Sunday, September 9, 2012

How are Sins Forgiven?

How are sins forgiven? This is the question to ask sinners today. Ask them the question and see how many different answers you get. Christ Jesus, His Cross and Precious Blood is the only way human sin can be forgiven for any man you may meet the whole world over. Every man has a sin problem, and the only answer to your sin problem is the innocent Savior who suffered, bled, died, and rose from the dead according to the Scriptures. It is my business to proclaim the Gospel and leave you with it, and then it is your responsibility to either receive or reject it. Hearing and then rejecting the Gospel is the worst sin a man can commit.

Now hearken diligently to the Good News - Believe in the Great Savior for great sinners, for only He can put away your enormous burden of sin. You see, birds enjoy the air, fish love the water, dogs eat vomit, hogs enjoy the mire, sheep feast on green pastures, vultures eat up dead carrion, doves enjoy clean seed, lost men revel in sin, and Christians adore Christ. Your inward nature determines your appetite and pleasures. Unregenerated human nature has an affinity for sin and moral filth. The pleasures of sin are only for a season. Sin is attractive and 'fun' at first, but at the last, sin is miserable and deadly.

Jesus is my only hope and sole trust. Let Him hear your cry for Mercy. Love from the Father, Atonement by the Son, Regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Christ made Himself the Lamb of God, trust in His words, believe on His atoning Sacrifice. Believe in His Precious Blood with all your heart. Believe that the bloody death of God manifest in the flesh made Atonement for all your sins. Jesus came into the world to put away my sins by the Sacrifice of Himself. Your sins must be forgiven by Precious Blood.

Jesus was offered up as a Sacrifice to be an Atonement for human sin. The Precious Blood of Jesus is my only Hope of heaven. The word of God is true and faithful from beginning to end. Repentance and Faith and Blood Atonement lead to Eternal Life. My past sins are hidden under the Blood of the Atonement. The way of perfect Reconciliation to God is by the blood of Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, Jesus tasted death for every man. Jesus paid the full penalty for my sins. If you are absolutely bankrupt, helpless, hopeless, you are ready to only believe on Jesus' Atonement. God will remit and discharge all your liabilities for Jesus' sake alone.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; I am a sinner, and I trust Him to save me by faith in His Blood. Hearty reliance upon the Substitute. Here is the Old Gospel - It is by the help of the Holy Spirit seeing that you are helpless to save yourself, or to bring yourself back to God. Christ Jesus came to restore your soul, let Him do that for you. He took those sins of yours and bore them in His body on the Cross, that He might bring you to Heaven freely.

Christ Crucified, Full Atonement, Simple Faith, Infallible Truth in the Bible, Immutable Love. Atonement by Substitution. Rest in the full Atonement that Jesus has made. *Matthew 11:28; Romans 5:11* Come to Jesus, receive His Atonement now. Free pardon through His Great Atonement. Jesus died the Just for the unjust. God forgives sinful men freely through Christ's sinless Blood Atonement. The Mediator is for guilty men who need an Atonement for their sins now. Jesus is the Atonement, the Sacrifice for sins, the Sin Offering for ungodly men. Christ died on the Cross for undeserving sinners. A Savior is for sinners, a dying Savior is for those who deserved to die and go to Hell for their sins.

Christ took upon Himself my sins and died for them. Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree. The LORD hath laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. Sin was laid on Jesus, and it remains no more on me. Jesus suffered all the consequences of my sins, that I might never suffer those consequences. Jesus made an Atonement to the divine justice of God for me. He vindicated the perfect Law of God. Christ on the cross, in the tomb, risen from the dead, ascending on high, seated at the right hand of God, coming again, reigning forever. Seek Him, cry out to Him now, forsake your sins which God hates. Trust in Christ's living power to save you from the dominion of sin. God Himself made Atonement for human sins in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus offered HImself as an atoning Sacrifice, that He might save sinners by His rich mercy and free grace.

Tell out the old, old story of Jesus and His love to confounded, misguided sinners. Preach the Atonement full and free, till He come. Yield yourself to the Lamb of God. The Atonement is still full of divine power. Mercy through a dying Savior, free salvation through the Incarnate God. Think much of the Incarnate God, the bleeding Lamb, and the full Atonement He paid. He loved me and gave Himself for me. Follow Him, hold fast His truth, believe in His Atonement, always proclaim His Gospel. Atonement, Substitution, Vicarious Sacrifice.

How are sins forgiven? Through Faith in His Precious Atoning Blood. Jesus is God and man in one person, He has offered a full Atonement to God, the great Savior of sinners. Lean on Him, lean hard on His finished work. Christ died for the ungodly. His form of death was what the ungodly man deserved. He died by sentence of the Law, He died nailed to a Cross, He died the death of a heinous criminal among thieves and killers. He died in pitch black darkness forsaken by God. Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the ungodly, and He suffered the penalty and consequences due to the ungodly. Christ Jesus really died for the ungodly. There is no other Atonement but the Substitution of God manifest in the flesh in the place of the ungodly. He died the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.

JESUS is the true and only Atonement. Jesus made Atonement and died for the ungodly. Reconciliation to God, Justification by Christ Jesus, Regeneration by the Holy Ghost. Free salvation by simple faith in Christ Jesus' Blood Atonement. Salvation by Precious Blood and the New Birth. Christ is our acceptance, safety, and perpetual resort. Pardon and mercy are only given to the guilty. Believe in the Man Christ Jesus who died for the guilty. Jesus gave Himself for the guilty. Have done with any reliance upon yourself whatsoever. Trust the Lord Christ who died for guilty, He loved undeserving bankrupt sinners to death.

Jesus came here on purpose that He might pardon the guilty. God laid all my sins on Christ, He suffered the penalty due to my sins, and therefore it is gone forever. Look to Jesus who died upon the Cross for sinners - believe in Him now. Take Jesus to be your soul's atoning Lamb, suffering in your place. How are sins forgiven? It is through the great atoning Lamb, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who on Calvary's hill, and bore the wrath of God in my place, that God could with justice forgive the sins of those who trust in Christ's Blood Atonement. Seek God confessing your sins to Him, accepting the great Sacrifice of Christ Himself, and your sins shall cease to be.

Know the truth of God's Salvation, believe in the real Atonement. We real sinners need a real Atonement - the Substitution of our Lord Jesus Christ for guilty sinners. Jesus has really expunged my sins forever. By His bloody death, He put away my sins once for all. The chief object of Christ's Atonement is to purchase eternal life. Take Jesus for your Atonement, Life, Joy, and Hope. Christ is the only door of salvation, He is the only way out of your sins. Christ alone is the Door, and you must enter into Salvation by simple trustful faith in Him.

By Jesus' Substitution I have acceptance with God. There is salvation, forgiveness, acceptance, reconciliation, and eternal life all available in Christ Jesus. The guilty offender being reconciled to the offended God. Grace is only for guilty rebels, mercy is for only for miserable wretches. The guilty are bidden to come, trust, and live through the Atonement. Jesus stooped, keep the Law for us, suffered the penalty in our place, that we might be restored to fellowship with our Holy Creator God.

The real work of the Spirit - you begin to really repent of sins, sorry for your past, sigh and cry for Christ, deep contrition, hatred of sins, inward conflict with sin, avoidance of sin, despondency, fear of wrath to come, wish to lay hold on Eternal Life. Pray believingly for the lost to be led to have faith. Give up bad habits, quit your vices, hate the very thought of sin, be watchful in all things. Search the Scriptures - it is your wisdom to cry for Grace to appropriate each divine truth, and let it dwell 'richly' in your inmost nature. Hate every false way. Serve Jesus freely, cheerfully, heartily.

Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the precious truths of Scripture. Seek after purity and holiness. Whenever you become dull and faint, cry for the Holy Spirit's presence and help. Beg the Lord to fill you with His Spirit - fill your heart, mind, tongue, hands, eyes, feet and ears. Come and quicken me. Plead God's promises importunately. Cry to God in secret for strength and victory over your sins.