Sunday, July 7, 2013

Plain and Simple 5

The main reason men don’t like the Bible is because the Bible tells men when they are wrong, and men don’t like to hear that. A man doesn’t like to know he is wrong, unless he wants to be right. Sinners want to be what they are, and what they want to be; they want to do what they want to do, and do it when they want to do it. That’s how a sinner thinks. A sinner wants his way, not God’s way.

All the religions of the world are different from the Bible. Human nature says, "Be your own Savior." That way of thinking is of the devil. If you could work your way to heaven, you would boast about it when you got there.  The Lamb of God is all the glory of Immanuel's land.  Human nature says, "I don’t know about salvation being free, I had a bad habit one time, and I quit it; I did this and done that, I joined a good church too, and I’ve been working at it the best way I know how."  Now understand - You can only be saved by grace though faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. As long as you think you can partly save yourself, you will never be saved, forgiven and born again. You can’t earn salvation or help pay for it; self-righteousness is a deadly thing.

When you were born the first time, you had nothing to do with it. Likewise, you have nothing to do with your Second Birth except receiving Christ Himself by faith. Jesus does all the saving. Salvation is always a personal matter, for you must give a personal account to God. An individual will either reject or receive Jesus Christ. Salvation is free; it’s yours for the asking. God will only offer you His salvation freely for Christ’s sake. Genuine faith reaches out her empty hand and takes Christ freely. Prove you are saved by your works; prove the sincerity of your love. *I John 5:12* Christianity is Christ, and Christ is Christianity. *Romans 6:23; John 1:12; John 6:37* If you receive Christ, you have Him forever. Feeling is only mentioned twice in the Bible, and feeling is never mentioned in reference to salvation. Always check yourself by the Bible.

The depravity of man nailed Jesus Christ to the Cross. Man is naturally bad, and Jesus is divinely good. Every time the world claps its hand, the blood of Calvary spatters all over the place. Jesus Christ was the Light of the world, and men love darkness rather than Light, because their deeds are evil. The human race has on its hands the blood of Jesus Christ. Every man is naturally a sinner. Jesus never did wrong, He never sinned, but He died for sinners. There’s no middle ground to right and wrong.

The one and only answer for the wicked human heart is the shed blood of Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh.  It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment; death is inescapable; prepare to meet God by trusting to the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.  *I Timothy 2:5-6*

God Almighty is always keeping books. The average man thinks that if his good outweighs his bad, he’ll make it past the Great White Throne Judgment. God forgives a sinner on the perfect basis of the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself paid the sinner’s sin debt. No man goes to heaven because he is good, he only goes to Heaven because God Incarnate was a sinless man who laid down His life for bad men.  Never trust yourself; trust Christ alone. Turn over your case to Jesus Christ, put my soul in His hands for safekeeping. He that believeth on the Son of God hath everlasting life. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. If you trusting anything besides Jesus Christ, your soul is in imminent peril. There’s only one plan of Salvation, and baptism doesn’t help save you from sin. *Acts 4:12*

What do you have against Jesus Christ?  Is it because you love sin, and He is Righteousness?  If you sincerely love the truth, you will soon find Jesus Christ, for He is the Truth Incarnate. *John 14:6* You will never come to the Lord Jesus Christ, until you have come to yourself and see how despicable you are in the sight of God.  The internal combustion engine could not exist without Henry Ford.  Likewise the creation could not exist without the Creator.  Atheism deifies man; the Bible deifies Christ Jesus.  Atheism plus political power is not a good combination - it results in hell on earth.  Atheism evicts God and makes you a god determining what is truth and falsehood.  Love always lays conditions on us so it can grow and prosper.  You can never experience love if you never abide by its rules.

The love of sin is a self-destructive path that leads to the lake of fire.  Sin says to God, "I want it my way, not yours."  Sin is the transgression of the law. Sin is a violation of the laws that God gave us to benefit us and keep us safe.  Sin transgresses what is intended for your own good - the commandments of God.  If  the sin disease is incorrectly diagnosed, the cure for sin becomes convoluted and very hard to follow.  The main reason the religionist has so many rules is because he cannot keep the Ten Commandments by God's grace.

There’s one thing for sure - you cannot deceive God. You cannot dodge and duck God. You want a square deal; you want to be treated right, but you refuse to treat God right. Man is not looking for God; man is hungry for something in his heart, but not God, he is trying to hide from God. Your sins have separated you from God. Sinners don’t love God – they love sin and the pleasures of this world.

The eternal destiny of your soul hangs upon what you do with Jesus Christ.  Don't go to sleep tonight if there is anything between you and God.  Settle things with God as soon as possible.  Human nature says, "I have too much to give up, what will others think about me, I can’t be saved now, maybe later." Only Jesus can save unworthy sinners, sinners cannot save themselves, sinners can be saved if they will simply Jesus Christ’s shed blood. Go directly to the gettin’ place – go to the Cross. Simply turn yourself over to Jesus and let Him save your soul.

Your worst nightmare would be entering Eternity without Jesus Christ. It is high time for you to prepare for Eternity. Look to Jesus by faith now; Turn your back on your sins.  Receive Salvation from Christ freely now by faith, and then serve Him out of gratitude because you are already saved from sin and Hell. To say yes to Jesus Christ means eternal life, to say no to Him means eternal death. You have a chance now to trust Christ. Don’t throw it away. Take Jesus; I hope you’ll trust Him right now.  Ask God for saving faith. *Ephesians 2:8-9*