Saturday, February 27, 2016

Some Noble Attributes

* Remember and Retain God in your knowledge daily
* Humility, Deference, Forbearance, Integrity, Godly Sincerity, Honesty, Personal Private Purity, Truthfulness
* Thankfulness, Gratitude, Considerate of others, Merciful, Helpful
* Gentleness, Graciousness, Submissive, Sensible, Faithfulness
* Servant, Sympathetic, Kindly Mannered, Forgiving, Affable, Humble Thankfulness
* Diligence, Activity, Industrious, Thrifty, Generosity, Earnest care for others
* Prayerfulness, Watchfulness, Tenacity, Gracious Gratitude
* Acknowledgement of God the Father, Adoration of Jesus Christ, and Ascribing the glory to the Holy Ghost 
* Prayerful Dependence on the Holy Spirit (savour, unction, utterance); always ask the Holy Spirit to make all things you say and do alive.
* Live to the glory of God so that Christ Jesus Himself may have the preeminence in all things
* Hearty affection and gratitude towards the Savior for His Substitutionary Atoning Sacrifice for your personal sins satisfying the divine justice of God and securing your soul's eternal safety.
* Walking humbly with God, Acknowledging God's favor, Being thankful for all of God's blessings, Depending on God's grace, Behaving with purity, humility, and modesty among men.

Christ Jesus First, me last.