Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sam P. Jones Quotes 2

* Reputation is cheap. Reputation is like the glove. I may put it on my hand or take it off, or rend it to pieces and throw it away, and not feel the loss of it. But Character is the hand itself; and when once it is scarred, it is scarred forever. Character is immortal.
* Your Won't power ought to be equal to your Will power.
* Birds enjoy the sky, fish enjoy the water, men enjoy sin.
* Debt is the hardest master that ever cracked a whip over a human slave. It works him all day and worries him all night.
* I have been going round the country bragging about Jesus ever since He saved my soul.
* If I throw a stone into a crowd of dogs, and one runs yelping, then you know that is the one that is hit.
* Jesus was the living personal embodiment of wisdom, truth, love, mercy, and forgiveness.
* Die daily to this world's pleasures, profits, fruits, smiles, condemnations, threats, and money; and you will be livest man that ever walked on the face of the earth.
* Every dishonest act of man is bottomed and run on selfishness.
* Most men when they feel mean feel natural.
* Fast women always result in short marriages.
* I like a fast horse; but Lord deliver me from a fast woman.
* Whatever hurts the soul or keeps it away from God - that's the proper subject of a sermon.
* The tendency of human nature is always downward and hellward.
* Every barroom is a recruiting office for Hell.
* I pray for my daily bread, but I have to hunt for my cornpone with the sweat running down the hoe-handle.
* What is Salvation? Well, when you sum it all up, here it is in a nutshell: Salvation is loving everything that God loves and hating everything that God hates.
* If you quit sinning, you will quit doubting.
* You cannot live a false life and be a Christian.
* The best way to help yourself is to help somebody else.
* I don't believe we came from monkeys; but when I look at some of you fellows, I feel that some of us are headed that way.
* When you think a preacher has got wings, you are mistaken.
* I believe the whale swallowed Jonah, and the only reason I don't believe that Jonah swallowed the whale is because the Bible doesn't say so. If the Bible had said Jonah swallowed the whale, I would have expected to have met old Jonah with his waistband let out.
* Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation. When God's dinner-bell rings all you need is an appetite, and you can walk in and there's a place set for you.
* Old sinners are not satisfied with us Christians, unless we live better than they do.
* Whiskey is a good thing in its place, and that place is Hell. Every barroom is a recruiting office for Hell. That's the plain truth about it.
* Wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. Wisdom is doing the right thing the right way at the right time.
* Hell is nothing but pure, unadulterated, concentrated selfishness.
* Wisdom is sense enough, and the right use of sense enough is to do the best thing and do it in the best way.
* A godly man is one that does everything with reference to the great eye of God that is looking down upon him; a man that is godly in his life and character, and that does right toward the God that made him.
* Repentance is this: I am so sorry for my meanness, that I won't do it anymore. I am so glad that God is so good to forgive me, that I won't want to do it anymore.
* I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue.
* Above everything in the universe, a man ought to be choice about his company and about his books.
* God pity a poor wretch who has gone though bad counsel into bad company until finally he is sitting down in the seat of the scornful, where he can laugh at the preacher, make fun of God, and scorn the Bible.
* We can sort of put up with a fellow that sins as we sin, but when he does something we won't do, we are ashamed of him right straight.
* No matter what it costs me; no matter what criticisms are brought to bear on me, I will do right because it is right.
* When a man differs with God, he has made a mistake as long as Eternity.
* On my knees I have worked out problems and settled difficulties that I never could have settled on my feet. Fleeing to Christ! That's what prayer is. Run to Christ! I can get along without everything but prayer. Prayer is the communion of the soul with God.
* If you think the world needs you, you're a fool. You die, and they lay you out there in the graveyard, and the world moves right on as though you were never born.
* Are you prepared to die in your sins? Are going to stick to your sinning and lay down in hell one day? This is what you are saying, if you say, “I intend to be saved later.” “I deliberately, eternally, irrevocably, made up my mind to brave the terrors of damnation and to sink down to hell at death.”
* I can tolerate anything but a dead church.
* Keep good company. A man can afford anything rather than bad company. I would rather associate with a hog and become hoggish, than become a drunkard. A hog beats a drunkard any day as an associate. I would rather be friends with a dog than a profane swearer. I’ve never heard a dog swear. You can hang around a dog and become doggish, but you will never become a swearer. Shun bad company.
* Your associations in the world determine your character, and character fixes your destiny. You form your associations, your associations form your character, and your character fixes your destiny. Your character will change as your associations and company changes.
* Just quit your meanness and follow along in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
* When you run up to God's coal and water station, you must take on enough for your needs. That is the way to get steam to make the trip. That is the meaning of prayer.
* When I first started out preaching, I was afraid I would hurt somebody's feelings. Now I am afraid I won't.
* If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
* You can't beat doing right. You can't take a short cut on a straight road.
* The elects are the Whosoever Wills, and the non-elects are the Whosoever Won'ts.
* It is time you were repenting. Don't put Jesus off, I beg you.
* The man who really prays anywhere, will pray everywhere.
* The devil is too much of a gentleman to stay where he is not welcome. Why does he stay in your heart?
* The tune of America is pitched to the dollar.