Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where is Purgatory?

There is a religion in the world today called Roman Catholicism.  The leader of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is called the Pope.  The Pope lives in the Vatican in Rome, Italy; the current pope’s name is Pope Benedict XVI.  He is the 265th Pope.  His real name is Joseph Alois Ratziner from Bavaria, Germany.  He is a very religious and political figure.  Many deluded people think he is the most godly and holy man on earth.  Whenever a Pope dies, presidents, kings, and dictators come from all over the world to the Vatican to pay their final respects to him.  Over a billion Roman Catholics love the Pope dearly.  Catholics believe that the Pope is God’s representative on earth.  But you will never read that in the Bible.  The Catholics have written their own little Bible called the “Catechism” that glorifies the Pope, Mary, and catholic priests.  Catholics glorify Mary and the Pope more than Jesus Himself.

The Pope is like a little Caesar; the popes just wear a different costume.  Two thousand years ago, when caesars ruled the world their seat of power was in Rome.  The caesars were worshipped as god, and they thought they were gods.  Absolute power always corrupts absolutely.  The caesars saw themselves as gods, but really, there were only puppets in the hands of the god of this world, Satan.  It was during the reign of Caesar Augustus that Jesus Christ left heaven to be born on earth.  God took the form of flesh and became a Jewish man.  Jesus was God manifest in the flesh.  Christ Jesus left heaven and came into this world to save miserable sinners.  He came down here in person because everyone is hiding something.

We’re all selfish, sinful brats in the eyes of God, and God won’t allow any sin into heaven.  Jesus came to fix all that.  But eternal death is the price of sin.  So fixing our sin problem cost Jesus His life.  The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).  Jesus shed God’s blood to wash away our sins, so we could go to Heaven.  (John 3:16)  Jesus died on the Cross, and He was buried, and on the third day He rose from the dead.  Jesus Himself paid the price for our sins in full, we can’t do anything to help save ourselves, we must simply trust what Jesus did for us.  The work of Jesus on the Cross ruined Satan’s vain show!  Soon after Jesus rose from the dead, many of the devil’s people left him, and were saved by faith in Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

 Then the devil commanded his caesars to slaughter Christians.  On a hill in Rome there was an arena called the “Circus,” where Christians were butchered to please Caesar Nero.  In the center of this arena there was a huge Egyptian obelisk which marked the future location for Satan’s seat on earth.  That hill was called “Vaticanus.”  Vaticanus means ‘divination’ (telling the future).  Years later, when Rome was in ruins and the caesars were gone, the only obelisk left standing was the one on ‘Vaticanus’ hill.  So in the very place where Satan enjoyed his bloody sacrifices of Christians, there in that same spot, the devil created his own form of counterfeit Christianity.  The Devil’s new religion brought back his caesars – but with new titles:  now the caesars were called popes.   And on the very same site Satan would build a magnificent Roman temple and call it, THE VATICAN.

Satan pulled off a real trick this time.  Today Rome is still the seat of world and religious power.  The Mother Church controls the U.N., governments, and the world’s finances.  Protestantism no longer blocks the pope’s power; it’s all but gone.  Once again all roads lead back to Rome.  Catholicism controls its member from the cradle to the grave.  Pope Leo XIII said, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”

Here are the seven steps to becoming a Good Roman Catholic:

Step One (Baptism):  The Roman Catholic priests sprinkle babies.  They warn the families to get their babies baptized because it could die and go into limbo.  The sprinkled baby then starts his journey as a faithful catholic hoping for heaven.  The baby is now a member of the Roman religious system.  The Catholics call this baby sprinkling being ‘born again.’   This is not what the Bible says though, because how can a little baby understand his sinful state and the Gospel when he’s sprinkled at such a young age.  The baby then grows up and learns to love and fear his priest.  The priests claim to be ‘divine men,’ equal to Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, and to have more power than the ‘virgin Mary.’  The priests are looked on as being ‘inferior to God, but superior to regular men.’  The priests can perform a magical Mass.  But the Mass is not found anywhere in the Bible, only in the romish catechism.

Step Two (Holy Communion or The Mass):  The young catholic grows up and then he partakes of his first Holy Communion – the mass.  But before the young catholic takes the wafer, he must first believe the wafer contains the actual “body, soul, and divinity” of Christ.  But what if he doesn’t?  Well, if he doesn’t believe in the wafer, the priest warns him that he will be cast into hell forever.

The popester teaches that during Catholic Mass, the priest pronounces ‘the words of consecration’, and the incarnate Word (Jesus Himself) obeys and comes down from heaven and inhabits the wafer and wine in the priest’s hands.  The Catholic Church claims that turning the wafer and wine into Jesus takes “as much power as the creation of the world.”  The words of the priest create Jesus for you to eat and drink.  The transformed wafer becomes something that the Catholics adore and worship; they actually bow down to it before they sit in their pew when it resides in the pyx (the box on the altar).  They believe that the Latin words (Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum) spoken by the priest during mass create Jesus for you to eat and drink.  When the Latin words, “Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum” (This is truly my body) are spoken by the priest during mass, the Catholic is taught the wafer of bread turns into the true body of Jesus.  When the Latin words, ‘Hic Est Enim Calix Sanguinis Mei’ (This is truly my blood) are spoken by the priest, the Catholic is taught that the wine turns into the true blood of Jesus Christ.  So Catholics are actually taught that the priest has in his power to transform bread and wine into Jesus Himself.

Step Three (Confirmation):  At confirmation, the RCC teaches that the young catholic is “sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”  Confirmation is said to “bind a child into the Church.”  In the church’s own words, the young Catholic is now in bondage to the Catholic religious system.

Step Four (Confession):  The young Catholic must confess regularly to his priest (instead of God) to get rid of his sins.  The priest pardons the catholic and “God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of the priests.”  This is what the Catholic Church teaches, but not the Holy Bible.

Step Five (Matrimony):  The young catholic grows up and wants to get married, but he must go through the Mother Church to get married.  Both people that are being married must be baptized Roman Catholics and free of their mortal sin.  This sacrament unites the couple in an unbreakable union until death.  It makes sanctifying grace grow in their souls.  It gives them special help to perform their duties as a married couple and overcome the difficulties of married life.  Only those who have been baptized by a priest are free to marry.  A good catholic should only be married in the presence of a Catholic priest and two witnesses.  A catholic who goes through a marriage ceremony before anyone than a catholic priest is not considered to be married in the eyes of Mother Church.  If a catholic is married before a Protestant minister, such a person is not married and is guilty of mortal sin and could be excommunicated.  Such a person cannot receive any of the sacraments nor have a Catholic funeral.  A marriage between a Catholic and a non-catholic is called a mixed marriage.  Only a bishop can give permission for a mixed marriage, but it must be for a serious reason.  The catholic must sign promises to remain a catholic till death, and see that the children are baptized and brought up as good catholics.

Step Six (Last Rites):  Now it comes time for the catholic to die, and before he dies, he must receive the last sacrament, “Anointing of the Sick.”  This is also called “the anointing of the sick,” “the viaticum,” and the “extreme unction.”  The RCC teaches that this is the last ritual that a catholic should perform before death.  This ritual includes partaking of the Eucharist (wafer), the anointing the dying person with oil, sprinkling of all present with holy water, confession of sin to the priest, a passage of scripture is read, oil is placed on the sick persons forehead and hands, the priest lays hands on the sick and prays.  This ritual is never taught in the Bible at all.  Not one person in the Bible ever received or administered the “Last Rites.”  God has NEVER ordained this religious tradition; the pope dreamed it all up.

The good catholic deeply and sincerely desires to be in heaven with the “Blessed Virgin,” but to get there involves many works, prayers, and giving to Mother Church.  He must confess his sins every few weeks, never miss the Eucharist, pray the rosary daily (Hail Mary, full of grace), and he must even pray to the saints.  But Jesus, He is left in the background and ignored.

Step Seven (Purgatory):  Now the catholic’s life is almost over.  As a faithful Roman Catholic, what does he have to look forward to?  Well, after all the religious hoops are jumped through, the good catholic must still pay for his sins after he dies in Purgatory.  The stains of the catholic’s sins must be ‘burned off’ before God will let him into heaven.  Even the best catholics, even popes, burn in purgatory.  The RCC teaches that no soul is free enough from sin to enter directly into heaven at death.  Purgatory is the catholic lie that Satan that loves most.

In Catholicism, you can’t become a saint until you get to heaven.  During All Souls Day, celebrated on November 2nd every year, all good catholics are supposed to pray for those souls who are not yet saints in heaven, but are currently in a ‘prison of fire,’ part-way there called ‘purgatory.’  All Souls Days also reminds their family members to pay up for their loved one’s escape from purgatory.  Purgatory’s purpose is to "burn away" the "stains of sins" that prevent one from full acceptance into heaven.  Rome ignores the Biblical teaching that Christ’s death is FULL payment for our sins.  Instead, the popes picked up the pagan notion that we, somehow, must be punished ourselves to atone for our sins.  The St. Peter’s Catechism states: "All the souls in purgatory will go to Heaven when they have atoned for their sin."

The poor catholic can never be sure of heaven.  First, he must be born to faithful parents.  At birth, baptism is required.  Then his conscience must be "formed" by the catechism that teaches such unbiblical ideas as prayer to the Virgin Mary goddess, "receiving Jesus," in the wafer at Mass, and confessing his sins to God’s stand-in, a sinful priest.  Before death, "last rites" must be performed to make sure "mortal" (big) sins are forgiven.  "Venial" (little) sins may still exist and need to be taken care of by "temporal punishment" such as indulgences, alms giving, or other acts of "penance."  Any left over sins must be away "burned away" after death in purgatory.

Augustine said, “That purgatory’s fire will be more grievous than anything a man is capable of bearing in this life.”   The catholics believe there is only one way out of purgatory after death.  Someone must pay a priest to say enough masses to “set them free.”   It’s like religious kidnapping and extortion.  Purgatory is the Catholic Church’s money tree.  Purgatory is the worst double-cross that Satan ever hatched.  Catholics do their religious works all their life, only to end up tricked and in hell fire.  Purgatory doesn’t exist at all!  Don’t believe the lie called purgatory.  Catholicism doesn’t care about people’s immortal souls, just their money.  Purgatory is not in the Bible at all; it is a religious myth devised by the pope to keep sinners in religious bondage and fear all their life.

How sad it is, that after a long life of jumping through the pope’s religious hoops, the poor Catholic still ends up in the fire and thinks there is a way out after death.  Even more diabolical is what’s happening to his family and friends on earth after he is gone — they must jump through more of the pope’s hoops to help rescue their family’s soul from purgatory.

Notice below how Hugo Chavez and Pope Benedict are pretty close.

The priests tell them that somehow their good works, paying for masses, buying indulgences or other good "intentions" will shorten their family member’s stay in purgatory. (Matt 23:14)  Not only does this "bind the faithful catholic to the church," but it empties their pockets as well.  Purgatory is the pope’s open–ended cash machine, because no way has been devised to tell when their loved one will actually escape the flames of purgatory.  The RCC teaches that other people play a part in your salvation after you have already died.  Purgatory is a doctrine of devils and a hellish heresy.