Sunday, September 2, 2012

Simple Reliance 2

Jesus can save you from your new sins and old sins. His arm is not too short to save. You can't save yourself. Confess yourself a helpless sinner shapen in iniquity, conceived in sin, depraved in heart and mind. Man is hopelessly lost and fallen in sin, so God came down from glory to take upon Himself human flesh to redeem sinful men.

The blood of Jesus Christ is the death of all hopes of self-salvation. Simple trust, sincere dependence, hearty reliance upon Christ - this is the way of Salvation. Reliance upon the Incarnate God is your only escape from the wrath to come. Implicit reliance upon God's words. You cannot usurp the Lamb of God by your own doings. Come to Christ, and let Him be All in All. Simply rely upon Him and you are saved. Believe the Gospel facts that Jesus is the Substitute for sinners, and that you must trust to Him alone, and you shall be saved. Simply have done with reliance upon yourself, and have done with confidence in all but Jesus.

Rest alone with undivided confidence in Christ Jesus, and in what He has done. The way of Salvation is simply this - to come with your sins, and rest them on the Savior, it is to rely upon and trust to His Atoning Blood. If you remain in your favorite sins, you will wind up damned in Hell Fire. Alcohol starts out being your friend and then it turns into your worst enemy. A bottle of whiskey leads to deep emptiness and the lake of fire.

The carnal minds says, "I am pretty good, I am no worse than most, I have sinned, but not that much, my sins are trivial, nothing that would damn a man. I cannot deserve to be cast into Hell for the fews sins I have committed. I haven't been perfect, but I'm as good as most folks. I have done this and that, and the other, but I have never killed anyone or committed adultery." Renounce your so-called human goodness and deceitful self-esteem. Give up your doings, it is nothing but dung in God's sight. Flush the dung of your self-righteousness, give it up altogether. Your own works can never cover your naked soul.

There is a better Righteousness than yours to be had, something better than you could ever do. Trust to Christ's Righteousness alone. Give up your self-trust, it is a foul and rotten deception. It may promise you salvation, but it will bring upon you sure damnation. Christ Jesus is sinner's only hope. Simply put - Give up every other reliance, come to Jesus, ask Him for His free forgiveness of sins- that is crystal clear.

The meaning of Bible Faith is this - rejection of yourself, and then complete confidence in Christ, sure reliance upon His Blood. Ask Jesus to have mercy on you, cry out to Him to deliver from the chains of sin that have you bound. Trust in Jesus' Precious Blood and rely upon His perfect Atoning Sacrifice. Cease utterly from all self-reliance. Saving faith is an entire reliance upon Jesus the Propitiation for human sins. The atoning Sacrifice of Christ is the great central truth that sinners must trust to. The atoning work of Christ is finished forever, you cannot add to it. Make Jesus your sole reliance. Leave it all to Jesus.

Come unto God by the way of the Cross. Guilty and heavy laden sinners, by faith receive the full pardon through Jesus' Precious Blood. Come to the Cross by Faith and rest your soul in the atoning work of the Great Substitute of Calvary. Cast your sinful self at the Redeemer's feet. God's own Son stood in the sinner's place and bore the sinner's doom. The atoning Substitution of Christ Himself is The Gospel. Here's the way of Salvation - simply come with all your sins and rest them on the Savior - rely upon and trust in His atoning blood.

Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, and I rest my soul as a sinner simply upon Him. Believe simply, rely implicitly, confide cheerfully in the Son of God. It is finished - trust Him - and all is well with your soul. The gladsome news of a finished salvation for lost sinners, complete forgiveness for the guilty, acceptance for the ungodly, simply upon believing in Jesus, trusting to Him. We have joy and peace through believing in Jesus.

Faith in Christ means to simply trust Him, and not in yourself at all. You are already lost, condemned already, and your only course of Safety is to cast yourself upon the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. By grace ye are saved. You have no good works, be wise and believe in Jesus' Finished Work of Calvary. Humbly receive the mercy of God through Jesus Christ's Blood. All sinners must be saved by Blood.

Christ Jesus is the only Savior of the lost. Don't try to be a self-saved man, for you will fail. Look only to Jesus who endured the wrath of God on your behalf. Completely saved, perfectly forgiven forever through the free grace of God in Christ. Accepted in the Beloved, perfect in Christ Jesus. God sent Jesus Christ into this sinful world to save sinners and to become a Substitute to divine justice especially for you. Confess that you are nothing, and let Him be everything to you. Give up all trust in yourself immediately and forever. Self-reliance is absolute madness. Your natural pride and self-reliance revolts against the Gospel. Self-importance is damning. Saving faith accepts the Scriptures, the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Saving faith's essence lies in simple reliance upon Christ Jesus.