without God forever. A misspent life, a rejected Savior, the love of sin, the gall of bitterness, and the bond of iniquity is your natural state without Christ. You have voluntarily, willfully, and presumptuously sinned against your own conscience, and have refused eternal life in Christ. If you die rejecting Christ's Mercy, your sins and unbelief will condemn you to misery and woe for all Eternity.

To be flattered is man's greatest delight, for his god is himself. To make money is his highest god, for the dirty dollar is his god. Whatever may be your greatest joy and treasure, that is your god. There is some hidden evil within, some evil habit, causing you to avoid, neglect and reject Christ. Many love a Christ of their own imagining, not the Christ of the Scriptures. Human nature refuses to take God at His word. Forsake your evil ways and dirty thoughts, you need a new nature within from the Holy Spirit.  Man is unholy, that is why he avoids receiving the Holy Spirit.  Repent, let the wicked man forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him turn unto the LORD, and God will have mercy upon the wicked. The Gospel proclaims Jesus who saves ungodly men from their sins, but you do not want that. The love for sin is what makes it so hard for you to believe in a sinless Savior and His pure Gospel.

Ye must be born again. Whosoever believeth in Jesus is not condemned. You and your sins are obnoxious to God. Everything you do is offensive to God, because you're a sinner.  From a sinner comes nothing but sin; an evil tree can only bring forth evil fruit. A polluted stream can only pour forth polluted water. It is vain for you to think that you can do anything that is pleasing to God until you are first of all reconciled unto God by the Precious Blood of Jesus and regenerated by the power of the Holy Ghost. The way of Reconciliation is only by faith in Jesus Christ's finished work. You must first be personally acceptable to God through Jesus Christ, or everything you do is displeasing to God. Natural goodness cannot satisfy God's holiness and divine justice. You desperately need Reconciliation to your offended Maker.  Jesus is the finest Friend any sinner ever had.

Are you accepted in the Beloved, and resting on what Christ did for you? Lean only on the shed blood of Jesus, plus nothing. I'm counting on Christ alone to keep me out of Hell. I've done all a man can do to stay out of Hell. All a man can do to stay out of Hell is trust God's Righteousness, and that Righteousness is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? Stop trusting your own righteousness and trust to God's Righteousness. Man will not admit their own inability.  Leave it all in Christ's hands.  He has finished the job already. Man will not quit trusting their own righteousness. You are a sinner, and the only way you will see God's face with favor when you die is by trusting God's Righteousness, and His Righteousness is a living Person - the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. You can't go wrong at the Cross.  Don't miss what Jesus Christ did for you. We owe everything to Christ for His heart's blood has redeemed us to God.

Jesus has suffered for sinners, and now God can justify the ungodly freely, and accept wicked sinners through His dear Son's Blood Atonement. Dear soul, have faith in the Atonement. The Atonement made by the personal Sacrifice of the Son of God is infinitely precious. It is your soul's safety to flee to Christ's Atonement; cleave to the Cross by Faith. There is Atonement for the guilty in the blood of Jesus Christ. Pardon by Blood is only for the guilty. Simple reliance upon Christ's Atonement and imputed Righteousness. Learn more of the excellence and completeness of the Atonement. Christ my Substitute quenched divine wrath for me, He exhausted divine justice by being made a Curse for me. Sweet comfort and free forgiveness flows from the atoning blood.

Reconciliation to the offended Maker is only by Jesus' Blood. The great quarrel between you and God can only be ended at the Cross. The aching void in your soul can only be satisfied by Christ's presence. Faith in Jesus quenches our soul's thirst. Think of the horror of sinning against such a forgiving Savior. The great saving truth - Atonement by Substitution. The finished redemption - sin was laid on Jesus that it might be forever removed from the sinner that believes in Jesus. *II Corinthians 5:21* Jesus can cleanse the guilty, and He receives the lost, the Gospel is not for people of quality. Mercy is only for the ungodly. Jesus died instead of the guilty. He suffered God's wrath in the sinner's place.

This is the secret that the world religions desperately tries to hide from poor, lost sinners. The word ‘Atonement’ in the Bible means ‘Satisfaction.’ Men and women all over the earth are searching for something that will satisfy the righteous demands of Almighty God’s law and justice. This is why all men fear death – their conscience is troubled and they fear the judgment of God on their sin. But only one thing will satisfy God - the Blood Atonement of His Son – the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement.” *Romans 5:11* The only way a sinner can joy in God and be satisfied is to ‘receive’ the Atonement as a free gift. Many roads lead to hell, but faith in Jesus’ shed blood is the only way to Heaven. The Precious Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ satisfied God's justice for me.

God is absolutely holy, pure and good, and He is angry with sinners daily because of their sins. God is righteous, and He hates unrighteousness. Man because of sin is unholy, depraved, and unrighteous, and he provokes God’s anger daily with his willful and deliberate sinning. A sinner will not seek an Atonement for his sins until the Holy Spirit through Divine Grace makes him conscious of the fact that he is sinful, truly an enemy of God, and under the wrath of God. God’s anger will only be appeased when the rebel sinner meets God where God’s own blood was shed. God’s blood was shed on the Cross of Calvary by Jesus Christ and the Blood Atonement is the only way to restore the spiritual relationship between God and a sinner. Sin disturbed your relationship with God, and only God’s blood can restore it. Your must rest and repose your entire confidence upon Christ’s Blood. Only Christ's shed blood can appease the wrath of God that abides on the lost sinner.

The Bottom Line:  You cannot right your wrongs against God; you need Christ's Blood Atonement. Death is certain for you, there is no escape. There is a quarrel and conflict between God and you. You sin and break God’s law many times daily. You have an unrighteous and wicked opposition to God because His word and ways – God’s Laws – are too pure, too just, and too holy for you. Your sinful nature despises and resists Christ's pure, sinless nature. You have lied, stolen, cheated, rejected Christ, lusted, and cursed. Your guilty conscience condemns you. The wrath of God abides on you now. *John 3:36* But Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners just like you. God became a Jewish man, and His name was Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus lived a sinless life in perfect obedience to God’s law. God knew you couldn’t live the law, so He did it for you. Then, Jesus died for your sins on the Cross. He endured the divine vengeance and justice of God that was due to your sins. He perfectly satisfied the demands of the Law and Justice of God by suffering the wrath of God in your place, and then He rose again the third day. You must put your trust in what JESUS DID FOR YOU, and stop trusting in yourself or your religion.  Jesus gave Himself ‘for you.’ You can be at-one with God today.

Your good works are no good. The very best you can do will land you in hell. Your sin or your religion is not worth going to hell over. Flee from the wrath of God that is coming on sin. God is ready to pardon you today if you will meet Him at the Cross. Just look unto Jesus, only His Precious Blood (the Atonement) can wash your sins away. Don’t try to save yourself. Simply and wholly place your trust in what Jesus did especially for you. Ask Jesus to save you by His grace today. Jesus only saves lost sinners that realize they are hopeless and hell-bound. Christ Jesus invites you to "Come" to Him today.

Receive Christ’s Atonement freely; the forgiveness of sins cannot be earned. You cannot buy it, make it, earn it, complete it, or add anything to it, you must receive it. “It is finished.” Jesus Christ gave Himself for your sins, not your goodness. Christ died for the ungodly, not for good people. Bad people don’t go to hell, and good people don’t go to heaven. Christ rejecters go to hell, and ungodly sinners that look to Jesus Christ alone for their Atonement go to Heaven. You cannot make ‘atonement’ for your sins by your own goodness, merits, morality, or religious efforts. Life is short, death is sure, sin the curse, Christ the cure. Choose Christ, not sin. Take Him, not self. Receive Him into your heart.

Come sinner, you that are laboring and heavy laden. Leave your religious labors. Leave your self-reliant efforts. Leave your sins. Leave your presumptions and guesses. Leave your superstition and religious nonsense. Leave all those those things which up to now you have trusted, and come to a Person that loved you enough to die for your sins, His name is JESUS! Don't look back; come to the Cross as a lost sinner. Rely solely upon the Savior. Look unto Him and His Precious Blood to cleanse your heart from sin. Come to Him who bore the load of your past, present, and future sins upon the Cross of Calvary, where He was made to be sin for you. Come to Jesus, God's divinely appointed Substitute and Sacrifice for guilty sinners like you. Rely upon Him. Trust in Him as having suffered in your place. Look to Him for the payment of your sin debt which is due from you to the wrath of God. This is how you can you SATISFY God – the only way. No wrath from God remains against the sinner that trusts in the Blood Atonement of Christ. Jesus has risen from the dead and is alive right now.

Salvation is contained in one word: "Come!" Repentance takes place when you leave the place where you now stand. As a lost sinner you are standing underneath a spiritual ton of bricks called sin and the wrath of God. Come to the Cross, kneel there as an empty sinner and be saved. Faith comes when you put your trust and reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ as your Blood Sacrifice (Atonement) for sin. Come now. Not tomorrow, or next month, or next year. Your delay will only make your sin burden heavier and more dangerous.

Flee to the Cross now, fall down flat at Jesus feet, and let Him lift your sin load off the shoulders of your soul. Weary sinner, rest and recline upon His promises now, and let your soul rest completely in Him. Come on to the Cross now! By an instantaneous act of faith in Jesus' blood, you will obtain instantaneous grace and peace from God. Come and rely upon Jesus, and He will give you rest. Absolute confidence in the Christ's Precious Blood Atonement will save your guilty soul from your sins. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement. Satisfaction will immediately follow your unfeigned faith in the blood of the Crucified One.

The Atonement is only for the guilty. Mercy seeks after the guilty, Grace seek after misery. God bestows His abundant pardon upon the guilty for Jesus' sake. Jesus became the Substitute for the ungodly. He suffered the wrath of God for every man. Holiness is the great terror of the ungodly. The infinite mercy of God has gone to the utmost lengths in giving the Savior to bleed and die. To rest in the Lord Jesus Christ - that is our main business, to stay our souls only upon Him, that is our sole concern. Justification, then Sanctification. Pardon, then Godliness. Gratitude is the basis of Holiness. We are saved freely, for nothing. Our sins are freely pardoned according to the mercies of God in Christ.