Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Genuine Faith 6

Just face it, you can’t do anything for yourself spiritually, because you are dead in trespasses and sins. Your sinful appetites and passions rule you, and will soon damn your soul to a devil’s hell. You are currently in the grip of sin, it may be drink, drugs, pornography, uncleanness, self-righteousness, or it may be something else, but you are in the death-grip of sin. Sin has got you by the throat.

Men are all just alike, under the skin down in the soul, every man is just alike.  You’ve tried to quit this and that. You’ve said to yourself time and time again, “I’m not going to do that thing ever again, this is the last time.” But it wasn’t. You promised yourself or someone else, that you’d never do it again. But you did. You’ve fallen a thousand times, broken every one of God’s commandments (James 2:10), rejected God’s Son, and made a mess out of things. You have the devil in your blood; the works of the devil dominate your thoughts, words and deeds. By nature, you’re a child of disobedience and are abiding under the wrath of God (John 3:36).  There’s a solution for any problem in your life – at the feet of Jesus Christ. Sins forgiven, new nature, wisdom, help for daily needs are all found at the Cross. I John 5:12

You have fallen into the deep ditch of sin, and you can’t get out on your on. You are a sinful creature which has shown ill will, spite and hatred toward your Maker.  What you need is a divine miracle in your life. Jesus can make you fit for Heaven only through childlike faith in His Blood and Righteousness. You’re not fit to live on earth, but Christ Jesus can make you good enough to live in Heaven. You can’t do this, but He can do it. All your sins can be blotted out in a moment, if you simply turn your back on yourself, and trust to Jesus Christ’s Precious Blood. The moral standards of sinful mankind is flawed; Jesus Christ is God's Standard. You were born wrong, but you can be born again by the power of the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost Himself must convince you and convert you to Christ Jesus, or you will remain in your sins forever.

In your heart you know what is right, you now what you ought to do, you shouldn’t go on rejecting Christ. The price for sin is way too high for you to pay. When you reject Jesus Christ, you put His blood on your hands. The only Person that can do anything for your soul is Jesus Christ Himself, God manifest in the flesh. If you have Jesus Christ, you are prepared for the inevitable; if you don't have Jesus Christ; you're in a flat-footed mess.  Let Jesus Christ have your soul; He can save it from sin, you can’t.  Genuine faith pins all its hope on the blood and cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, God Incarnate.

Everybody talking about heaven is not going to Heaven. Jesus Christ was the Eternal God in human flesh. He died on the Cross to save sinners. The best-established fact in human history is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Bible is the word of God, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and if you receive Him you’re saved, and if you reject Him you’re lost. If you soul is not washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, you are presently lost.

All the religions of the world tell men to try to save themselves. Human nature says, “Do something to save yourself.”  Every man you meet is trying to do something in the hope of somehow he might go to heaven one day when he dies. He thinks there might be a heaven, and he is afraid there is a hell.  All unregenerate men are trying to do something to make them themselves presentable to God. You can’t make yourself presentable to God. As long as you think you can bring something to God to gain his approval or win His favor, you’ll never be saved.

The atheistic evolutionist has formed and trusted in a god (a falsehood) called evolution that is not profitable. You think you're so smart, but you're not. God knows your motives, He knows your purpose, you can’t get away from God, you can’t get your thoughts away from Him. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. You usually end up doing what you think. Don't let darwin sell you a bill of goods and damn your soul to Hell.

You can't play the sin game and win. Every man that is ever played with sin has lost. Every man is looking for a leaning post. The atheist is leaning with all his weight on darwinism. The Christian is leaning with all his weight on Christ’s Blood. God is the only Person who can bring you happiness and contentment. Birds were made for the air, fish were made for the water, and souls were made for Christ. Unregenerate sinners try to be happy in this empty world, but they can’t. Every lost atheist is discontented and restless. Nothing short of Jesus Christ Himself will ever satisfy God. You're not here on this earth for long. Be sure to trust Jesus first. You have to be a Christian first to ever really understand any the Bible. Trust Christ's Blood with your whole heart; ask the Holy Spirit to make you born again within, and to help you hate your sins.

The atheistic evolutionist has formed and trusts in a god (a falsehood) called evolution that is not profitable. Every atheist is strutting through this life with a bad case of the "The Big Head." The atheist believes in darwin's words and winds up in Hell; the Christians trusts in Christ's words and winds up in heaven. Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." The reason an atheist can't see God is because he has a dirty heart, period

Don't let darwin or your professor sell you his bill of goods and damn your soul to Hell. You can't play the Sin game and win. Every man that is ever played with sin has lost. Every sinner in this world is weary and is looking for a leaning post. The atheist is leaning with all his weight on darwinism, science and technology. The Christian is leaning with all his weight on Christ’s Blood. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - that is a command from the God made you and died for you.

God is the only Person who can bring you happiness and contentment. Birds were made for the air, fish were made for the water, and souls were made for Christ. Unregenerate sinners try to be happy in this empty world, but they can’t. Every lost atheist is discontented and restless. Nothing short of Jesus Christ Himself will ever satisfy God or your guilty conscience. You're not here on this earth for long. Be sure to trust Jesus Christ first. You have to be a Christian first to ever really understand any of the Bible. Trust Christ's Blood with your whole heart.

When Jesus was on the Cross, He cried out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"  He was forsaken by God the Father, because He bore your sins; because He became Sin for you; because He was suffered the consequences due to your sins. If you want to go to Heaven, trust what Jesus did for you on the Cross.  If you want to go to Hell, just trust something else.  Did you get that?

Your Sins will take you farther than you want to go,
keep you longer that you want to stay,
and cost you far more than you want to pay.

Your "god" is the thing that’s first in your life. What is your god?  Civilization and culture may change a man’s idols, but unregenerate men always have an idol. You need to take Jesus Christ to be your God. The trouble with the religions of the world is they tell people to do, do, do; but they leave those people lost and helpless to do anything. You will find in Jesus Christ all your soul needs. You presently need the free forgiveness of sins. If you are weary and in need of the forgiveness of sins, go directly to Jesus.  It’s what you are inside that counts.

The Gospel is so simple that self-righteous miss it.  Sin-loving people want their religion complicated, so they can get themselves involved, so their self-righteousness can be part of their salvation.  God make Salvation simple in the Gospel so any poor sinner could be saved freely by grace through faith in the atoning blood of God manifest in the flesh, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Just come clean with God, be a straight shooter: Go directly to Jesus and tell Him you can’t do it, tell Him you’re no good at all; tell Him you don’t have will enough to quit you’re your sinning; tell Him you’ve failed and made a mess out of things, tell Jesus you’re a poor lost sinner bound by the chains of your sin, and that you’re unable to save yourself. Ask Jesus to have mercy on you and forgive you through faith in His shed blood.  O God, I can’t save myself, I’m a poor helpless sinner, lost and undone, I come to you Jesus for your free salvation.