Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 2

Rebel sinner, your quarrel with God is futile and hopeless. You are as guilty as they come.  Wise up now - ground your weapons (self-righteousness, love of sin, unbelief), yield and submit to the gracious Savior, for your resistance is all in vain. Hopeless sinners await the great Judgment; the Judge is ready, prepare to meet Him. Sooner or later, you must come before the Judge of all the earth. A wise man always prepares for the inevitable. Busy-ness is an attempt to drown out the inevitable and irrevocable edict of death. The right way to prepare to meet this Judge is to plead Guilty. You have sinned and God the Lawgiver, confess your sins and Christ rejection to God. A life without Jesus Christ is a breathing death. What preparations can you make to meet God?  Sit down and investigate your case. You have no excuses or alibis. You cannot escape with empty promises of future improvement. You have gone astray willfully and wickedly, and you will do it again.

Religiousness and church-ianity cannot defend you when it comes to Divine Justice.  The LORD seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart.  The inward cravings of your mind are seen and heard by God.  Man's eye cannot see the greed, lust, envy, pride, adulteries and idolatry within another man's heart, but God can.  Your religious convictions are no good at all, for God searches deeply into the thoughts and intents of the heart, He probes into the desires and motives of your innermost being. Religious garb, vocabulary and traditions are all surface things that men hear and see.  But God sees what you really are inside and in private where no one else can see and hear.  The invisible Creator sees and knows all about you.  You are what you really are, when you are all alone.  Thou God seest me!

Never set up a defense that is based upon yourself at all. There is an Advocate who loved you to death, send for Him. You are a condemned prisoner waiting in the death cell of this world. Send for Jesus to be your Intercessor and Advocate. He will undertake your case. He will plead the case for your guilty soul, and be your Mediator and Daysman to speak with God on your behalf. He will be your Advocate, for He has said, "Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out." Appeal to Jesus now. Engage the legal services of the Great Advocate. Cry out to Him from your death cell, "Jesus undertake my case, have mercy on me." Put it all in His hands. The heavenly Counsellor will plead for you. What every sinner needs most is divine Mercy.  The Precious Blood of Jesus lies at the very root of the Gospel.  There is no more comforting truth in the whole wide world than the truth of the Substitution of Christ for sinners. Only the Cross will get you safely across the great gulf which spans from time out into Eternity.

Take up your true position as a sinner, a lawbreaker, a criminal in God's sight. Plead guilty plainly, make a full confession.  Honestly and clearly plead guilty. Your sins are staring you in the face, they all will testify against you at the Judgment. Heartily acknowledge your guilt. Sin is an evil and damning thing. Plead guilty with a broken and contrite heart.  All your hope lies in divine Mercy, for you have no merit. A sinner has no righteousness at all.  Lost and undone must be your cry. God, have mercy upon me a miserable sinner. Let the Great Counsellor enter a plea for you in the courts of Heaven. Jesus knows how to plead for the removal of all the charges and punishment due to your sins. Only Jesus can plead before the infinite Majesty of God Almighty. Here is His argument for guilty sinners, "Father, I stood in this sinner's place. He has committed his case into My hands, and he pleads guilty. I have suffered for his crimes against You, I bore Your punishment for him. I satisfied Your justice and Law on his behalf. I claim now, Father, that he can go free, for I laid down My life and shed My own blood to pay for his sins. O Father, have mercy on his soul for My sake."

Look to the grand Sacrifice and finished Atonement of the Mediator. If you reject Christ, you must bear your own iniquities and their punishment forever.  Be wise at once - humbly resort to His Atonement. There's no truth so dear as Christ Crucified. Our salvation and acceptance with God rests solely on the Atonement. Anchor your soul to the Blood Atonement of God's Son.  Never wander away from the Cross. True Faith always looks to the Atonement and the Finished Work of Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered to put your sins away forever. God looks on Christ and pardons me freely. The Gospel brings inward peace between your soul and God.

God graciously accepts any sinner that comes to Him by Jesus Christ confessing His transgressions, and trusting to the Blood of Jesus Christ. God is gracious and merciful, He delights to pardon the penitent. God accepts the unworthy through the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ. If you reject the Lord Jesus and His Atonement, you must be punished without Mercy. Are you prepared to perish? Jesus Christ rendered to divine justice a perfect Satisfaction and was punished in the sinner's place. Christ was condemned in my place, Christ took all my guilt. The Atonement is my Ransom, the price has been paid in full for my sins with the Blood of Jesus. Believe in the Atonement, receive Christ Himself into your heart, rest your soul's salvation upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. Look to the Precious Blood of Jesus' Atonement, and the saving power of the Holy Spirit.

The Atonement of Christ is the Propitiation for my sins. Rest in the Blood Atonement now, love Jesus Christ sincerely and practically, live to the glory of God daily. Yield to the Gospel, believe on Christ, that is, trust implicitly in Him who died on the Cross of Calvary to make Atonement, and now lives to make intercession for us. This is the Gospel - reject it at your peril. Jesus offered Atonement for your iniquities. The faith that saves is a hearty belief that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, offered an all-sufficient Atonement for human sin. A simple trusting in His Atonement saves the guilty soul. Don't just speak of Christ's example and teachings, exalt His Atonement and magnify His perfect Sacrifice for unworthy sinners. Jesus of Nazareth appeared here on Earth to make Atonement for human guilt.

How can a sinful man be prepared to meet a Holy God?  Let Jesus be your Mediator. *I Timothy 2:5-6*  Your doings can by no means make an atonement for any of your sins. Dwell on this thought - Christ Jesus was God over all, blessed forever, the Maker of all worlds, but He gave Himself for our sins. *Galatians 1:3; John 1:3* Jesus is infinite in His nature and there is infinite merit in His sufferings. The Lord Jesus Christ gave up His very self that He might put away our sins.

Get prepared now to meet your Maker - Plead and trust to Christ's innocent Blood; the Atonement of the great Substitute for sinners is the only safe way to approach the living God, and stand accepted in the Beloved. Jesus pleads for those sinners who trust Him, "Father, I have obeyed the Law on his behalf, I kept every jot and tittle perfectly, and now the Righteousness which I achieved, I have given to him freely, for all that I am and have is now his. My Righteousness is his righteousness, and he now stands accepted in the Beloved."

My faith is fixed on Jesus' Blood Atonement alone. My case is forever in the hands of the Blessed Advocate, whose pleading shall prevail before Almighty God.