Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sam P. Jones Quotes 3

* Nine-tenths of your trouble and my trouble is not on the outside at all; it's on the inside.
* It is one thing to do the will of God and it is quite another thing to suffer the will of God. Almost anybody is willing to be a hammer and strike for God, but very few people are willing to be an anvil and be struck for God. Endure afflictions. It is the hardest thing in the world to do. Humanity wants to fight back and kick back and talk back.
* The only way to tell whether a man is crooked or straight, is to put the straight edge of the Bible to him.
* If you ever get a good, square, honest look at yourself in the mirror, then you will think more of every man you meet after that than you do of yourself.
* The grandest moment in a man's life is when he walks up and gives his soul to Jesus Christ.
* God help me to help souls to Christ.
* A man is known by the company he keeps.
* Once in Hell, always in Hell.
* Sin will put you in the congregation of the wicked, and the home of that congregation is Hell. Men don't won't to go to Hell alone, that's why they're always inviting you to go drinking with them.
* What you love is what you are. A man's likes and dislikes determine his character. A man’s likings and attractions determine who he is and what he is.
* I like a kind of religion that keeps me as good off of my knees as I am on my knees; just as good on the outside as I am on the inside; just as good in New York as I am at home.
* Sin leads men to gambling, licentiousness, drinking, swearing, bad temper, cursing, blasphemy, mistreatment of wife and children, dancing, swindling, not paying your debts and bills, bad company and associates, lying, loafing, lusting, profaning God’s name, criticizing others, backbiting, whispering, wrong doing, visiting lewd places, brothels, theaters, houses of shame, gambling hells, saloons, bawdy houses, dirty clubs and whore houses.
* It takes grace and grit to stand up for Jesus today.
* God pity the boy who is making his mother miserable.
* An honest man is the noblest work of God.
* Bad company will ruin you. 
* Repentance is the movement of the soul from sin toward God. Many a man prays for God to fill His bucket with the water of life, but he has his bucket the wrong side up. God cannot fill a bucket when it is wrong side up without changing the law of gravity. God is holding back the water while you are keeping your bucket upside down. Turn it over and push it under the fountain if you want it to be filled, for the fountain is flowing. God is waiting for you to turn your bucket right side up, what is that? That is Repentance.
* The whole history of Christ Jesus is five words - He went about doing good.
* You can run Mormonism without Joseph Smith and Brigham Young in their graves, but you cannot run Christianity without the Lord Jesus Christ.
* Christ always comes where there is room for Him. If there is room in your heart for Christ, He will live there. If there is room in your home, He will live there. If there’s room at your job, He will live there. Everywhere there’s room for Jesus, He will live.
* Never say a word anywhere that you would not say in the presence of a room full of ladies and little girls.
* Let your last thought of the day be, "How can I benefit somebody tomorrow?" and let your first thought in the morning be, "Where may I go and what may I do to benefit someone today."
* Doubt is a weed growing in your mind. You need to take hold of your doubt and pull it up by the roots, and you will find that the tap-root of your doubts is the love for some sin. If you quit loving sin and give up your meanness, your doubts will all be gone.
* Most people say their prayers; very few people pray their prayers.
* The man who is most like Christ is the man that spends most of the hours of his life just like Christ did, going about doing good.
* No man was ever doomed to death and Hell who did not have a good chance to get to Heaven.
* A man or a chicken is no good without sand in his gizzard.
* Churches today want a preacher that is popular with everybody, not a preacher that is in favor with God Almighty.
* I shall never get mad with any man unless he treats me worse than I have treated the Lord Jesus Christ.
* What a man loves and what he hates determines his character. What you love and what you hate determine what you are and who you are. God loves righteousness and hates sin, and the devil hates righteousness and loves sin. What you love and what you hate will determine what you are now, and what you will be forever.
* I don't care what a man says he believes with his lips; I want to know what he says and believes with his life and actions.
* A box-car on the side track never disturbs anybody. It's a moving train that raises the dust.
* Stop doing bad, negative goodness; and start doing right, positive righteousness. Cease to do evil; learn to do well. Quit the wrong, talk hold of the right. Walk off from the wrong; and walk up and espouse the right.
* A man told me once, "I don't believe there is a God. I don't believe I am anything but mortal." Said I, "If I was you I would get me a little more hair and a tail, and be a sure enough dog."
* Be a dead-level Christian, just as good on Sunday as on Monday; just as good downtown as when you're at family prayer; just as good when you're working on the job as when you're in church on the pew – be a good Christian, all the hours of the day, all the days of the week, all the weeks of the month, all the months of the year, 365 days a year.
* If a man will do right, God Almighty will put the angels on half rations to keep that man from starving.
* Heaven is a country where everybody does right all the time. No one would live in American cities if you took the police out of the cities.
* There is a Christ-less coffin, an eternal death, a judgment bar of God, an awful hell, and a dreadful Eternity awaiting impenitent and Christ-rejecting sinners.