Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Lamb of God

In Mulheim, Germany there’s a church that has a beautiful lamb carved into the stone above the entryway.  The story behind 'The Stone Lamb' is this:  One day, years ago, there was a stonecutter busy repairing the roof of the church; he had to sit in a basket fastened by a rope as he worked.  He was working diligently when suddenly the rope, which held the basket, gave way, and he fell down, down from the great height to the ground below.  Of course, everyone who saw the dreadful accident expected the man to be killed instantly, because the ground was covered with sharp stones, which the workmen were using for building.  But to everyone’s astonishment, the man rose from the ground and stood up uninjured.

And this was how it happened:  There was a flock of sheep that day that had wandered up to the side of the church, underneath where the man was working.  The sheep were grazing on the green grass beside the church.  As the man was falling, one of the little lambs in the flock broke the man’s fall.  The lamb saved his life; the man escaped with just a scare, and with not so much as a finger broken.  But the poor lamb was killed by the heavy fall upon it.  So the man, out of pure gratitude for that lamb, went and carved a stone lamb above the doorpost of the church.  He did this as a lasting memento of his escape from so fearful a death, and of what he owed to that poor lamb.

This is just what Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God, did for us.  We are all headed directly for God’s wrath and hell, not because God did anything wrong, but because we done everything wrong.  Jesus went to Calvary, He suffered, He took the fall for us, He was crushed down with the heavy weight of our sin’s guilt, He suffered on the Cross what we should have suffered.  No matter what you have done in the past, Christ paid for all your sins. *Isaiah 1:18*

Christ’s blood is Perfect Blood.  The blood that flowed through Jesus’ veins was the perfect sinless blood of God. *Acts 20:28* His blood was pure and innocent blood. *Matthew 27:4* Every person that has ever been born has sinned, but not Jesus.  When Jesus died on the Cross, He was completely innocent.  He never said, “Father, forgive me.”  He never sinned one time in His whole life. *Hebrews 4:15*  Jesus’ blood was perfect blood. *II Corinthians 5:21* In the Old Testament, the blood of a spotless lamb was spilt to atone for a man's sin debt.  It was a covering for them each year, but the blood of animals was only a temporary sacrifice.

Christ’s blood is Powerful Blood.  “it cleanseth us”  *I John 1:7* Every other person’s blood is tainted with sin.  The blood of Jesus justifies sinners. *Romans 5:9  There is soul-saving power in God’s blood.  Sin is the breaking of God’s law, and a breaking of God’s law demands an eternal penalty – eternal death and separation from God.  All of us have broken God’s law, so all of us have to pay the eternal death penalty for our sins.  We are all under the penalty of God’s law.  God’s wrath abides upon all sinners. *John 3:36*  We are condemned already and worthy of death.  So every man has a choice, either receive and trust Christ’s payment for our sin, or suffer God’s wrath in hell-fire for your sin.  You must pay, or you can let Christ pay.  Jesus loved you to death on purpose.  Jesus loved you only because He loved you, not because there is anything good in you.

It’s just that simple:  You must either trust a 'perfect blood atonement' for your sin, or you will have to suffer God’s wrath forever and ever. God solved man’s sin problem when He sent His only begotten Son to die in our place on Calvary's Cross.  You don’t have to eternally suffer for your sins, you don’t have to suffer God’s wrath.  Christ was your Substitute.  You have sinned, you are guilty under God’s law, and you will have to suffer God’s wrath, UNLESS you trust Christ’s payment for your sins. This doesn’t mean your remorse, good works, water baptism, or other religious observances. Carefully examine who you are trusting - don't just trust in the form of religion, and deny the saving power of God's Blood.

The Pure Blood of a spotless lamb is what your soul needs.  God’s says to you, “When I seen My Blood, I will pass over you.”  God is looking for His blood on your soul.  If God does not see His Blood on your soul at the Judgment, you will eternally pay for your sins, when you didn't have to.  There is only one way for you to go to Heaven. *John 14:6* And that is through FAITH IN GOD’S BLOOD. *Romans 3:25* God Incarnate and His Precious Blood is your only hope of Heaven.

Christ’s blood is Precious Blood:  “His blood cleanseth us from all sin” If you are partially clean, you are totally dirty in God’s sight.  You may say, “Well, I’m not that bad.” But, if you have sinned only one time in your whole life, you are disqualified from God’s heaven.  You need to be washed completely clean in God’s precious blood. *Revelation 1:5* Christ’s blood must redeem you from sin, Satan, the curse of God’s law on you, and the wrath to come. *I Peter 1:18-19* Precious means “valuable.”  Value is determined by supply and demand.

Christ’s blood is the only remedy for every man’s sin.  Every man has sinned and missed God’s mark of perfect holiness. *Romans 3:23*  The blood of God is the only way we can go to Heaven.  Behold the Lamb of God which taketh the sin of the world. *John 1:29*  Right before Jesus died on the Cross, He cried out, “It is finished.”  Sin is now paid in full, all a man needs to be reconciled to God has been completely finished by Christ alone.  All we have to do is trust what Christ Jesus did for us.  God doesn’t need our help. We must only believe and trust in God’s dear Son.

How do you get Christ’s blood to cover your sin?  Well, you first have to realize your need and danger, you have a terminal disease, and you could die in your sins anyday.  You must recognize and acknowledge your sinfulness to God.  You have rejected and neglected Christ time and time again.  The wages of sin is eternal death. *Romans 6:23*  Christ is the only answer for your soul’s need.  This is not doing good works, or being baptized, trying to better yourself, or joining a church.  No, this is trusting in Christ’s payment for your sins; it is Christ’s payment for your sins alone that will get you to Heaven.

You must trust Christ’s payment for human sin (Atonement) to go to God's Heaven.  Do you want to go to Heaven? You can. But you have to receive Christ and His payment freely.  The only religion in the world where blood flows from God to sinners is Biblical Christianity.  In every other religion, sinners have to work and shed their blood, sweat, and tears so 'maybe' they will meet up to their god’s standards, but they never will.  The world's religions are all about bondage, religion keeps poor sinners coming back with their time or money through guilt, shame, and fear.  But you must say, “I do!” to Christ.  Only trust Him.

Realize your need, admit the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven.  Accept His payment for your sins, Receive Him as your personal Savior, Trust in God’s blood alone.  God manifest in the flesh, Jesus Christ, bore your sins and shed God’s blood especially for you, so you could have eternal life.  You are falling toward death today, trust in the Lamb of God alone, He will break your fall and save your soul from the hell you deserve. *Romans 10:13; I Peter 2:7; Rev 5:12* Christ Jesus the Lord is the Precious Lamb of God.