Friday, January 15, 2016

The True Grace of God

Every man by nature kicks against simply trusting in Jesus Christ's finished work for free salvation. Here is where God and human nature are at issue, this is the central point of the quarrel: you want to be saved by something in yourself, but God says that He will only save you if you trust in Christ's works, not yours. Pride makes man want to do something, or to be something in their own salvation, or to be saved in some wonderful way of their own doing. 

You must be willing to be saved like the poor, good-for-nothing sinner you know you are. You are a worthless, miserable wretch of a sinner, and you are in desperate need of a Crucified and Risen Savior. Your enmity to God is you despise God's free way of salvation (Isaiah 55:1-7). You so much dislike God that you will not have heaven on God's free terms. You are such a godless rebel, and so much at war with God that you would rather burn in Hell than simply trust Christ now for Free Salvation, without human works.

Human nature says, "There can be no such thing as pardon for sin without human penance, you've got to do something for God to make amends for all your bad deeds. Mankind can't get off the hook for his sins without some sort of self-payment." There is guaranteed condemnation for every sinner that dies in his sins without trusting in Christ personally. Penance is punishment or suffering undergone by someone to atone for sin. Human nature wants to suffer or do good things to earn a sense or feeling of pardon. The natural mind of man thinks that you can atone for your sins primarily by attaching to their sinful living a few good deeds here and there. 

Your bad is definitely going to outweigh your good at the White Throne Judgment. You better wise up - You must trust in God's Blood to go to Heaven (Romans 5:9; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14). The sinless blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ alone delivers the sinner from the wrath to come he so richly deserves. You can only receive God's royal pardon by blood by simply asking for it, not by working for it, God royal pardon is FREE - Jesus has already paid for it IN FULL with His precious blood.

All men are sinful, and Christ Jesus is the only Savior of sinful mankind (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Man cannot save himself from his sins, but the sinner can be saved by simple faith in Christ's finished work alone. True faith and genuine repentance are both gifts from God, sinful man can never boast of these things. You deserve eternal condemnation from your Maker for your sins against Him. Your penalty for your crimes against God will be the eternal Lake of Fire. This is sentence that your deserved guilt will have to serve if you continue to love your sin, and cling to your self-righteousness, and keep on neglecting and rejecting the Person of Jesus Christ. 

Human nature is blinded by unbelief to the truth; it is offended by the plainness, purity, and freeness of the Gospel; it suppresses the truth; it will not come to the Truth because it would rather believe a lie about God, than believe the truth about God; and it refuses to receive Jesus Christ and tries to make its own way to Heaven.

Blessed is the man that trusts Christ Jesus alone. Humbly confess your sinfulness, your guilt, and that you deserve God's wrath, and that you cannot avert it by any deeds of your own. Put your trust solely and entirely in the blood and merits of the Lamb of God. Heaven's gate is only open to beggars, not for princes; for spiritual paupers, not for rich men of dignity. Christ died for sinners, not for those who are good and excellent in themselves. Jesus Christ came into the world to save vile wretched sinners, not good and respectable people. 

You only deserve to be damned forever for your sins, and you know it. Come to Christ now and plead for mercy through His divine blood. Leave your vile sins behind, renounce all your proud self-righteousness. Humbly seek for pardon at the feet of Christ and you will get it. Give Christ ALL THE GLORY for salvation. A simple reliance upon Jesus Himself is the one essential for obtaining everlasting life. Stop depending on yourself, come to the Cross and depend only on HIM. Stop trying to pay for your sins by a way of different religious and self-righteous means, and let Jesus pay for all your sins.

Christ's royal pardon silences the guilt of your conscience concerning all your sinful past. Only God's can wipe out all your transgressions for Christ Jesus' sake. God knows everything about you and everything about every one of your sins, but God will forget your sin only because of the Blood of Calvary - You can never impress God, you're a sinner, Jesus has already taken the punishment of your sin for you, and there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for you to do, but simply receive the Free Royal Pardon of Christ with all your heart, receive Christ Himself. This marvelous truth staggers the carnal, religious, idolatrous, self-righteous mind of man. This is God's Gospel, God's Promise, Christ's Free Pardon by Blood for Human Sin.

Only God Himself can reconcile you back to Himself through the blood and merits of His Dear Son, Jesus Christ. You cannot make yourself right with God. So God sent His Son into this world in the likeness of sinful flesh, so Jesus could be made an offering for your human sin. God was manifest in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ (I Timothy 3:16). God became a Jewish man and bled to death because of your sins. Jesus Christ had to be God, so He could pay an infinite penalty due to your sins, but He also had to be a man, so He could experience something that God the Father had never experienced, and that is, human life and death. So Jesus Christ took a body of flesh and blood so He could be crucified, bleed and die, so He could experience death, so that His atoning cross-work which involved a bloody death could give us eternal life. The punishment and wrath due to your sins was meted out upon Christ on the Cross by God the Father. 

Jesus was the Innocent One giving His life for the guilty one, you. Humbly trust the Lamb of God who has laid down His sinless life as an Atonement for your sins, as your Substitute. Humbly yield yourself up to Him, exercise personal faith in Christ Jesus alone now. God will completely forgive and forget all your sins (past, present, and future) because of what Jesus Christ did for YOU on the Cross. God forgives for good because the blood of His Son was shed for guilty sinners, period. The record of all your crimes against God are gone forever. There is NOW no condemnation and no separation for the person who simply trusts only in Christ's blood and merits.

Today you may be addicted to pornography and sexually immoral, or a thief or gambler driven by greed, or a drunk or drug addict, or religious and self-righteous, or proud and stubborn, or willfully hostile to the true God our Creator and refuse to obey His laws or submit to Christ's Righteousness - but there is still hope for your lost soul. By nature, you think you're a pretty good person. You prefer your own human righteousness to Christ's Righteousness - you think you're so good that you don't even need Christ's Righteousness to get you past the White Throne Judgment. You *think* you're on your way to heaven, and you're safe just the way you are, but you're wrong. You not a good person at all - you're what the Bible calls - a Sinner

You're not on your way to heaven, you're in imminent danger of hell fire, the wrath of God abides on your soul, you're dead in your sins, and you're wicked and deceitful to the core. The Bible calls you a child of wrath, a child of the devil, and a child of disobedience. Sin will dog your heels your entire life - you need a Savior from your sin. You make a mock at sin, you love sin and make excuses for your sin, but you should hate your sin and fear the living God - Jesus Christ. But all this can change, today by God's grace you can be saved freely through simple faith in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for ungodly sinners.

You cannot be saved because you're better than someone else, or smarter, or more deserving than some other poor sinner. You can only be saved for one simple reason. You can be saved only because Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, suffered the wrath your sins deserve on the Cross. You only deserve hell because of your sins, but Jesus took your place, and now you can be saved Freely by God's Grace. You must turn from your stubborn, self-righteous, sin-loving ways and thoughts. If you will simply look to Christ in Faith for all your soul's needs, God will be pleased to wash all your sins away for Jesus' sake. 

Surrender and yield yourself up to Christ Jesus, the Great Mediator, by a simple act of  faith in His Precious Blood, and be saved freely now by the True Grace of God. Come now, and rest in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ (God manifest in the flesh) on Calvary's Cross. Right now, at this very moment, I am safe now and forever, all my sins are presently forgiven for Christ's sake. My eternal life began the moment I trusted in Jesus Christ Himself. I don't have to wait till I die to find out if I am gong to Heaven. Only really bad people, that is - sinners, can be saved and go to Heaven when they die.