Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 15

The one thing that every sinner on Earth needs is a real and complete putting away of all his sins by the free grace of God in Christ Jesus.  Jesus lived, loved, bled, died and rose from the dead the third day to make an Atonement for the guilty.  Every man by nature is ruined, lost, and perishing in his sins.  Christ's all-sufficient Atonement makes me an heir of God.  The Atonement of Christ is enough for me.  Jesus only is the way to obtain eternal life.  God punished my sins once for all in the person of my Scapegoat, Jesus Christ.  God has punished my sins upon the Lord Jesus Christ, the whole barrel of God's divine wrath was emptied on Christ's head at Calvary.

I rest with all my soul on Christ's Atonement and nowhere else.  Think of nothing but Christ.  Fix your thoughts entirely upon Him and your soul will be refreshed and profited.  Contemplate of your nothingness and Christ's greatness before God.  No other hope have I, no refuge for my weary spirit is there beside the Blood Atonement of Jesus.  Put faith in Jesus, confidence in His Precious Blood.  If you have any dependence upon good works, you are a lost man.  God meted out to Jesus, the innocent One, the chastisement due to the guilty.

The guilty can now go free, because Jesus who was free from guilt suffered in their place. Tell to all this wondrous news.  The divine Substitute took upon Himself my sins and my sins' penalty, and has delivered my guilty soul from the wrath to come.  The Almighty God who created the heaven and the earth took upon Him human form, He came down from glory to dwell among sinful men, He lived the life of a servant, and at the last, He took upon Himself human sin, and as the Substitute for guilty man, He went up to the Cross, and bore my wrath, dying the place of the guilty; the Just for the unjust that He might bring me to God.  The great truth of vicarious suffering, the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, the Maker of propitiation and reconciliation by His Blood.

My only assurance of being accepted before God is though the finished work of Jesus Christ.  No prayer ever makes it to God except by the substitutionary death of Christ.  A changed inward nature, a renewed heart, reconciliation to God.  You'll never be saved until you get tired of your sins.  Your evil nature within has a deep real want of Jesus Christ and Salvation by His Precious Blood.  Do not put off salvation by Jesus Christ.  The Gospel of salvation by faith in the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ is the sure way.  Perfect pardon, justification, and complete acceptance with God.  Fix your heart, thoughts, and meditation completely upon Christ, the Lamb of God.  *John 1:27*

It is very dangerous to delay your decision for Christ.  Doctrine becomes dangerous when it it not turned into actual and practical obedience to scriptural truth.  Flee from your sins, fly to Christ now for you  are exposed to God's wrath this very moment.  Your faith must be absolutely fixed upon the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  Fix your thoughts on Gospel facts.  Christ Jesus was really made a curse for me, He actually died for me, and bore the penalty of my guilt.  The whole message of Salvation lies in the fact that Christ suffered in the place of sinful man.  The rejection of Christ and the love for sin is what damns a soul to Hell.  If you will not have Christ as your Savior, you shall have eternal damnation, and there is no hope for you.  Some favorite sin of your is keeping you from Christ.  You will not come to Christ, because you don't want purity.  Stop defying God by setting up your own righteousness in the place of Christ's Righteousness.

I am absolutely and entirely dependent upon Christ Jesus for everlasting life and bearing fruit.  The first necessity for you is to believe with all your heart on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Christ Jesus through His Blood Atonement has offered a sure Satisfaction to the divine justice of Almighty God.  There had to be an innocent, sinless life to atone for my sins.  Jesus has suffered eternal retribution for my sins.  God will only forgive human sin through faith in the Atoning Sacrifice of His dear Son.  Free Justification by Imputed Righteousness, Full Atonement by Precious Blood, Eternal Redemption by Substitution.  Christ took my sins, and I took His Righteousness.  You can never add to Christ's finished perfect Atonement.  Human nature thinks it can be good enough to save itself.  The very central point of the Atonement is Christ's bloody death on Calvary's Cross.