Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 13

If any man have an ear, let him hear - You must come with nothing of your own to Christ. Christ has kept the Law perfectly for you, and died to save your sinful soul. You must take His Righteousness to be your Righteousness. Christ has suffered in your place. His punishment must stand instead of you being punished. Leave your own trusts and come to Jesus now; He will take you in, and give you His spotless robe of Righteousness, and make you His forever. Lord Jesus, please save my guilty soul by your grace. Jesus, you are the sinner's only Friend, I am lost and undone, I flee to you for aid, for I am so weary of this world, myself, and sins. Open your arms, and take me in. Have Pity on me, heal my sin-sick soul, and make me whole within with your Love and Blood.

All moralists and religionists must repent of their self-righteousness. God says, "I forgive you, I will not punish you for Jesus' sake. I have punished Christ instead of you." Jesus was punished for me. I am perfect in Christ Jesus, but never in myself.  Believe that Jesus was punished for you, receive Him into your heart, and His eternal Salvation is yours.  Nothing but an Atonement of infinite value could wash away my sins and make Satisfaction for them to a holy God.  For sins not His own, Jesus died to atone.  God has punished Jesus, and now I go free.

The Holy Spirit must make you understand your need of the Savior. Only the Holy Spirit can make you conscious of sin and really teach you that you are lost. You know what sin is, you know what's right and wrong. Your criticisms of the faults and sins of others around you are a clear demonstration that you know what right and wrong is. You have no hope in this world but Christ. You can never offer an Atonement that will satisfy God's divine justice. Make the wisest decision you've ever made - Give up all confidence in yourself.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth on Jesus is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be reproved. *John 3:16-20*

Lord Jesus, save me, or I will perish for sure.  Come to the Cross guilty, wretched, conscious of your guilt, and ready to take Christ.  Human nature says, "I am as good as I ought to be, I can get to Heaven by my own merits and works, I believe a man ought to live it." Human nature thinks it is too good to need a Savior, and too good to go to Hell.  Leave at once your self-righteousness and sins, and come to Jesus Christ, receive His Righteousness to be your covering, and His Blood to be your Atonement.

Naturally, you think you're a very good sort of person, and that you've never done much that was wrong, perhaps a little now and then, but nothing enough to damn your soul forever in Hell Fire. Acknowledgment of your guilt, confession of your inability to make Atonement for your sins, and trusting to the Blood of the innocent Substitute of Calvary is what you need to be doing. Take care that you plead and trust to the Blood of Christ. Mark it down - God is no respecter of persons.  There is no hope for a poor sinner apart from the Blood of Christ. Bona fide, real, actual sinners who are lost, ruined, undone, hopeless are frankly and freely invited to come to Jesus Christ, and to be saved from the love of sin. Surrender, come out with your hands up, give up your sins, take off your self-righteous rags.  Cast yourself entirely upon Christ's Atonement by His own Blood.

Religion teaches salvation by works, ordinances, rites, ceremonies, and sacraments. Religion makes men feel comfortable and decent in their sins. Religion is spiritual morphine that keeps a man feeling good about himself while he is still on his way to Hell.

God never rejected any sinner that sought salvation entirely by Jesus' finished work. Heaven, everlasting life, justification by faith, free pardon of sin, acceptance in the beloved, glory everlasting is available today. The divine Blood of Jesus speaks peace, pardon, forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, remission, adoption, mercy, love, safety. Insignificance and worthlessness is what I am. Christ is Everything, I am nothing, that is all.  Proud and high, or meek and lowly. Vain pretenders and spurious professors' religion is a vain show. Christ was punished for me: Christ instead of me, I believe on Him.

The Gospel way is simply this - There is no respect of persons with God. Your sins deserve eternal punishment. God must and will punish all your sins. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and was punished in your place. *Acts 16:31* The Son of God suffered, He was the Substitute for sinners. For your sins, God demands eternal punishment. So Jesus suffered all the horrors of hell, the black clouds of God's wrath emptied themselves completely on Jesus. Your sin debt is huge and immense in God's sight. Christ in those hours upon the Cross took all my sins upon Himself and was punished for them. Christ my Ransom died in my place. My spirit looks alone to Christ Jesus. Don't let your hubris land you in Hell.

Simple faith in the Precious Blood of the Crucified Creator.  Christ needs nothing from you to supplement His Blood. Christ needs no rag from you to supplement his regal Robes of Righteousness. Jesus is the perfect Savior who is full of grace for an empty sinner. A sinner can never meirt anything but punishment and wrath. I will trust in nothing else but Jesus Christ Himself. Nothing I did, or ever shall do, shall be my dependence. I rely simply and entirely upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. Jesus cried from the Cross - "It is finished!"  The whole Atonement is finished forever. Bring with you  to the Judgment the full Atonement, the perfect Satisfaction of Jesus, Precious Blood, and the Perfect Righteousness of a divine being.

Your soul must be purchased by Precious Blood and regenerated by the power of Holy Ghost. Stop gnawing on the dry bones of your own works. My acceptance with God depends upon nothing that I can do, or will do, nothing I can think, feel, or be, but it depends wholly, entirely, solely upon what Jesus is, what He has done, what He has suffered. Not self, but Jesus; not man, but Christ; not I, but Him.  I put my trust only in what Jesus suffered on account of my sins.  His bloody sufferings must save you too.  Make the Cross your only trust, refuge and hope. My faith is fixed on Him who suffered for me. Jesus stooped to rescue me. Come to Jesus now by Faith and find mercy and rest through His Atonement. Stop trying to please God your own way.  Stop loving sin.  Stop avoiding and rejecting Jesus Christ. The righteous Self is more deceitful than the evil Self.  Put the black thoughts of self-righteousness away.

My faith is simply and solely fixed on the Atonement of the Redeemer. Stop seeking to add your own righteousness to the Atonement of Christ. He wants no help from you, let Him do it all. If you seek to help Christ, you will be damned for sure. Never mix anything with Jesus. When a man relies partly on Christ and partly on himself, he is Lost. If you rest on Christ and self, the wrath of God will find you out and destroy you.  Never mingle man's works with Christ's works.  That is like mixing dung with diamonds. Rest on Jesus simply.  The sinlessness of the Substitute, the imputation of my sin to Him, and the imputation of His Righteousness to me.

Divine Justice - The Great Atonement - the Guilty Sinner.

My faith is fixed on Emmanuel's perfect Righteousness and complete Atonement. The wrath to come is divine justice. Make straight and clear the road - the one city of refuge in the New Testament is Calvary - the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ for all of human sin. This is the Reconciliation - that you trust Christ's Precious Blood.  Do you understand?  Is the message getting through the din of this world?  Cast yourself on Jesus, depend on absolutely nothing but what He has done on the Cross.

One day soon your soul will throw down your body, as a tired boy throws down a ball when he is through playing with it.  Death is inevitable.  What keeps you from being a Christian?  Whatever it is that keeps you from Christ, that is the price you have put on your soul and immortality. Why will you continue on in your sin?  Men sell their soul to Hell for this world's trinkets and toys.  Repent, turn from the love of sin and vice to God. Always look for Eternity, get ready; prepare, prepare. Give your soul to Christ now, He is worthy of your soul, for He died to save it.

God humbled Himself and became a Jewish man - Jesus of Nazareth was His name. Jesus took man's sin and redemption upon His shoulders, He died the Just for the unjust, to bring us back to God. Jesus took your sins upon Himself, He stood in your shoes, He suffered God's wrath and judgment on the Cross and was damned for you. Without Jesus, you will have to stand in your own shoes before God as a guilty sinner. You are on a sinking ship, you have a bad leak down in your soul called Sin. The waves of God's wrath and judgment are beginning to pitch and toss you; you will soon capsize and go down forever. But Jesus volunteered and risked His very life to save you. Jesus died so that you wouldn't perish. You are headed in the wrong direction; stop running toward sin and Hell. You have strayed in sin long enough, STOP, turn around, turn your attention to Jesus Christ, look after your soul, trust to Jesus, come back to God through faith in Jesus' Atoning Blood.  I owe much to God's love, but nothing to His justice, because Jesus settled it all for me.