Friday, April 18, 2014

Emmanuel's Atonement 5

The Law and Justice of God demands a perfect Righteousness. Divine Justice demands that God's Law should be kept perfectly, and Christ's Perfect Obedience and Atoning Blood is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth on Jesus. The Law cannot find fault with Jesus Christ the Righteous.  The Law can show you what's wrong with you, but it can't save you.  Christ Jesus is the sinner's Substitute, He knew no sin, and He puts His robe of Righteousness upon us, and washes us in His Blood. All our past and future sin is gone. He bore the penalty of our sins, and He endured the wrath of God we ought to have endured because of our rebellion against God.

Upon Calvary's Cross the ransom price for human sin was fully paid, and a complete Atonement was made with the innocent life of the Lamb of God.   No other hope have I, except in the atoning Substitution of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus suffered in my place, the Just for the unjust, the Good for the bad.  Your sins deserve hell fire.  Fix your heart's eye on the person of Jesus, view His sinless work on earth, contemplate His holy life and atoning bloody death for sinners like you.  Meditate upon His great bleeding Love, His dying and living Love. Trust in Jesus, let the Lamb of God be the light and comfort of your soul.

Justice is now eternally satisfied with Jesus' Precious Blood. Jesus atoned for all our guilt. The Great Sufferer and Atoner died for me. Jesus' sufferings are enough to propitiate all the wrath of God. Come to Jesus, and Rest your soul entirely on His atoning sacrifice - this is the sure way to life eternal. The great High Priest made a full Atonement for my sins with His own blood. The moment you trust Jesus Christ you are fully pardoned through the love of God and His Precious Blood. You will have God for your Father and Friend, your sins will be laid on Jesus, they will be paid for, gone forever.  You will be saved and completely and and you will be irreversibly forgiven. Rest your guilty soul at the foot of the Cross where Atonement was made for human sin. Simply trust to the Great Atoner and Mediator.

You are sinful; you need a Substitute and Sacrifice to pay for your sins. Your finest works are all defiled with your self-righteous pride. You prefer your way to God's way, you prefer your righteousness to God's Righteousness, and the wrath of God abides on you. *John 3:36* Salvation is only by faith and free favor, through the Bloody Sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord. Only trust Him for time and Eternity, rely upon Him, let Him be all your hope and salvation. The Atonement is complete and finished by Jesus Christ once and for all.

The lost need a Savior. The disease of sin is very bad, and we need the matchless Medicine of the Precious Blood. We are so hopelessly lost that Omnipotence had to step in to effect our rescue. Our ruin was so terrible to the last degree, that God Himself had to come in human flesh and make Atonement for human guilt by His own substitutionary death upon Calvary's Cross. The disease of Sin is desperate. The more you value the Savior, the more terrible and horrible your sins will be to you. Cling to this priceless truth - "Christ died for the ungodly." God Himself offered Atonement on the bloody tree for sin against Himself. Dependence, reliance, leaning upon the Friend of sinners, because you have ceased to rely on yourself.

Be wise now - Go directly to Jesus and trust Him. He is Able to save to the uttermost. Think of Him more than you have done, pray to Him more, use His name in your supplications. Serve Him better, seek His likeness in all things. No man alive can live the Christian life in his own strength. We must go to Jesus personally and continually and ask Him for His grace to live the life He has asked us to live in the Scriptures. No one but you can get this Grace for your own soul. None can keep alive his own soul. Go directly to Jesus for grace to help. Get nearer to Christ. Hear Christ's still small voice in the Bible, ask Him more and more faith. He is Worthy.