Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 6

The love for sin is what makes it so hard for you to believe Christ's pure Gospel. Rest simply and alone on the Atonement which Christ has finished. Come you to Jesus, rest on Him, accept His Atonement. You can never work out your own salvation by your own goodness, for you have none. Sense your failures, your provoking of God, and your insults to the Savior. There is no cleansing for human sin except by simple faith in Christ's matchless Atonement offered once for all on the bloody tree of Golgotha.

Human merit tries to diminish the glory of Christ's Atonement. Christ was God and He has completed a full substitutionary Propitiation for my sins. God is only satisfied with Christ's Atonement. I would never trust my soul with a mere man, Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, I trust Him alone. His infinite Mercy and Atonement has accomplished all my Salvation. Go to Jesus now and by faith receive His Atonement. Redemption by Blood is the only way. The doctrine of the Atonement is obscured in the church today. Cheer the lost with the old, old story of redeeming grace and bleeding love found in the Gospel of Christ. Remission by Precious Blood is God's way. Make Jesus Christ and His Atonement the main theme of your life and conversation.

Explain Calvary to sinners, dwell much upon the Precious Blood. Keep to the Cross, make this the main attraction. The Atonement is the central point of the Gospel. The whole human race lies under sin.  Jesus took the whole load of human sin upon Himself, and suffered the divine justice of God due to your sins. On the Cross, He bore the wrath due to your sins. The eye of Faith focuses on the crucified Savior. God Himself in the person of Jesus of Nazareth made Atonement for the injury done to His own law. The Lord hath done it; the Great Atonement is Finished. Depend on the Promiser. The Blood of Jesus Christ has made a full Atonement for every man, and you can be sure that God will be faithful to that Atonement. The Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely. Realize you are sinful, and rejoice only in the Great Reconciler and Substitute who bore our sins and suffered on its account. His Substitution is the full hope of my soul. Salvation by Christ's Atonement is exactly what my soul needs. Study closely the Great doctrine of the Cross. Only there can my conscience rest. I place all my trust on Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit can work in us that faith that trusts to Jesus Christ alone. This is the only Gospel, at your peril reject it. By an appropriating faith, take Christ to be yours personally, lay hold on eternal life down at the feet of Jesus. Simply believe in the Atonement which He made for every guilty sinner.

Our sin deserves eternal death. Sin is a capital offense which carries an eternal death penalty. Sin is a deadly and terrible thing. Human nature makes little of man's guilt. Sin is not a mistake, failure, or lapse in judgment. Sin is a crime against God and man. Realize the heinous criminality of your sins. God is Just and He must take vengeance on all iniquity. We dare not trust in ourselves. Someone must die instead of me - Substitution. Christ died for me, the Just for the unjust, to bring me to God. The greatness of your sin requires a Great Savior. Human nature cannot endure Christ's Bloody Atoning Sacrifice.

This is vital saving truth. Firmly believe that Jesus bore the full penalty due to your sins. The real conflict today centers around the atoning death of the great Substitute of Calvary. Human nature struggles against the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ. The real and literal Atonement by Blood is what is needed. The Blood-Red Shield of Christ's Atonement is the only thing that will protect you from the wrath of God. *John 3:36* Christ's Atonement must interpose between you and God. The Blood is the main matter, it is the Life, the Shelter, the Way, the Everything. Jesus' blood is my sole hope both now and forever. From your heart rest in His atoning blood now. Grace and justice, mercy and vengeance, unite in the atoning sacrifice of the Incarnate God. God is Just, and yet the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.

God smites sin, but not the sinner, God is severe laying upon Jesus the full penalty, and yet laying none of the penalty upon the guilty. The Guiltless One bore all my guilt. Instruct men in this saving truth. Make this the occupation of your life - to communicate this saving truth to lost sinners. Teach them this if nothing else. Let this be your daily theme - Christ Crucified and risen from the dead. Simple reliance upon the eternal Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

The Sin-Bearing Substitute is my only confidence. Glory in the crucified Redeemer alone. The world says, We want to be Christians, but the dogma of an Atonement and Hell we utterly reject. Really nice religious people who reject Christ go straight to Hell when they die. Good people that trust in themselves go to Hell, and bad people (sinners) that trust in Jesus go to Heaven. You better trust your way to Heaven, because your works are no good. The offended One died for the offender. The Judge bore the penalty due to the criminal. We never saw it on this fashion.

We are all evil by nature, and Evil cannot dwell with God, for He is holy. By the grace of God, I will trust my soul in the hands of Jesus Christ. Pray humbly in the name of Jesus, place faith your faith in His Blood. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, trust Him wholly and your soul is delivered immediately. Turn your eyes to what Jesus Christ has done, rest in His finished Sacrifice. If you reject Christ, all is ill with your soul; if you receive Him, then all is well with your soul. Christ's Atonement is all your guilty soul needs. O Lord Jesus, I beseech you, deliver my guilty soul from my sins.