Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Way of America

The way of America today: legalize immorality until the defiled consciences of unregenerate, educated heathen have no problem with it: abort babies; adore pets; let criminals out of prison; more regulations, less jobs; close Gitmo, open the borders; take your guns, implement federal police force; be politically correct, and morally wrong; let illegal aliens cross the border so they can vote and get free health care; let transvestites into the girl's restrooms, locker rooms and showers; prosecute police officers trying to do their job; promote Islamic faith in elementary schools; borderless country where the people have no freedom, power, or safety; disregard and don't label radical Islamic jihadi terrorists; greedy and incompetent gov't leadership; persecute Christians by making them appear as racists and sexists; save the guilty monsters on death row, while killing innocent babies in the womb; marry the same sex; market drugs and alcohol for tax money; shut down coal mines, steel plants and remaining manufacturing, and send those jobs overseas; use the US military an immoral experiment; blame shootings on guns and ammo, not the criminal's hate and selfishness; blame black protests, looting and killing of cops on white people and republicans; treat veterans poorly while giving more benefits to illegal aliens; delight in moral evil and sex perversion; elect idiotic, criminal politicians; support the lazy and irresponsible, tax the hard working bill-payer more; give away more EBT cards to layabouts and loafers; love sin, reject Christ; ignore illegal aliens crossing our borders or outstaying their visas; blame crimes on flags and guns; tolerate money and vote hungry congress and president; believe corrupt news media; allow Constitutional rights to be taken away by jaded supreme court; blaspheme God; take ISIS lightly; make deals with Islamic terrorist states; shun Israel; minimize and misuse the military; persecute and ridicule purity; remain thoughtless, careless, Christ-less, hopeless; intimidate the police; ignore the Bible; reject Christ; entertain, religionate, medicate, and intoxicate. America has forgotten the God of The 'Holy' Bible. God save America from itself!  The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that FORGET God. *Psalm 9:17*