Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Put God First

The Greatest man in all the history of the world IS the Lord Jesus Christ; He IS the Son of God, His name is THE GREAT, and WONDERFUL. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. All these things shall be added unto you; that is, You'll get all you need, not what you think you need, and not all you want. We are very frail; and we have a treasure in our earthen vessel. JESUS was God from everlasting to everlasting, He was God clothed in human form; He always did the will of the Father; He was Divine and human. The devil tempted Him, yet He was without sin. He walked on water; He raised the dead, He controlled the weather; He healed the lepers. He raised Lazarus from the dead, and Lazarus shook the dust off his shroud and came forth out of the grave. Jesus rose from the dead Himself, ascended, He climbed up the invisible stairway to heaven, and sat down on the right hand of God. 

If you're lost, Jesus says to you now, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." You can't be killed until Jesus is through with you if you are surrendered. They couldn't kill Paul until God was through with him. Are you under the protecting wing of the Son of God? A tick or mosquito or spider can kill you; and a virus or bacteria can kill you. A little insect or germ can dig your grave. Don't be strutting your stuff. If God's will is not supreme in your life, God pity you. Don't blame God if you drop off into hell tonight in your sleep. The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD. May Jesus Christ always have first place in your heart. Every day you wake up, say, "Here's my life God, please take it." And God will do a little something extra for you. The greatest glory you can achieve in this life is serve and please The Lord Jesus Christ who loved You and gave Himself for you; Glory in His Cross!

God watches every insect that crawls, every bird that flies, and every sinner that thinks and talks. A man that tries to run his own life is a fool. Walk humbly with thy God. The only thing between you and Eternity is the heartbeat in your bosom. You can't buy or steal salvation; Jesus must give you His eternal life. The hands that created the worlds were nailed and bled for your sins. Put your life into God's hands. Jesus gave Himself for you on Calvary's Cross. Jesus said, No man takes my life, no one can kill me; I will lay down my life for my sheep. Never forget to magnify the Lamb of God. Never make fun of the supernatural. 

Is God real to you, or is He just a name to you? The eyes of my soul can see Jesus Christ, but only with the glasses, sanctified spectacles, that the Holy Spirit gives me. We must ask the Holy Spirit to put our glasses each morning or will never see God as we read the Bible or in the day's activities, challenges and circumstances. Without the Holy Spirit's spectacles, everything is blurred. God sent His Son to die on a Cross, and then He raised Him from the dead, so you wouldn't have to die a lost sinner. Never mock the supernatural. Nothing "Eternal" will ever happen in your heart without the moving and working of the Eternal Spirit of God.

You can't see Jesus with natural eyes; the Holy Spirit has to give you supernatural eyes. How about it, are you sure you are saved from hell? Money and position can't satisfy your Soul. Are you right with God? You sure? Are you saved? There's a coming judgment. You will have to look God right straight in the eye. One of the torments of hell will be a bitter memory. The man in hell wants out of hell, but he doesn't want to go to heaven. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Don't take any chances with your Soul. You've never committed a sin that God didn't see you. The most solemn thought I've ever had is my personal accountability to God. Hell is sin on fire.

You've done something you shouldn't have done. You need a real good Lawyer to defend you at the Judgment, the Heavenly Advocate, JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS. You couldn't look your mother in the face if she knew all about you, but you will have to look God in the face at the Judgment. Your record is being written in heaven every day in a book. All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Every filthy and selfish thought that crawls across your brain today was seen by God. You need to get things fixed up with God. Does Jesus have first place in your heart? Are you wasting your life? God saw what you did and thought yesterday and the day before. Don't take any chances with your Soul. Your eternal destiny depends on what you do with Jesus Christ. The highest and wisest position to hold in this life is a soul-winner. Put God First.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Get It Down Pat!

Dwell on this thought Friend - There is one person you should Understand and Perceive clearly and thoroughly, and He is The Lord Jesus Christ, the Righteous Lamb of God, the Most Wonderful of All. And you should also Understand and Receive what He done to reconcile and save your Soul from the wrath of God. Think very much upon this golden sentence: Much more then, being Now Justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Every man is entirely lost in his Sins (helpless and defenseless in the sight of God), but JEHOVAH became a Jewish poor man to save sinners. The Mighty God, the Lord of Everything was crucified for me. The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Out of Infinite Love to His enemies, the Son of God took upon Himself human flesh, that He might suffer in my place what I ought to have suffered eternally. The King of Glory suffered and bled to death for my sins. He endured the most dreadful, shameful death; hanging naked on Golgotha's Cross in my place. The Prince of Life died and was laid in a borrowed grave for three days. 

Low in the grave He lay, waiting the coming day - Jesus my Savior, vainly the Roman centurions watched His tomb, and vainly they sealed Him inside - Jesus my Crucified Creator. He seemed so helpless, suffering in shame, tortured by the Roman guards, the Victim of such bitter pain. Saturday went by bringing no relief. Satan laughed and claimed the victory, But Then came Sunday! the grave could conceal Him no longer, the stone was rolled away from the door, Death could not keep his prey, for Jesus tore the bars of death and hell away, and up from the grave He arose, with a mighty Triumph over all His foes, crushing His enemy, and He arose a Victor from the darkest domain, and now He lives forever and able to save to the Uttermost all sinners that come unto God by Him. Hallelujah, Christ is Risen from the dead!

Heaven was filled with JESUS' praises, but on Earth sin was as black as could be. The Lord Jesus Christ stepped down from His throne in Glory to be spit upon by sinful lips. He stooped from the splendors of heaven to be despised, afflicted, and rejected by ungodly men, that I may be saved from my sinful self. JESUS came forth out of Eternity into Time to be born of a Jewish virgin named Mary. The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. He dwelt among sinful men for 33 years. He was bound and taken by a cruel mob in the Garden of Gethsemane while He was praying, the Roman soldiers led Him up Calvary's hill and nailed Him to the accursed tree. He became Sin for me, He bore my sins in His own body on the tree, He was made a Curse for me, He suffered untold anguish, railed upon and jeered at until His last dying breath. All the time He was bearing my sins and wrath. 

Till God in human flesh I saw, My thoughts could find no comfort at all; The Holy, Just and Sacred Three, were only terrors to my mind. But when Emmanuel's face appeared, My Hope, My Joy began; His precious name took away all my slavish fears, and His grace and blood removed and expunged all my sins forever.

Was there ever another Love like this? Absolutely Not! This Love has won my ear and entered into my heart. O what a heroic Love that was displayed at Calvary. The best I can, I lift up Christ Crucified, and plead with you to yield to His gentle sway of divine love. Jesus bore for me all the terrors of the Law's curse until divine justice was fully satisfied. In Christ's Substitution, God was dreadful and terrible in His justice to JESUS, and boundless and free in His Mercy to us sinners. Christ shed His innocent blood for the sins that are in me. He laid down His innocent life for my sinful life. There's Hope for the hopeless only at the Cross. O visit me with me with Thy salvation. 

Pardon by Blood, Salvation by Grace - Available to you Now for the taking. Everlasting Life, Free Salvation, by Pure Mercy. Jesus was the Perfect Man who made Atonement for sinful man. The process and way of Salvation is plain to the sane sensible man, it's as clear as day. Christ stood in my place before God. I was a guilty sinner doomed to die eternally, but Christ took my place, He died for me, I cannot be punished now, for my offenses have already been punished in the person of the Substitute. God demands of me to keep His divine Law perfectly, I cannot do it, It is impossible for me not to sin, but Christ has done it all for me, He lived and kept the Law for me flawlessly, because He knew I could never do it. 

You may search the whole world over in vain, but you will never find a resting place for your guilty soul and conscience, except at Calvary's Cross. Pillow your head and rest your soul softly on Christ's Finished Blood Atonement. The soft bed for your tired sinful soul has been made by Christ Himself, all you have to do is rest on Him completely. Take a load off Friend, come and rest in Him. JESUS took my guilt upon Himself and stood as a guilty person in the sight of God, and took all my Wrath from God that I fully deserved. Jesus was my Substitute, now the black clouds of Wrath are all gone, nothing but blue skies forever at the Cross. Whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ *hath* everlasting life, and shall never come into condemnation in the world to come. 

But men and women are bound indeed and locked down in chains of an accursed love to their sins. The divine attraction of the Crucified and Risen Redeemer has won my heart. What about you? Your root problem is the love of sin and love of self. Please do not forget your soul's eternal interests; if your neglect and reject Christ, you will wrong and lose your precious soul forever. Do good to your soul and come to Christ Jesus for Forgiveness and Rest. His Precious Blood will be sweet and pleasant to your sin-sick Soul. 

By rejecting Christ, you despise your own Soul, and you are guilty of the worst case of self-endangerment. He that getteth Wisdom (Christ Himself) loveth his own soul. Friend, If you provoke the King of Glory to anger and wrath, you sin against your own soul. The soul of the wicked desires evil and loves sins. Be wise - Keep your soul from present and eternal trouble, make a beeline to the Cross, run for cover to the Lamb of God, before the lightning bolts of God's wrath strike your Soul, trust your defenseless soul to JESUS at once. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is Good News from a far country. Jesus is the cold waters, yours is the thirsty soul, the Good News is the Gospel of Christ, and the far country is Heaven, New Jerusalem. Whosoever loves his sins, hates his own soul. 

Only the great High Priest can put away your sins forever, not some Roman Catholic priest in a religious costume. Once and for all, Away with all religious spells and shams! A perfect, full Atonement has been made by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, He gave up Himself, His very self, that He might put away your sins, as far as the east is from the west. 

Unregenerate men insanely find fault with the Gospel, and cavil at Divine Justice and Eternal Punishment. Hell fire and the wrath to come are a constant, imminent threat to the lost carnal man. My sins' punishment was poured out on Christ, and now I am justified freely forever through faith in His Precious Blood. I have eternal Peace with God through the Righteous Lamb of God alone. I am accepted in the Beloved and adopted into the family of God. Christ suffered for my sins as my Substitute, He was condemned in my place, that I might be acquitted, justified, set free, redeemed, and not be damned as the result of my guilt. 

Remember only His Precious Blood. Rest here: Nothing but the Atoning Blood of Emmanuel. Fix your heart's eyes on Him, and on nothing else. Meditate much upon His sufferings, consider Jesus, not yourself. Your main problem is you enjoy sinning against God If you mix anything of your own with Christ, you will surely damn your soul. Don't reject the only Remedy for your sins. God could not have pity on Jesus, for He was bearing my sins. God will have not pity on you either, if you die with your sins still on your account. No doings or sufferings of yours could ever have anything to do with the atonement of your sins against God. Turn your eyes to Christ, the Great Substitute for sinners. Never dream of trusting yourself at all. 

Human nature will have Jesus Christ to reign over it; the carnal man would rather be damned to hell than be saved freely through the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ. Self-righteous human nature says, "I will not be saved God's way, I will make my own way to heaven, I will be my own savior, I will enter heaven through my own merits and strength, and glory in my doings before the Lamb of God." 

Get it Down Pat! JESUS died, He was buried, He rose again from the dead, He ascended, He sat down at the right hand of God, He lives today, He's coming again. Seek Peace with God through the Lamb of God, by going directly to Him in simple childlike faith. The man Christ Jesus offered Himself a Victim. Heartily receive His Blood Atonement for human sin. Really and truly trust your immortal into the Savior's pierced hands. I am a sinner, that's for sure, I rest myself on JESUS, I know His Righteousness justifies the ungodly, I am ungodly, I trust Him to be my Righteousness. The very essence of saving Faith is this - To rest yourself for eternal salvation upon Christ's Finished Blood Atonement for human sin. Have done with all reliance upon your doings, humbly trust in Jesus Himself and what He did for your free salvation. Get it Down Pat!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Bible Names (V-Z)

Vajezatha - strong as the wind
Vania - Jehovah is praise
Vashti - beautiful
Vophsi - rich

Zabad - gift
Zabbai - pure
Zabdi - my gift
Zabdiel - gift of God
Zabud - given
Zaccai - pure
Zechariah - remembered by Jehovah
Zadok - just
Zaphnathpaaneah - revealer of a secret
Zarathshahar - splendor of the dawn
Zebadiah - gift of Jehovah
Zebedee - my gift
Zebudah - bestowed
Zebulun - a habitation
Zedekiah - justice of Jehovah
Zephaniah - hidden by Jehovah
Zerahiah - Jehovah has risen
Zichri - memorable
Zidkijah - justice of Jehovah
Zimran - celebrated
Ziphron - fragrance
Zithri - protection of Jehovah
Zuriel - my rock is God
Zurishaddai - my rock is the Almighty

Bible Names (R-U)

Raamiah - thunder of Jehovah
Rachel - ewe, sheep
Reaiah - seen of Jehovah
Rebekah - ensnarer
Reelaiah - bearer of Jehovah
Rehabiah - enlarged by Jehovah
Rehum - merciful
Remaliah - protected by Jehovah
Rephael - healed of God
Reuben - behold a son
Reuel - friend of God
Rezia - delight
Ruhamah - having obtained mercy
Ruth - a female friend

Salathiel - I have asked of God
Salome - peaceful
Sarah - princess
Sarai - my princess
Selah - the rock
Semachiah - Jehovah sustains him
Shaasgaz - servant of the beautiful
Shaddai - the Mighty
Shadrach - royal
Shamariah - kept of Jehovah
Shealtiel - asked of God
Shebaniah - increased by Jehovah
Shechaniah - dweller with Jehovah
Shehariah - dawning of Jehovah
Shelemiah - repaid by Jehovah
Shelumiel - friend of God
Shemaiah - heard by Jehovah
Shemariah - kept by Jehovah
Shephatiah - judged by Jehovah
Sherabiah - heat of Jehovah
Sheva - Jehovah contends
Shibboleth - a stream
Shiloh - place of rest
Shimei - renowned
Shimri - vigilant
Shiphrah - brightness
Shisha - Jehovah contends
Shiza - splendor
Simeon - heard
Solomon - peaceful
Susanna - a lily

Taanach - sandy
Tabeal - God is good
Tabitha - gazelle
Tanhumeth - consolation
Tebaliah - purified
Tehinnah - supplication
Theophilus - friend of God
Tirzah - delight
Toah - lowly
Tobijah - goodness of Jehovah
Trophimus - nutritious 
Tychichus - fateful
Tryphena - luxurious

Uriah - light of Jehovah
Urijah - light of Jehovah
Urim and Thummim - light and perfection
Uthai - helpful
Uzai - strong
Uzza - strength
Uzziah - strength of Jehovah
Uzziel - my strength is God

Friday, June 23, 2023

Missing Ingredient-5

When a United States Ship prepares to make its transit through the Suez Canal, an Egyptian pilot comes aboard the ship, and makes his way up to the ship's bridge where the ship's captain is waiting for him. The captain of the ship must turn the navigation over to the Egyptian pilot who knows the canal very well. The pilot says, "If I am steer you safely through the canal, you must trust me with the navigation of your ship." The captain then turns over the ship's navigation over to the pilot. The pilot then begins to give orders to the officer of the deck and the lee helmsman, and they obey and carry out his orders. Just like the captain gave the ship over to the pilot, you must turn your soul over to the heavenly Pilot who will guide you safely through this life's narrow treacherous canal and then up to glory safely. 

Divine Justice may be whispering the sentence of eternal death in your conscience today. You may be dreading death, because the wrath of God abides on you while you are presently lost in your sins. Human nature always turns to itself for help; it refuses to look to Christ Jesus alone. Stop searching for life in a cemetery, stop digging for light in a dark cave, for you labor in vain. Human nature tries outward reformation by turning over a new leaf and trying to clean up its act, but what you need in inward regeneration and transformation from the Spirit of God. You look to your feelings and emotions and grow even more miserable and wretched. You look to ceremonies, philosophies, religious formalism and find no Peace, but more confusion. 

Sin has fatally blinded you spiritually. You look for salvation by head knowledge of Bible doctrines and creeds; you may know the facts, but you have no Faith from above. You refuse to come to Jesus that you might have eternal life in Him. The natural man seeks refuge in himself and in own conceits, these are all useless, foolish, and deadly efforts. For you only dishonor God and defile yourself even more when you doubt or reject the Gospel of Christ. You cannot turn yourself into a child of God, or evil into good, or hell into heaven. All your help and hope for Salvation rests completely in the Lord Jesus Christ. Be wise - cast your helpless soul upon the Savior completely. 

Salvation is a work which only the Holy Spirit can accomplish within you; yield completely to Him as soon as possible, Ask humbly Him to save you from your delusional state. Salvation comes from above, not from beneath, not from within you. Salvation is the pure gift of God's grace, a divine miracle of mercy. Looking unto Jesus puts an end to all your doings and feelings. Never look for Perfection or Strength within yourself. Salvation is richly provided by Jesus through His Precious Blood. Jesus is perfectly qualified to save your soul from hell, and you are not. 

Jesus went through very much trouble to become the Savior of sinners. It was extremely humbling and humiliating for Him, for He left the throne of glory for the Cross. From the adoration of the host of heaven to the mockery of sinful men. From the bright world of Eternity, He came down here to visit those who sit in darkness and walk in the valley of the shadow of death. He was poor with no where to lay his head at night, He was despised of men and His own received Him not, He endured death itself and was victorious over it, He labored continuously and endured much pain, Jesus spent a life of obedience, death of agony, His heart bled for you. He is in heaven today ever living to make intercession for sinners. He is the Perfect and Only Savior for sinners like you. It is Finished! He has scars on his back, face, hands, feet, and side, because of your sins. Come and throw yourself down at His feet; Now He can save you to the Uttermost. 

Jesus has the power to forgive sins through the Merit of His sinless blood, and He is willing and able to forgive your sins. The rejection and neglecting of Christ is ruinous and damning to your soul. Man has sinned against God, and he must make reparations to the broken laws of God. Man has revolted and rebelled against God. Through a man God's divine justice must be vindicated and redeemed. 

JESUS was JEHOVAH manifest in the flesh. He descended from glory to Bethlehem's manger and nursed from Mary's breast. Behold the Incarnate Creator, the Eternal Son of God dwelt among sinful dying men. He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself: these are the greatest facts ever read or heard by man. God came down to man to lift man up to God. Jesus is the perfectly qualified Savior. Jesus fulfilled the Law and worked out a perfect obedience, rendering to God complete obedience that the Law demanded. The great High Priest offered a perfect Sacrifice, sufficient to make Atonement, to vindicate eternal justice, and presented His own blood upon the altar of Calvary. He bare our sins in His own body on the tree. This Man Christ Jesus, after He had offered one Sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God. He bore Sin's full penalty. 

A man who has no interest in Christ's atoning sacrifice is a pitiful case. Your sins lie heavy upon you and the wrath of God hangs over you this very moment. There is a wretched sinner conscious of his guilt; you ask him to believe in Jesus alone, but he continues to look to himself for help, and dishonors the Lamb of God. The Judge who is offended by our sins; this Judge is well pleased by His beloved Son. The Father is satisfied with Jesus; The Father respects Jesus. Infinite Justice is content with the blood of the Lamb of God. Jesus has the power to pardon the sinner and to renew his heart. He is the perfect Savior: tender of heart, willing to come down to us when we could not come to Him. He is compassionate to our ignorance, merciful towards our unbelief, ready to help us. His name is Love, His heart is Pity. 

Jesus walked in the same paths we do. He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. His heart was broken and betrayed, carried a heavy load, endured divine anger, was exceeding sorrowful, and a bloody sweat dripped from His brow. He sympathizes with our condition and experiences, with our struggles, fears, tears, temptations, and groanings. 

Stop looking to yourself for salvation. It is an outright insult to God for you to think you can help save your immortal soul. Perfection is found in Christ, not in us at all. But man wants to be his own savior is some way or other. Please understand, Jesus is fully equipped to save you, He will never ask for your help. You are dead in trespasses and sins, and rot and stink in your own spiritual corruption. 

Jesus is the Author, designer, creator, worker, and cause of eternal salvation. By Him alone Salvation has been accomplished perfectly. All Grace flows from God through Jesus to us sinful wretches. Salvation is all of Jesus' work. The Holy Spirit awakens us, gives us the true sense of our sins, leads us to Faith, and draws us to the Lamb of God. 

Salvation is like a divine book, and Jesus is the sole Author of the Gospel. You cannot add your sentences to His Book of Salvation. The first and last words are from His golden pen. Your efforts are in vain and fruitless. They will only defile and condemn you more. The Golden sentences and paragraphs of Love come from the heart of Jesus alone. No preface, appendix or errata is needed from you. There are no mistakes whatsoever in His Gospel Book. Don't try to revise His divine literary work of art. Jesus does not need your approval or improvements. 

Come to Jesus, just as you are, steeped up to your nose in the quicksand of your sins. The foulness of sin and slime of human righteousness is drowning you and pulling you under. No preparations are needed from you. Lay open your heart before Jesus; and let Him operate on you. What you must do sinner is to simply take His Salvation freely: it is available now for the taking. Please do not delay, don't try to make yourself better before you come to Jesus, because you cannot. 

Now, Bring your empty cup and hold it under JESUS' divine crystal fountain, that is flowing free today. Your cup will be filled to overflowing, here and now. Your prayers, feelings, self-reformation are useless. At this very instant, come just as you are, a sinful wretch, for He is able to save you to the Uttermost, this very moment. Only the Spirit of God can lead you to truly Understand, Repent and Believe in JESUS. Eternal Salvation is based solely upon Jesus' finished atoning work; this cross-work was finished by the Perfect Unchangeable Savior. Whosover believeth in Him hath everlasting life, and is made eternally safe from wrath and condemnation.  

Religionists believe you can lose eternal life and be unborn again. They believe in temporary life based upon their doings in some way. Temporary eternal life is a contradiction of terms. Beware of religionists!

Faith in Christ in its very essence means to trust Him, believe in His Precious Blood, simply, wholly, heartily and alone. Relax your soul wholly on Jesus, and you are saved right now. Jesus is the very Savior you need; seek His free grace and bleeding love. Saving Faith is always the free gift of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit in our heart and soul. May the Holy Spirit help you to Personally believe in JESUS now. 

Now understand - 
You can bring a sinner to the water of life, 
but you can't make him drink. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Missing Ingredient-4

* Reconciliation to God through the Precious Blood of Emmanuel. 
* Regeneration by the divine working of the Holy Spirit.
* The atoning work of Christ for us; 
the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in us.
* Christ Jesus removes guilt;
the Holy Spirit removes guile.

You can never reconcile your sinful Soul back to God by any of your works or merit, for if you lived out a perfect life all the rest of your days, which you cannot, you could never undo all your transgressions of the past. All of your so-called good works bound up in one bundle could not atone for even one of your sins against The Almighty. You cannot be reconciled to God by any of man's invented religious ceremonies, sacraments or ordinances. If you choose religion, God will not choose you. Listen UP Now, Hearken, Incline your ear: All men and women are lost and condemned, but Christ Jesus, JEHOVAH Incarnate, came into the world to save sinners. He took upon Himself human flesh and lived here 33 years in poverty, obscurity, sorrow, and persecution, until at the last when His hour had come. He bore the burden of human sins in His own body. He became Sin for us, who knew no sin. 

The Father laid upon JESUS the iniquity of us all, and on Golgotha's Cross JESUS suffered what we ought to have suffered. God inflicted His divine Justice upon JESUS, the very Justice we deserved. God poured out upon The Lamb of God the whole weight of His wrath, and now whosoever will come to God by way of the Cross will be rescued from God's justice, recompense and vengeance. Reconciliation to God through the Precious Blood of His dear Son, that is, through the sinless, substitutionary sacrifice of the infinite Son of God. 

There is available now free forgiveness of all your sins through faith in the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mercy, grace, peace, pardon, heaven are all available this moment. The great Substitute for human sin is the Way, for there is no other mode of Reconciliation to God. There must be a transparent admission from you of needing help and directions. 

My soul's poverty fits me for divine alms; my sickness fits me for the Physician; my being nothing fits and prepares me for Christ to be my All-in-All; my emptiness fits me for the fullness of His grace. Be wise now - take to begging at Christ's feet. This is the way to be rich towards God. We prize divine mercy most when we feel the weight and guilt of our sins against God. The Holy Ghost opens our eyes and causes us to be consciously condemned before God. You would never send medicine to a healthy man; you would never send alms to a millionaire; you would offer forgiveness to an innocent man. We must be proven guilty by the Holy Spirit. Come to your senses, Distinctly acknowledge your inward spiritual disease called Sin, only then will you highly value the Physician's divine Medicine. Only the tender quickening operations of the Holy Spirit can awaken you to your sinful condition, and bring you out of your sin coma. The internal work of grace in the soul by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. Come apart with JESUS, or you will come apart.

Your self-righteousness must be broken down by the Holy Spirit. JESUS will never clothe you, until you cast away your diseased self-righteous rags. He will never wash you until you Admit your filthiness. He will never Heal you until you confess your illness and yield to Him. Don't try to flatter JESUS with your human goodness and vain religiousness. You will never have true dealings with the Savior until you are poverty-stricken and helpless. You must call on JESUS for divine aid and heavenly relief. A real sinner is a rare thing, for the Holy Spirit has made him so. Come to JESUS like a beggar for alms, and like a lost child seeks a father's help to bring him back home. As an empty hand accepts alms, even so your empty soul must accept Christ's charity. 

From sin hunger and sickness to sacred nutrients and divine nourishment; From bankrupt beggary to the unsearchable riches in Christ; but first, You must go down to the CROSS and dwell with the penniless beggars. Stubborn annoying begging can be heard at the Cross; the best of beggars are the ones most in need. As long as you are in need and necessity, you are welcome at the KING OF KINGS' door, His most excellent Majesty. Seek mercy from the Savior's pierced hands, for men ought always to pray (beg), and not to faint. There's nothing left in my pockets, my clothes are rags, my shoes are full of holes, and as a ragged dirt poor mendicant I bow before the Prince of Life. 

There are three groups of so-called Christians: 1) professing (I believe about Jesus), 2) practicing (I go to church, and do my best to help Jesus save me, and 3) actual-practical (I believe on Jesus, I am sinfulness and nothingness).  Which one are you? Many people believe about Jesus, but very few believe IN and ON Jesus. 

Bible Names (N-P)

Naam - pleasantness
Naamah - loveliness
Naggai - illuminating
Nahum - consolation
Nain - beauty
Naomi - my delight
Naphtali - wrestling
Nathan - a giver
Nathanael - gift of God
Nararite - one separated
Neariah - servant of Jehovah
Nebabiah - whom Jehovah impels
Nehemiah - consolation of the Lord
Nethaniah - given of Jehovah
Nethinim - given, dedicated
Noadiah - whom Jehovah meets
Noah - rest

Obadiah - servant of the Lord
Oded - restoring
Omri - pupil of Jehovah
Onesimus - profitable, useful
Onesiphorus - bringing profit
Orpah - a gazelle
Othniel - lion of God

Pallu - distinguished
Paltiel - whom God delivers
Parshandatha - given by prayer
Paruah - flourishing
Pedahel - whom God redeems
Pedahzur - whom the rock redeems
Pedaiah - whom Jehovah redeems
Pekah - open-eyed
Pekahiah - whose eyes Jehovah opened
Pelaiah - distinguished by Jehovah
Peleth - swiftness
Peniel - face of God
Persia - pure, splendid
Peter - a rock or stone
Pethahiah - freed by Jehovah
Pethual - vision of God, father of Joel
Philadelphia - brotherly love
Philistia - land of sojourners
Prochorus - leader of the chorus

Bible Names (K-M)

Kabzeel - gathered by God
Kadmiel - before God
Kallai - swift servant of Jehovah
Kemuel - congregation of God
Kerenhappuch - the horn of beauty
Kishi - bow of Jehovah
Kolaiah - voice of Jehovah
Lachish - invincible
Lahairoi - well of the living God
Lazarus - whom God helps
Leah - wearied
Lemuel - dedicated to God
Lodebar - without pasture
Lois - agreeable
Lot - veil, covering
Luke - light-giving

Maadai - ornament of Jehovah
Maai - compassionate
Maaseiah - work of the Lord
Maaziah - consolation of Jehovah
Magdiel - prince of God
Mahalaleel - praise of God
Mahershalalhashbaz - speed spoil, hasten spoils
Malchishua - king of help
Mallothi - my fullness
Manaen - comforter
Manasseh - forgetting
Matri - rain of Jehovah
Mattaniah - gift of Jehovah
Matthew - gift of Jehovah
Megiddo - place of crowds
Mehetabeel - favored of God
Melatiah - Jehovah delivers
Melchizedek - king of righteousness
Melita - honey
Menahem - comforter
Mephibosheth - exterminating the idol
Merab - increase
Meshelemiah - whom Jehovah repays
Meshillemith - recompense
Meshullam - friend
Messiah - anointed
Methusael - man of God
Mibsam - sweet odor
Mibhar - choicest
Micah - who is like God?
Mikneiah - possession of Jehovah
Milcah - queen
Mishael - who is like God?
Mizpeh - watch tower
Mnason - remembering
Mordecai - little man

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Missing Ingredient-3

If you want to truly See, you must look to Jesus with all your heart first thing in the morning and throughout your day. Always Remember to Rest your heavy laden Soul at the foot of the Cross; this is your soul's only true restingplace. You can have your pockets lined with money, hands decked with jewels, wearing the finest clothes, and have a house full of furniture, and still be a miserable wretch inside. You must first seek the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, the Lord Jesus Christ. The reason you must seek the kingdom of God is because you are naturally in the kingdom of Satan and Darkness. And you must seek God's Righteousness, because your righteousness is as filthy rags in God's Sight. You must first understand what it is to have a contrite spirit, or your latter end will be a terrible one. O that you were wise, that you understood this, that you would consider your latter end!

You can have many, many creature comforts outwardly, but no comfort at all in your heart and soul. No comfort in your conscience, because of your past sins; no comfort in your heart, because you are pressed down with guilt and shame. May you find Salvation in JESUS today! Your only Hope is at the Cross, hasten there, anxious Soul; True Peace is only available at the Cross, fly there now, despairing Soul. Only JESUS can cheer the gloominess in your despairing soul today. All your efforts to earn Heaven must end in disappointment. It is a horrible existence each day without the Lord Jesus Christ. You are like an unclean spirit which walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none at all. You can be unspeakably happy by resting in JESUS and looking to Him for grace and mercy. Make it your life's object and passion to know JESUS, seek the Holy Spirit's illumination and His choice fellowship. 

The Holy Spirit must convince men of their sins against God. The Holy Spirit will get a man to feel so diseased inside, that He will seek and yield to the Physician; get a man to feel so poor that he will accept the Charity of Heaven; make a man to realize he is clothed in filthy rags and make him no longer feel proud of his filthy rags, but to be willing to cast away his rags and take Christ's robe of Righteousness, which only He provides. Only the Holy Spirit can quicken and thoroughly convince a Soul of his sinfulness and his need for the Savior's forgiveness and mercies.  

The contrite in spirit cares about God, he weeps over his sins, and feels his sinfulness. True contrition, sincere repentance, and transparent admission of being lost and in need of the Savior. Without JESUS, life is like walking barefoot on a gravel round headed for a dead end - a wasted life, of all men most miserable. The LORD will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. There is Good News found in the Gospel for the destitute. Spiritual paupers are utterly, thoroughly, terribly destitute. They are penniless, impoverished, indigent, down and out, flat broke, bankrupt, can't make ends meet, without a red cent, on the spiritual breadline. Many people grind out the duties and chores of empty religion without the enjoyment of Salvation in JESUS. They live in dire poverty while infinite Wealth is all around them. They live in bondage and cruel oppression while eternal Freedom is right at hand. 

You will never come to Jesus Christ until you feel and realize you cannot truly LIVE without HIM. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal yourself to yourself. You must feel your poverty before you come and BEG at the door of JESUS' Mercy for Help. Jesus hears the groaning of sin's prisoner, to loose those that are appointed to death, and sit in Darkness. He weakens your strength in the way. True Poverty is to live without Christ, die without Christ, and endure all Eternity without Christ. 

May the power of the Gospel be brought home to your Soul through the words of God and the mighty working of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Missing Ingredient-2

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. We must become poor, before we become rich in Christ Jesus. Whatsoever does not spring from Faith is sin. Are the things we think and do agreeable to the Spirit and words of God? Whatever it may be that you spend your time thinking and doing each day, without Faith, it is not pleasing to God. Our motive and intent must be the will of Christ and for the glory of Christ. The Holy Spirit must help us in heart-searching and self-examination. Are we humble and contrite, or proud and self-sufficient? 

We must learn to despise the world's frowns. The world today is deceived by cunningly devised spells, enslaved by fashion, eaten up with vanity and frivolity. Greedy worldlings are seeking the empty enjoyments of this present life. Are you enjoying the Lord's smile and presence? You cannot serve God and mammon. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. We cannot be Christ's disciples and enjoy the fellowship of the ungodly. We must go unto Jesus without the camp and abide there with Him. Consider your ways today. 

A poor and contrite spirit trembles at God's words; this is where God dwells every day. The Holy Spirit must be our Creator, Teacher, Illuminator, Comforter, Strengthener, Helper, Preserver. The poor in spirit are destitute of all merit, have nothing to rely upon of their own, emptied clean out and bankrupt spiritually, and devoid of strength. Salvation must be all of divine Grace from first to last, top to bottom. I know nothing as I ought to know, and I am willing to sit in the lowest seat in the lowest grade of Jesus' school, and be taught by Him as a little child. Weak, wretched, miserable, poor, blind, hopeless, helpless, lost - this is how we must come to Jesus' school. 

I value Christ in me and His relationship and fellowship above all things. I want no better company than Christ Jesus Himself. Contrition of heart is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, and my hope only comes from the Son of God. 

A poor heart has plenty of room for Christ. The dry desert blossoms abundantly as the rose, and the thirsty land and parched ground of our heart becomes springs of water when Jesus sends His Spirit into our hearts. The poor in spirit are willing to pick up crumbs from under Christ's table. The contrite spirit feels his sins and begins to hate them, eschews his evil desires, departs from evil, mourns when he rebels against God and grieves the Holy Spirit. Divine Mercy delights to visit human misery. I appeal only to God's mercy. He that feels the evil of his sins will value free forgiveness the very most. I value my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ above anything in this life. No one loves Christ more that the man who hates his sins. I have stripped myself of all my self-righteous pretensions and long only for Christ's robe of Righteousness which He has freely provided me.

The contrite spirit is cast down at times, doubting and fearing and despairing. But be of good cheer, God will come and dwell with you. The contrite spirit trembles at God's words: you believe His words to be true, the holy Law condemns you, and you feel you deserve hell, wrath, judgment, and eternal damnation. You tremble at the Gospel, because your sins nailed the Savior to the cross. You tremble that you have rejected God's Son, spurned His love, and neglected His Precious Blood. You tremble that you might miss eternal life by misunderstanding the Gospel, and not live for God in the right spirit and intent. Please don't slight, correct, or trivialize the words of God. Tremble that you have abused God's grace and sinned against such a gracious God. 

The deadly disease of Sin laughs at man's religious medicines. Turn your eyes now to Christ on the Cross, and trust only to His Person and Blood. Salvation and Eternal Life is not found in any other but the Crucified and Risen Redeemer of Calvary. There is life for a look at the Crucified Creator, there is Life at this moment for you; then look sinner with all your heart and soul, look unto JESUS and be saved, look unto Him who was nailed to the tree, and loved your soul to death. It is not your tears, repentance, or prayers that save you, but the Precious Blood alone that atones for the soul. Rely only on Him then who shed His Blood, believe on Him at once, and the entire weight of your iniquities will roll off your soul. Have you seen the anguish of Jesus' soul on the cross? Have you heard the distress of His cries on the cross? The terrors of wrath Jesus endured for you; please don't put off His pardon any longer. 

By Jesus' stripes we are are healed, so do not try to improve the Remedy for Sin with your own human goodness, which is actually badness in God's sight. There remains nothing at all to be done by you. Take life everlasting from Jesus Himself at once; He offers this to you freely. He was the bearer of your sins, all your guilt was laid on Him, and from His pierced hands, feet and side the sin-cleansing blood flowed freely. Through His Precious Blood, your sin debt was fully paid. Free grace, great mercy, abundant pardon, amazing liberty, complete victory and full salvation is available at the Cross today. 

May God's Spirit visit your heart and mind today, and lead you to trust in Christ Jesus, for Jesus' sake. God delights to be gracious to your soul; do not rest today until you have trusted your soul eternally into Jesus' hands. 

Missing Ingredient-1

The still, small Voice of the Holy Spirit is convicting, convincing, converting and comforting. The Holy Spirit endues the willing heart with repentance and faith. Faith and Repentance (The Divine Nature) are two divine twins born in the heart together, and they aid the health of each other. Repentance leads us to mourn thoroughly and bitterly over our sins. Faith directs our attention to the Precious Blood, the root cure for our sin problem within us. We should seek brokenness of heart because of our hell-deserving sins. God delights in the broken heart and the contrite spirit which the Holy Spirit nurtures and produces. 

First, you will begin to have problems and struggles with your filthy thought life. God sees everything we do in secret, He even sees our thought life. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we begin to discover that we are soiled with sin from head to toe: impure thoughts, foul desires, unclean affections, filthy imaginations, and dirty habits. By nature, we are not sensitive, receptive or responsive to God's way, will, and words; this is called the Fear of the Lord in the word of God. Who is the LORD, that I should obey Him? This is the response of rebellious human nature to God's call to repentance. The man or woman that goes on in their iniquities and hardens their neck, they shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Now understand:  You must first go downward, if you ever will go upward in God's sight. 

If you have settled in your mind to continue in your sin and rebellion, there is nothing for you but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and of fiery indignation which shall devour your soul eternally. If the Holy Spirit in mercy causes you to loathe your sins and causes you to hate and regret your sin-filled past, and you become anxious to be made brand new in Christ Jesus, then there is hope for your contrite soul.  The door of God's mercy is shut and bolted to every soul who loves and desires to keep his sins. Leave your sins today, lay hold of Jesus by faith, trust to His Precious Blood, cast your sin-sick soul on His tender mercy. Whosoever cometh to Jesus forsaking his love for sin, Jesus will in no wise cast out. Do you think lightly of sinning against God?  Do your sins ever bother you? If not, you're Lost right now. 

Contriteness, lowliness, brokenness of spirit - these are priceless gifts of the Holy Spirit. You must have Faith in Christ Jesus, or you must die eternally in your sins. Truly forgiven sinners dread the very appearance of evil as a man dreads a black widow spider crawling on his foot or a rattlesnake coiled up and ready to strike. him. Carefully and humbly ready the holy scriptures, prayerfully plead for the Holy's Spirit's illumination and understanding. Humbly come to Christ Jesus by faith with a broken and contrite spirit and seek the full and free forgiveness of sins and eternal life from His pierced hands. Very Low self-esteem and Very High Christ-Esteem are key to entering the door of Salvation. 

You should feel very troubled on account of your sinning against God all through your past. If you don't, this should frighten you. Seek repentance and faith now from the Holy Spirit. Eschew and Renounce your sins, and Fall Down at Jesus' feet as a contrite beggar for pardon. Look only to the Atoning Sacrifice of the Lamb of God Himself, Christ Jesus, offered on Calvary's bloody tree, Look and Live, exercise simple faith in Him, the lowly Lamb of God. Lord Jesus, create in me a clean heart, a broken and contrite spirit, a tender spirit towards You. Be ye reconciled to God through faith in the precious blood of the Lamb of God.  

Bible Names (I-J)

Ibhar - whom God chooses
Ibneiah - whom Jehovah will build
Ichabod - inglorious, the glory hath departed
Idalah - memorial of God
Igal - whom God will revenge
Igdaliah - whom Jehovah makes great
Ilai - exalted
Imla - whom God will fill up
Immanuel - God with us
Iphedeiah - whom Jehovah frees
Irijah - seen by the Lord
Iscah - one who looks forth
Ishiah - whom Jehovah lends
Ishmael - whom God hears
Ismachiah - whom Jehovah upholds
Israel - the prince that prevails with God
Ithai - with the Lord
Ithiel - God is with me
Izrahiah - whom Jehovah causes to sparkle
Jaalam - whom God hides
Jaanai - whom Jehovah answers
Jaasau - whom Jehovah made
Jaasiel - whom God comforts
Jabez - sorrow
Jabin - whom God observes
Jachin - He shall establish
JAH - Jehovah
Jahaziah - whom Jehovah watches
Jahaziel - whom God watches over
Jahdai - whom Jehovah directs
Jahdiel - whom Jehovah makes joyful
Jahleel - hoping in Jehovah
Jahmai - whom Jehovah guards
Jahzeel - whom God allots
Jair - enlightner
Jairus - whom God enlightens
Jamlech - whom God makes king
Janna - flourishing
Japheth - enlargement
Japhia - splendid
Jaresiah - who Jehovah nourishes
Jason - one who will heal
Jathniel - whom God gives
Jazer - Jehovah helps
Jeaterai - whom Jehovah leads
Jeberechiah - whom Jehovah blesses
Jecamiah - whom Jehovah gathers
Jecholiah - strong through Jehovah
Jeconiah - whom Jehovah establishes
Jedaiah - praise Jehovah
Jediael - known of God
Jedidiah - beloved of Jehovah
Jehaleleel - who praises God
Jehdeiah - whom Jehovah makes glad
Jehzekel - whom God makes strong
Jehiah - Jehovah lives
Jehiel - treasured of God
Jehizkiah - Jehovah strengthens
Jehoadah - whom Jehovah adorns
Jehoahaz - whom the Lord sustains
Jehohanan - whom Jehovah gave
Jehoiachin - whom Jehovah has appointed
Jehoiada - Jehovah knows
Jehoiarib - whom Jehovah defends
Jehoram - whom Jehovah has exalted
Jehoshaphat - whom Jehovah judges
JEHOVAH - I AM; The Eternal Living One
Jehovah-jireh - Jehovah will provide
Jehovah-nissi - Jehovah my banner
Jehovah-shalom - Jehovah is peace
Jehozadak - Jehovah justifies
Jehu - the living
Jehubbah - protected
Jehush - to whom God hastens
Jeiel - treasured of God
Jekameam - who gathers the people together
Jemima -- dove
Jemuel - day of God
Jephthah - whom God sets free
Jephunneh - for whom a way is prepared, father of Caleb
Jerahmeel - mercy of God
Jeremiah - whom Jehovah has appointed
Jericho - place of fragrance
Jerijah - people of Jehovah
Jeroham - cherished
Jerusalem - the habitation of peace
Jeshaiah - salvation of Jehovah
Jesharelah - right before God
Jesher - uprightness
Jeshua - a savior
Jeshurun - supremely happy 
Jesimiel - whom God makes
Jezebel - chaste
Jezeniah - whom Jehovah hears
Jeziah - whom Jehovah expiates
Jezliah - whom God will preserve
Jezrahiah - produced by Jehovah
Jezreel - seed of God
Joab - whose father is Jehovah
Joanna - gift of God
Joash - to whom Jehovah hastens
Job - persecuted
Jochebed - whose glory is Jehovah
Joed - for whom Jehovah is witness
Joha - Jehovah gives life
Joiada - whom Jehovah favors
Jonadab - whom Jehovah impels
Jonah - dove
Jonathan - gift of Jehovah
Joppa - beauty
Jorai - whom Jehovah teaches
Joram - whom Jehovah has exalted
Josedech - whom Jehovah makes just
Joseph - increase
Joshua - whose help is Jehovah, savior
Josiah - whom Jehovah heals
Josibiah - to whom God gives a dwelling
Josiphiah - whom Jehovah will increase
Jotham - Jehovah is upright
Jozabad - Jehovah justifies
Jozachar - whom Jehovah has remembered
Judah - praised, celebrated
Jushabhesed - whose love is returned 

Bible Names (G-H)

Gabriel - man of God

Gaddiel - fortune of God
Gahar - hiding place
Gamaliel - recompense of God
Gemariah - perfected by Jehovah

Haahashtari - the courier
Habajah - whom Jehovah hides
Habakkuk - embrace
Habaziniah - light of Jehovah
Hachahaliah - whom Jehovah enlightens, father of Nehemiah
Hachmoni - wise
Hadassah - myrtle, Eshter's original name
Hadlai - rest of God
Haggai - festive
Haman - magnificent, he thought he was
Hamuel - wrath of God
Hanameel - whom God graciously gave
Hanan - merciful
Hanani - gracious
Hananiah - gift of God
Hannah - grace
Hanniel - the favor of God
Hanun - favored
Harhaiah - the Lord is angry
Hasadiah - loved by Jehovah
Hashabiah - whom God regards
Hazael - whom God sees
Haziel - vision of God
Heman - faithful
Hemdan - pleasant
Hesed - kindness
Hezekiah - the might of Jehovah
Hiddai - for the rejoicing of Jehovah
Hiel - God liveth
Hilkiah - God is my portion
Hizkiah - might of Jehovah
Hodaiah - praise ye Jehovah
Hodiah - majesty of Jehovah
Hoham - whom Jehovah impels
Hosanna - save now
Hosea - salvation
Hoshaiah - whom Jehovah aids
Hoshama - whom Jehovah hears

Bible Names (C-E)

Caleb - capable
Chenaniah - established in the Lord
Clement - merciful
Colhozeh - all-seeing

Dalaiah - freed by Jehovah
Dan - a judge
Daniel - judgment of God
Darda - pearl of wisdom
David - well-beloved
Devil - slanderer
Drusilla - watered by the dew

Ebedmelech - a king's servant
Ebenezer - stone of help
Eden - pleasure
Eladah - whom God has put on
Elam - eternity
Elasah - whom God made
Eldad - favored by God
Eleazar - help of God
EleloheIsrael - God, the God of Israel
Elhanan - the grace of God
Eliab - God is my father
Eliada - known by God
Eliah - my God is Jehovah
Eliahba - whom God hides
Eliakim - raised up by God
Eliashib - whom God restores
Eliathah - to whom God comes
Elidad - whom God loves
Eliel - to whom God is strength
Elienai - my eyes are toward God
Eliezer - God is his help
Elihoreph - God is his reward
Elihu - whose God is Jehovah
Elijah - my God is Jehovah
Elimelech - my God is king
Eliphal - whom God judges
Eliphalet - the God of deliverance
Eliphaz - God is his strength
Elipheleh - whom God makes distinguished
Elisha - God is salvation
Elishama - whom God hears
Elisheba - God is her oath
Eliud - God his praise
Elizaphan - whom God protects
Elkanah - God-provided
Elkosh - God my bow - Nahum's birthplace
Elnaam - God his delight
Elnathan - God has given
Eltekeh - God its fear
Eltekon - God its foundation
Eltolad - God's kindred
Eluzai - God is my praise
Elzabad - whom God has given
Enoch - dedicated
Enrimmon - fount of the pomegranate
Epenetus - praiseworthy 
Epaphras - lovely
Epaphroditus - lovely
Ephraim - double fruitfulness
Er - watchful
Erastus - beloved
Esarhaddon - victor
Eschol - cluster of grapes
Esther - a star
Ethan - enduring
Eunice - good victory
Euodias - fragrant
Eutychus - fortunate
Ezekiel - the strength of God
Ezer - treasure
Ezra - help
Ezri - help of Jehovah

Bible Names (B)

Baaseiah - work of Jehovah
Bakbakkar - admirable
Barachel - God has blessed
Barak - lightning
Barnabas - son of consolation
Bashan - fruitful
Bashemath - fragrant, pleasing
Bealiah - Jehovah is Lord
Beeliada - the Lord knows
Beerlahairoi - a well of the living
Benaiah - made by the Lord
Benjamin - son of the right hand, fortunate
Berachiah - blessed of Jehovah
Beraiah - created by Jehovah
Besodeiah - in the secret of the Lord
Bethesda - house of mercy
Bethuel - dweller in God
Bezaleel - in the shadow of God
Bigtha - gift of God
Boaz - fleetness

Discover the precious hidden messages in Bible names as you read the holy scriptures.

Bible Names (A)

Aaron - a teacher
Abagtha - God given
Abdiel - the servant of God
Abel - breath, vapor
Abiezer - helpful
Abigail - source of joy
Abihail - possessing strength
Abihu - God is my Father
Abijah - my Father is Jehovah
Abraham - father of a multitude
Achan - troubler
Adaiah - adorned by Jehovah
Adam - red earth
Adlai - justice of Jehovah
Admatha - given by the Highest
Adonijah - my Lord is Jehovah
Abasai - whom Jehovah holds
Abasbai - blooming
Ahasuerus - lion king
Ahaziah - sustained by the Lord
Ahijah - friend of Jehovah
Ahiezer - brother of help
Ahinoam - brother of grace
Ahitub - brother of goodness
Amasiah - whom Jehovah bears
Ammishaddai - people of the Almighty
Anaiah - whom Jehovah answers
Anani - whom Jehovah protects
Ananias - whom Jehovah has graciously given
Anna - grace
Antothijah - answers of Jehovah
Aphiah - refreshed
Ariel - lion of God
Asahel - made by God
Asahiah - the Lord hath made
Asarelah - upright toward God
Asher - blessed
Athaiah - whom Jehovah made
Athaliah - afflicted of the Lord
Azaliah - whom the Lord reserved
Azaniah - whom the Lord hears
Azareel - whom the Lord helps
Azariah - whom the Lord helps, Abednego in the fiery furnace
Azaziah - whom the Lord strengthens
Aziel - whom God comforts
Azriel - whom God helps
Azrikam - help against the enemy
Azzur - he that assists

Discover the precious hidden messages in Bible names as you read the holy scriptures.