Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hallelujah, What A Savior!

Man of Sorrows! what a name, for the Son of God who came; ruined sinners to reclaim.  Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned He stood; He sealed my Pardon with His Blood.  Guilty, vile, and helpless me; Spotless Lamb of God was He; "Full Atonement!" can it be?  Lifted up was He to die; "It is Finished!" was His cry; Now in Heav'n He's exalted high.  When He comes, my glorious King, all the ransomed home to bring, then anew this song I'll sing:  Hallelujah, What a Savior!

Every Christ-rejecting unsaved man is reprobate - he is totally unable by himself to make any sound spiritual judgment. The carnal mind is so warped by his sins that it cannot understand spiritual things (I Cor 2:14). By nature man is in outright rebellion against God, and he is a pure enemy of God every moment of the day (Romans 8:7). The Bible calls every man a sinner. Sin brings spiritual death and eternal separation from God. Man doesn't just sin from time to time, he is altogether and nothing but SIN. The unsaved man runs away from the true and living God (Jesus Christ) in his thinking, and would get rid of God altogether if he could. By nature all men are destitute wretches in love with their sinful habits. Sin has saturated him, and every part of his being is defiled with sin. His whole nature is warped and twisted and bent toward filthiness; his soul is slanted toward iniquity and headed toward hell.

But a holy God can still forgive a sinner today. God is absolute Holiness and perfect Justice. God's divine Justice demands that every human sin be punished. Every sin of yours deserves eternal punishment. Perfect Justice cannot pass over your sins. God demands pure Righteousness, and you must have His Righteousness in order to dwell in His presence. God's Righteousness is Jesus Christ (Romans 10:4). No unregenerated man can ever live with God. Holiness and sin cannot mix. Light and darkness cannot dwell together. When light in comes in, darkness is vanquished; and wherever Holiness is, sin is destroyed.

You must have a Sin-Bearer to take your sins upon Him and pay for them in your place. There's only one Remedy for your sins, and that's the Precious Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, shed on Calvary's Cross. God was manifest in human flesh, and died to pay for your sinful rebellion against God. The natural man is perfectly satisfied with his own efforts until the Holy Ghost shows him his sinfulness and imminent danger of Hell fire. The demands of God's Holiness are only met and satisfied in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ. The only way that any sinner can ever stand safely in the presence of a holy God that demands absolute Righteousness is to be clothed in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus Christ lived a Righteous life here on earth for you, He kept the Law in every particular, not one single sin was committed by Him in His whole life, He lived a life of perfect Righteousness. The moment any sinner stops trusting his own righteousness, and takes Christ's Righteousness alone to save Him, right then, God imputes Christ's Righteousness to that man's guilty soul. Blessed is the man unto whom God imputes Righteousness, without works.

How can God be just and then still forgive His enemies and not punish them? Only one way: the great Atonement of Jesus Christ on Calvary where He tasted death for every man; where He bore our sins in His own body on the tree. There on the Cross Jesus' soul was made an offering for all human sin. There Jesus poured out His soul unto Death and was made a Curse for us. God had to abandon His own dear Son on the Cross when He was made to be Sin for us. Get it once and for all, straight from the word of God - Ye must be born again, ye must be washed in the Blood, and ye must be clothed in the Righteousness of Jesus Christ.

You main trouble is S-I-N, the evil nature that is in you right now. God can only change what you think and do, by first changing what you are, on the inside. God must change you from a lover of sin to a hater of sin. Only the love of Christ can make you a despiser of sin and a lover of Holiness. God must give you a new nature within that loves His Son. Only God's Blood can save a lost, wicked sinner. You must be regenerated by the Holy Ghost - God's divine nature and life must be implanted into your sinful dead soul. When that happens, a warfare immediately begins within you, because there is now a new nature in you that loves Righteousness and Holiness (II Peter 1:4). When Christ's divine nature enters your soul, you will never be comfortable in sin any more.

If you are neglecting Jesus Christ, there's some sin in your life that you're not willing to give up. Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Believe that God means business in what He says, and turn from your evil ways. Repent of the wickedness of your heart; turn away from all efforts to save yourself. Face the fact that the thing that is really wrong with you is that your heart is sinful. Face up to it, and don't dodge it or squirm about it. God says the heart of every man is filthy with sin, and at enmity with God. Face up to the deadly condition of your heart. Realize there is nothing you can do to help save yourself. None of your works will avail. You are a dead soul due to your sins in the sight of God, spiritually dead, and everything you can possibly do is nothing but dead works. Turn away from any hope that you've ever entertained of being able to help save yourself and acknowledge your utter helplessness. Renounce all hope that there's any chance of you ever doing anything to correct your sinful condition by yourself, or make yourself acceptable to God, and in your helplessness, turn to the the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and trust His atoning blood and Righteousness. This is Repentance. Be willing to give up your sins and dead works. Repent toward God, and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. At the New Birth, you become part of Jesus Christ, and part of His life is implanted in you. Jesus lives in your heart in the person of the Holy Ghost (Galatians 2:20).

God justifies the ungodly. The man that believes in Jesus for Righteousness can stand before God innocent as though he had never sinned, because he has the Righteousness of Jesus Christ to protect him. Your standing before God is exactly equal with Jesus Himself. Christ Jesus was made to be Sin for us, and He was made a Curse for us. He completely took our place and finished the Atonement for every one of our sins, and His Righteousness completely covers us in the presence of a holy God and nobody can lay anything to our charge. There is no case against us. We are not guilty for Jesus' sake. The Lamb of God bore our sins, He took our guilt, He paid the full penalty that was due to our sins.Hallelujah, what a Savior!