Sunday, May 22, 2016

The All-Important Matter

There's a great deal of religious noise being sounded out today, but here is the All-Important Matter you need to listen to closely - Christ Jesus satisfied Divine Justice with the sinless Blood Atonement which He personally offered Himself on our behalf.  God's Plan of Salvation is by the Substitution of His innocent Son for guilty sinners.  A law of God's universe is that all sin must be punished.  God will by no means spare the guilty.  The soul that sinneth, it shall die.  The wages is sin is death.  Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them. There can be no pardon for sin without punishment.

God demands of you two things - First, that you should keep his laws, but you cannot do this because you've already broken the divine Law in the past, and if you never sin against God again, you still must give account for what crimes you've already committed.  Second, God also demands punishment for the sins that are past, as well as perfect obedience for all the years to come.  If you die in your sins unforgiven, you must endure the flames of hell and the terrors of God's vengeance forever and ever.

I had sinned all my life and was under condemnation, guilt, a curse, and the wrath of God. *John 3:36*  In order for me to be released from my sins' captivity and curse, Jesus came to my Rescue and put Himself into my place and paid my sins' penalty in full and all that was due from me to God.  It was for my sins He suffered, bled and died.  Christ Jesus suffering instead of me, the Innocent bleeding for the guilty, the Lord of glory bearing the sins of rebellious mankind. Jesus ransomed me from Satan's tyranny and God's Divine Justice.

The payment of my enormous sin debt was demanded by Divine Justice, and Christ Jesus in love paid it all with His own life's blood.  A man owes a debt, a friend comes in, and pays the bill for him, and the man is clear of his debt forever - plain and simple.  I am now accounted Just in the sight of God through faith in Jesus Christ, the great Sin-Bearer.  The LORD hath laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all.  God the Father hath made JESUS to be Sin for us, that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Christ.

The only way of Safety is Substitution, the way of Atonement by God's Blood, depending on Jesus alone, trusting simply to His Blood, resting in His Righteousness, confiding in His words, receiving *Him* by faith in our hearts. The storm of God's wrath was threatening me, but Jesus bore the full force of the Storm for me, and now I'm protected from its Fury.  I now take Shelter in Jesus' wounds, my sin-debt is paid, Justice is satisfied, mercy is free, and I am redeemed from sins' slavery.

You best believe Jesus died for your sins on Calvary's tree hanging there in the darkness of God's wrath and vengeance.  Are you burnt out, have you had enough of sinning against a loving God?  Don't believe in luck, destiny or fate - Believe in Jesus, not yourself.

I'll make it short and sweet, so listen up - Almighty God in the person of Jesus of Nazareth stepped down from His eternal throne, because sinful men must be punished for their sins, and He said, "Father, I will bear their punishment, lay it all on Me."  He left His high estate in Heaven where angels adored Him, and He voluntarily subjected Himself to all the shame my sins deserved.  Jesus paid it all with His tears and bloody sweat in Gethsemane, with the cruel stripes of Gabbatha, and with His bleeding hands, feet, and side during His agonizing death on Golgotha.  He paid in full that which was due on account of my sins which were committed against God. The only reasons for His bloody death were my dire necessity for forgiveness and His own heart of love.  Jesus was the willing Friend of guilty men and women.  JEHOVAH forsook JESUS while He was bearing my sins in His own body on the tree, and He cried, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"  He bore the terrible burden right to the end, and then on the Cross, He cried, "It is Finished!"

God accepted our cause, became a human being (Jesus of Nazareth), and stooped to die a shameful death on account of our sins against Him.  The terrible death on the Cross was the penalty due to my sins, and the execution of the righteous judgment of God against my iniquities.  God suffering in the form of a man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.  The royal road of heavenly Wisdom leads to the Cross where the Savior suffered and shed His heart's blood for human sin.  His Precious Blood paid the inestimable price for our ransom from sin.  The crimson thread of Blood Atonement for Sin runs all through the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

The Surety died in the place of guilty man.  The Just Man instead of unjust man, bearing my deserved wrath of God.  Our fall was caused by Adam, and we are now lifted up by the Second Adam, the Lord from heaven, and in Him is no sin.  Jesus suffered for the guilty; Christ died for the ungodly.  He bore upon Himself the punishment due to human guilt. He bore the tremendous load of my guilt upon His innocent soul.  What Jesus went through to pay for your sins' penalty is utterly indescribable.  Here is what Jesus suffered due to your sins - foul jests, obscene remarks, filthy spit, shameful mockery, bloody death. O how the Lord Jesus Christ stooped on your account. Christ Jesus laid down His sinless life and rendered complete Satisfaction to the offended justice of Almighty God.  There is no God besides Jesus Christ; He is the Just God and the Merciful Savior of the world; there is none beside Him.

What will a man give in exchange for his soul today
reputation, religion, love of sin, worldly vanity?  
Why do you choose to remain an enemy of God 
in your mind by your wicked works?

Nothing can bring your heart, soul, mind and conscience peace with God but the blood of the Lamb.  Christ was made a Curse, so you could be blessed in Him.  You are either cursed in sin or blessed in Christ right now.  Believe on Christ's voluntary, substitutionary, bloody death upon Calvary's tree.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the goodness of His tender mercy and the severity of His inflexible justice.   Trust Jesus, I implore you, trust to His blood now.  Redemption means to pay the incalculable price for human sin with God's Blood.  Only faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ can free you from a guilty conscience, the fear of death, and the dread of Hell.  Your salvation must not depend upon who you are or what you've done, but only upon Jesus.

The Substitution of Christ for sinners is the core and vital essence of the Gospel - it alone can turn despair into Hope.  Only the Cross can bring hope to despondent and despairing sinners.  If the Gospel is not true, then all hope is gone; for the Gospel is the only Sun that shines in this dark world of sin.  The only Joy I have is in the Cross. Lost sinners are in a terrible condition, grave danger, and are facing a bleak future and grim death.

Sin-sick soul look to Jesus now for Mercy.  The Lamb of God shed His Precious Blood to reconcile sinners unto God forever.  Look to Jesus, take Him to be your Substitute, trust your soul in His pierced hands and be at peace with God through faith in His Blood.  Guilty, burdened, heavy laden sinners are always welcome at the Cross.  Come and take Christ for yourself personally.  Christ's Blood and Righteousness is your only ground of acceptance before God.  If your works are trying to add to Christ's Finished Work, the more works you pile up, the more you multiply your sins before God.  Your self-righteousness is abhorred by God and is an outright insult to Christ.

Jesus is the great Physician; He came here to heal you of your Sins, and this is His divine Medicine for human sin - the wounds of Jesus heal the wounds which your sins have made on your soul.  The only Remedy for your sins is the Precious Blood of Christ.  Don't let religious quacks distract you with their sacraments, ordinances, water, ceremonies, wafers, superstition, and idolatry.  The only cure for human sin is found in the stripes of Jesus.

How can God be Just, and yet forgive my sins?  This is the only way - Jesus bore the wrath of God because of the sinner's guilt and vindicated Divine Justice all by Himself, without any of your help.  God Himself, the Righteous Judge of all the Earth, became the Innocent Sufferer, suffering in the criminal's place; Jesus offered to God's Divine Justice a full recompense for our sins and guilty.  Jesus took my load of guilt upon Himself. The great transaction called Imputation is when God takes sin off the sinner and lays it upon His sinless Son, and the sinner is no longer accounted guilty before God.

Jesus made recompense to His own Law and Justice and was punished Himself in the place of the offender.  Justice and mercy met at Calvary.  Go to the Cross now and see what Sin deserves - shame, scorn, ridicule, nails, death.  Jesus was despised, abhorred, condemned, loathed and spurned for your sake.  Jesus was absolutely Innocent, but He was punished as if He was Sin itself.  Come now and rest your soul upon the person and finished work of Jesus Christ.

What is Sin?  
Sin is an out-and-out rebellion 
against the good and kind Omnipotent Creator; 
Sin is an evil revolt against the Almighty.

My sins were transferred from my guilty soul to the innocent One. “The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” When my iniquity was found upon the innocent Lamb of God, He was “smitten of God and afflicted,” as if He had been the worst sinner that ever was. He was made to suffer for transgressions that were not His own, yes, He suffered as if they had been His own; and then mercy and justice shook hands, and righteousness and grace kissed each other.  Because of what Jesus did for me, I am now pardoned, justified, accepted, and sanctified. I will live and die leaning hard upon Christ Jesus and His Atoning Blood; He shall by my soul's only Dependence.  It is only the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ, the Substitute for sinners, upon which I shall rely.  I believe in Jesus, the God-appointed Man who died instead of me and rose from the dead.