Monday, July 22, 2013

Just be a Nobody 1

Jesus made Himself of no reputation. So if you want to be like Jesus, you must become a nobody. *Philippians 2:7* Be willing to be nobody, to be nothing but what Jesus wants you to be. We shall never be anything until we are willing to be nothing. Be perfectly content to be a nobody. God only uses nobodies that realize they are nothing. *Galatians 6:3* He who must be Somebody shall be nothing. Human nature wants to be Somebody; it wants to do something, or be something, to strut, to be noticed, and show off.  Be nothing, and let Christ be Everything.

Put yourself down, and put Jesus Christ first. God is Everything, man is nothing; God is the Great Creator, man is a sinful wretch. Realize your own nothingness, and be conscious of the greatness of God. Christ, He is everything, He is Perfection. Acknowledge that you're a wretched, bankrupt beggar in abject poverty and in dire need of the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ. Communion with Christ will make a man quit his sinning, or else a man's sinning will make him quit his communing with Christ. Bless Jesus for who He is, and for all that He does for sinners. Love Jesus best. Just shrink into nothingness. *John 3:30*

Keep to this one point — “I am nothing: Christ Jesus is Everything. I am sin: He is my Righteousness. I am death: He is my Life. I am empty in myself, but full in Him; weak in myself, but strong in Him. I look to Him for everything. I trust not in my doings, or feelings, or attainments, but I simply rely on JESUS only.” God is looking for nothings and nobodies that He can use in His vineyard today.

A man cannot delight in sin while he walks with Christ. Plead with God for mercy through Jesus' Atoning Blood. For the next 24 hours at least, just try to leave off thinking about yourself, and think only of Christ, and you will encounter a struggle and conflict. Have done with self, cast all your cares upon Christ.  I'm a poor sinner, and nothing at all, but Jesus Christ is my All in All. Make Christ your Substitute and your King, a Christ to trust and to obey.  I am nothing, but Christ is everything; a mass of sin in myself, but nevertheless accepted in the Beloved. Seek the glory of God, to be Christ-like, to increase His kingdom. Seek not your own greatness, but labor to make Jesus great, and you will live. Have nothing, and you shall have all things. Try to be something, and you shall be nothing. Be dead to everything, but Christ's glory and service. *Psalm 39:5*

Come to Christ as nothing. Be nothing and Christ will be everything to you. Cease to believe in your own merits for you have none, put away all trust in yourself. *Luke 1:53* You must be nothing and nobody before Christ Jesus will ever help you. Be nothing but God's go-between. A ship's captain may carry a rich cargo, but he doesn't own a penny of all the cargo onboard. Christ liveth in me. Realize your poverty, sinfulness, pollution, emptiness, and nothingness. Come on to the Cross, and shrink to nothing there before the Lamb of God.

Know your own nothingness, and see the Savior's Greatness. *John 6:63* Outward appearance is everything with men, but nothing with God. This is true ambition - to be more and more subservient to Christ's divine will. This is true gain - to be nothing for Christ's sake. When a soul gets near to Jesus, it perceives Christ's Perfection, and becomes conscious of its own imperfection; the soul sees Christ's glory, and becomes aware of its own nothingness. The soul sees Christ's love, and its selfishness.

A man gets to feeling that he is something when others honor him; this is dangerous and deceptive thinking. A man will never truly believe in Jesus till he knows himself to be nothing. As long as a man has anything to boast of, there is no Christ for him, but the moment he has nothing of his own, Christ is his. When you are nothing, Christ is Everything. Have you anything of your own to boast of? Have you done anything that you can bring before God and claim as your own?

The Holy Spirit makes us sensible of our emptiness, poverty, and conscious of misery, He leads us to groaning and sighing over our sin and points us to the Crucified Creator. To be nothing and to accept Christ as everything, this is only worked in us by the Holy Ghost. *John 15:5* We must acknowledge our wisdom to be nothing, and our ignorance to be all. Your weakness is your strength, your strength is your weakness. Be nothing, for only then can you be anything. Follow Christ, not the crowd.

Grow downward into Humility. It is so hard to grow down spiritually. Seek to grow as trees grow downward into the soil with their roots; pray to grow downward; learn more of your nothingness, and be rooted in humility. *Colossians 2:7* We must get a deeper sense of our own nothingness and unworthiness, and a higher sense of Christ's fullness and goodness. The nearer we get to Jesus, the smaller self will be. Self and Christ can never be close together. Read the Scriptures more, seek the influence of the Holy Spirit, spend more time in worship, adore the Savior, admire His mercy, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a fresh sight of Calvary's Lamb.

Live with Jesus, desire to be near to Him. Jesus must be everything, or He will be nothing. Leave off doing, and let Christ do all for you. Christ died for sinners, cast yourself wholly upon Him. Jesus is intrinsically Good. *Philippians 2:3* You must be saved wholly by mercy, or else not at all. Don't think, say, or do things which are offensive to God. Be content to be a nothing. Help the helpless, care for those who cannot repay you. Thoroughly give up your self-righteousness. God wants not our power, but our weakness; not our greatness, but our nothingness.

Come to Jesus' feet in all your emptiness, need, and loathsomeness. Take the Lord Jesus Christ to be everything to you. Believe in Christ Crucified, accepting His finished salvation, being nothing, and letting Him be everything, doing nothing, but trusting to what He has done. Glad to be nothing, to be last, as long as I have communion with my Lord and Savior. Quit sin and self by a determined resolve. Take Christ to be everything you need. *Romans 12:3* Bring nothing to the Savior but your nothingness. Plead your emptiness. Jesus hears the sinner's cry who is groaning and sighing over his sins. God looks for emptiness to show His grace.

The Gospel set Jesus up high, and puts men down low. The Gospel says, you must be nothing, and Jesus must be everything. The Gospel says that you must give up the idol god that you have concocted in your own thoughts. You must give up your sins, the world, and Jesus must be your Master, not your own will. You must take up your cross of self-denial and reproach and follow Jesus without the camp, and leave the world's religion and lusts. Be no longer conformed to this world, you can't fit in anymore, you must refuse to conform to this world's vanities, customs, rudiments and sins. If you want to sense your nothingness, just try to do some work for Jesus, and you will feel how utterly powerless you are apart from the living God. *I Corinthians 3:7*

John Newton said, "Young Christians think themselves to be little; growing Christians think themselves to be nothing; full-grown Christians think themselves less than nothing." As we grow up, we grow down. As Christ increases, we decrease. We must learn to depend on Jesus for all things, and on self for nothing. See the rottenness and emptiness of all human merit. Lord Jesus, please humble me, bring me down, teach me those things that will make me abhor myself, show me my nothingness, teach me my emptiness and unworthiness, reveal to me my filthiness, don't let me wander away from You. Your only qualification is your emptiness. *I Corinthians 3:18* The leaving of your needy soul in the hands of Jesus is the very essence of Faith. Faith is receiving Christ into your emptiness. Cease to stand by your own strength, lean your whole weight upon the Cross. Forsake the hollowness of sinful pleasure and the emptiness of worldly vanity.

Oh to be nothing, and just lie down at Jesus' feet. Christ is everything to me at all times. There is everything in Christ that you need. Turn your attention wholly to Jesus Christ. Rest wholly and alone on Christ. Stay yourself wholly upon the Rock. Look entirely to Christ. Jesus came to save sinners; let Him save you. Believe in Jesus immediately. Leave yourself in His hands, and He will save you. It is His business to save sinners, not yours. Trusting wholly to Christ Crucified, resting in His Precious Blood, daily seeking His presence and smile. Helplessly dependent on Christ Jesus - that is all. Christ is Everything - take Him, trust Him.

Be a diligent reader and student of the word of God. Give yourself wholly to divine truth. Wholly and entirely Christ's forever. Depend upon His blood for cleansing, His Righteousness for clothing, His death to be the death of your sins, and His life to be your life unto God. Lean hard on Christ with all your soul. *Proverbs 26:12* Don't try to hold yourself up, throw yourself right on Him, let Him bear the whole weight of your being. Trust Him and you have everlasting life. Saving faith is trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ - trusting Him truly, solely, constantly, trusting Him now. Bow down before God, and feel your own nothingness. *Ephesians 3:8*

If you have nothing, Christ has Everything. You are by nature without anything, and God by the Holy Spirit must teach you your nothingness. Learn your own nothingness by contemplating God's greatness. Christ must be All, and you must be nothing at all. Christ is the Foundation, and we repose on Him. *II Corinthians 3:5* Depend wholly upon the Holy Spirit, keep close to the truth. Jesus is the Christ, sent from God to save sinners, trust Him alone. Give yourself to the glory of God and thanksgiving; yield yourself to Christ's guidance, ask for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit carefully and believingly. Depart from evil, abhor that which is evil, and abstain from all appearance of evil. Accept Christ's Righteousness, adore Him, trust in HIs infinite compassion. I take the Lord Jesus Christ to be everything to me.

God's terms of grace are that you are nothing, and Christ is Everything. Your nothingness can never help Christ. Leave the emptiness and worthlessness of the pleasures of sin. Admit your fickleness and nothingness. *Luke 18:11* You are only asked to do nothing, and to be nothing. Cease from yourself, and begin with God in Christ. Leave off now to do, and feel, and be, and come and trust in Jesus who did, and was, and felt for you. To live to Christ, you must first die to your self-righteousness. Believe Christ; trust His Blood; take Him to be Everything, and your soul is safe forever, your sins are washed away; you are an heir of God.

You can do nothing and be nothing, unless God makes you something and enables you to do something in His cause. So you have nothing to be proud of at all - To God be all the glory - Great things He hath done, not you. Rely more and more upon Christ. Come to be nothing in all your esteem, just vanish away into Christ. This is the one way of life - acknowledge yourself to be nothing, and take Christ to be Everything. The simple act of faith in Jesus' Blood, take Christ to be your Righteousness.

You must be saved wholly by Mercy, or else not at all. Christ is Everything, and every sinner is nothing. Only the Holy Spirit can apply the Precious Blood of Jesus to your soul. None can keep alive his own soul. Realize your nothingness in the presence of God. Nothing to say, nothing to claim, nothing to boast of, but Christ Jesus my Lord. Just be a nobody and try to tell everybody about Somebody who died for sinners. Make this your place till you die - you nothing, and Christ Jesus the Lord Everything.