Saturday, July 20, 2013

Substitution 1

The Gospel can be wrapped up in one word — Substitution.  The sum and substance of the Glorious Gospel of Christ is in that precious word - Substitution.  The Crucified Creator dying in the place of sinful men.  The Gospel is just this:  I deserve to be lost, ruined, and damned; and the only reason why I should not be damned is this, that Christ took my sins upon Himself and was punished in my place, and there is no need to execute a sentence twice for the same sin.  I cannot enter Heaven, unless I have a Perfect Righteousness; and I am absolutely certain that I shall never have a perfect Righteousness of my own, for I know that I sin every day; but Christ Jesus has a Perfect Righteousness, and He says, “There, take My Garment, put it on your naked soul; and you shall stand before God as if you were Me, and I will stand before God as if were you, the sinner; I will suffer in your place, and you shall be rewarded for My works which you did not do, but which I did for you. You will be saved from the wrath to come only for My sake.”

Christ Jesus, God Incarnate, stood in the deadly place of sinful rebels and suffered the consequences due to their sins which they had committed against God.  The scene is this: The prisoner is in the dock, he stands guilty before the judge and jury, he is about to be taken away to death; the guilty criminal deserves to die, for he has been a heinous villain. But before he is taken away, the judge asks whether there is any possible plan whereby the prisoner’s life can be spared. Up stands one who is Himself pure and perfect, and has known no sin, and by the allowance of the judge, for that is necessary, the Innocent One steps into the dock, and says, “Consider Me to be the prisoner; pass his sentence on Me, and let Me die in his place. Reckon the prisoner to be Myself. Reward him as if he had done My good deeds, and punish Me as if I had committed his sins.” The Savior said, “The sinner deserves to die; but let Me die in his place, and let him be clothed in My Righteousness.”