Friday, May 20, 2016

The Eternal Death Warrant

The Christ rejector says this - I will not come to Christ that I might have life, I will not accept the Savior  and the Salvation that God has freely provided, Jesus shall not save me, I will do my own thing, I will believe my own way, and get to Heaven by my own works and merits.  I will not bow to Christ, for who is He that I should obey His voice, Christ is not worth having as a Savior, I want to keep enjoying my sins and fitting in with my worldly friends, for I can't afford to lose face or any income on account of Christ.  I don't need a Savior anyway, I'm ok just the way I am, and I'm better than most of the people I know anyhow. That Bible was written my man, that stuff is for little kids and old folks, and it cramps my style.  Take a few minutes sinner, and write down the exact reasons why you shun and reject Christ Jesus, put it down in black and white and sign it in Red, for that will be your eternal death warrant, for rejecting Christ is the most God-hating, heaven-defying sin you can commit.