Friday, February 19, 2016

Christ or Darwin?

Evolutionists are likened to blind dogs wandering around on the interstate in the pitch black dark, howling about Darwin, almost getting hit by death continually, and only the tender mercies of God keep them in safety and life.  Evolutionists believe in Darwin.  Born Again Christians believe in Christ Jesus.  Be very careful who you believe in.  The Lord Jesus Christ will soon do with you what you have done with Him.

Life is short, Death is sure, Sin the curse, Christ's Precious Blood is the Cure.  Trust Christ, lose your sins; trust Darwin, lose your soul.  You live to gratify your own lusts, delight in defying God's laws, and reject His dear Son.  Sin has ruinous consequences. Acknowledge your sinfulness, own your guiltiness, God can see it all.  Don't try to patch a false righteousness of your own. Jesus Christ is never precious to anyone but real sinners.  Come along to Calvary, the vilest sinners are welcome to the Bleeding Creator.  Jesus gave Himself for your sins, not your merits.  You must first sense your emptiness.  You are thoroughly unworthy and deserve to go straight to hell.  Your past wickedness abundantly vindicates the eternal sentence of the Great Judge.

God knows all the sins of men. Every sin is committed in the very presence of God. Against Thee, Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy Sight. Sins are committed in the sight of God, from whose eyes nothing is hidden. The Lord can never forget your sins, all the sins of your past are before Him now. But He is still slow to anger, and waits to be gracious to you. The Lord God is great in power. If He willed it, you would be swept into Hell today. Your flippant tongue and lustful heart hates God, but He is still patiently bears with you.

Things that men call little sins are great and grievous evils to the Holy One of Israel. O do not the abominable thing which God hates, that is, don't reject God's Son's love and blood. God's Spirit is grieved with every idle word and every impure thought of yours. You have indulged in your sins and abused God's mercy.  Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Call now upon Jesus' name for mercy.  Lord God have mercy upon a miserable sinner like me for Jesus' sake.

You have a conscience. When you do wrong, you know it, and are troubled by it, you continue to violate your conscience until you defile and sear your conscience. You have yielded to temptations and your guilt has given you sleepless nights. You have felt the miserable feeling of shame and unrest that sinning brings. You try to stifle the inward alarm of conscience, and you have resisted the Spirit of God.

Rejecting Christ is THE mortal sin, the soul-damning sin of sins. Your road to Hell has been very difficult, but you mean to follow it all costs, and go over the barrier and wall of God's warnings right off into Hell. The way of transgressors is so hard. Evolution is a damnable delusion, and darwinism leads every atheist into his own final and fatal self-destruction.

If you were in God's place, could you bear to be treated as you have treated Him and His Son all these years? Would you be so patience with someone who blasphemed you and your son so cruelly?

Why risk losing everything?  Trust your soul to Jesus Christ before its everlasting too late.  Stop abusing God's goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering.  Repent of your sins, Look away from yourself and Believe ON the Crucified and Risen Savior now, and then begin to abhor and struggle against your inward evil and vile passions.  Christ is All. Begin to fight the good fight of faith against your sins.  Pray and ask God for more and more of His grace to resist your sinful inclinations and propensities.