Friday, January 8, 2016

Salt and Light 2

The pull of the world is always against you – with all its glamour and glow. You're between the Rock and a Hot Place - trust to Jesus now. Let’s get this thing straight, no trimming, no cutting corners: The worst man in the world is the man that doesn’t believe the Bible. The thing that is first in your life is your god. For many folks, their god is their business, appetites, church, education, pleasure, or career. Your god is the thing that dominates and controls you. The thing that has the high seat in your soul is your god. Whatever has first place in your mind is your god. Every unregenerate man has a false god, and most of the time it his own self.

Every day is God’s day. We’ve crowded God out today, out of home, work school, and church. Many men sit with the sheep on Sunday, run with the goats Monday-Friday, and wind up going to hell on Saturday. The din of this world drowns out the still, small voice of God. Man thinks most about fun, pleasure, entertainment, making money, having a good time, sports, modern conveniences, and carnal comforts today. Family prayer and family altar are a thing of the past. You’ll have a hard time climbing over a family altar and going to Hell. Happiness is something you stumble over on the narrow path of God’s will. You never have a good time trying to have a good time. The most miserable people in the world are those that are always trying to have a good time without God. You can’t have two gods. Lord, begin a revival in me. Whatever God wants. Give God His place in your life. Remain yielded, dedicated, and surrendered to Jesus.

The Holy Ghost is the only true saving influence in this world. Don't give caught up in an ecclesiastical machine. Stay in line with God purpose, try to stop corruption in your community by spreading the Gospel. When the salt loses its savor, corruption makes its way right into the church. Stand for something, do something for Jesus. A form of godliness won’t do, organized Christianity and church buildings are useless, we’re in a religious mess today. The dominant thing in people's lives today is comfort, not character. Spiritual salt is a resistance against evil. If you have salt in your life, people won’t like you, but they'll respect you. Religionists like nice looking fake salt, that is, nice schools, buildings, facilities, and programs. Real salt has some sting in it. The religionist likes less offensive salt, no savor. Keep the salt salty, that's God's saving power. A clean heart and life comes from heavenly salt. Salt piles are scarce today. Ask for God's salt or you will be Ichabod.

Keep on, keeping on with your sowing the seed of the word of God and witnessing for Jesus Christ; God's word will never return to Him void.  If the tree is good, the fruit will be good.  If the fountain is pure, the stream will be pure.  If the heart is right, the life will be right.  Only the Holy Spirit can make you right with God on a daily basis.  You are very welcome to come to the Cross now.  Sincere gratitude for the word of Christ on Calvary yields the right kind of fruit.  Discretion, Diligence, Discernment, Devotion, Discipline.  The wisest thing to do is to pray to God for His wisdom.  Your most urgent need is help from the Holy Ghost.  Ask God to change your inward nature.  You must take Christ, or you must die in your sins.

The right way to take the Gospel Medicine is swallow it down at once, quickly without delay.  It doesn't take you long to get to the Doctor and to the Pharmacy if you are sick and in pain; Jesus is the Doctor, and the Bible is the Pharmacy.  The one Medicine for a sinner is the blood of Christ, nothing but the Blood.  Be a good hearer, reader, searcher, prayer, truster, knower, lover, giver, reacher.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - trust Him quietly, humbly, simply, immediately.  Trust Jesus to make you a saved man, a good man; to deliver you from the power of the devil, the love of sin, and He will do it.  Jesus is Truth itself; He never breaks His promises.  Jesus saves sinners to the uttermost through His atoning blood.  Jesus can conquer your sinful habits, not your will power. Are you a presumptuous procrastinator?  Are you an evil doer, a sin-lover, a self-exalter, careless, giddy, and thoughtless?  We need God's help most of all.  

A man with a pure heart has received Jesus Christ. A man with Jesus Christ in his heart is blessed, that is, he is happy. The only way to get a pure heart is to let Jesus Christ give you a new heart. You look at life according to what you are inside. You can’t see right until you get right. You can’t see the kingdom of God, unless you are born again. The difference between Jesus Christ and the best man that ever lived is the difference between noonday and midnight. You can’t get rid of Jesus Christ. You can’t reject Him and turn your back on Him. You can go on and live in sin, and go out into Eternity without God, but you’ll never get rid of Jesus Christ.

The Lord is opening the door of another lovely day. The stars are little peepholes into Eternity. The trouble with man is they are wrong, they are not right with their Creator. I’m a poor lost sinner, I can’t save myself, I don’t want to keep sinning, Jesus, I want you to save me from myself, Holy Ghost help me with my thought life. Look to Jesus on the Cross for mercy, or you’ll have to look at Him on a throne of Judgment and suffer His wrath. You can see Jesus now at the Cross. Get right with Jesus right now. Jesus, here I am a poor sinner, lost and undone, I believe you died for my sins, I can’t save myself, there’s no good thing about me, here and now, I yield myself to You, take my sins away, give me your Righteousness. Good people are always suspicious about everyone.

Remember Romans 8:28: opposition, suffering, and sorrow are all good for us.

Human nature hasn’t changed a bit in 6,000 years. But you can go to Hell faster today than they could in the old days. 2,000 years ago, from the noon day of heaven to the midnight of this earth came the sinless Son of God. They never found Him doing anything wrong, but the world nailed Him to a Cross.  Man is a hopeless loss race on its way to hell, and except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Men love the byproducts of Christianity, but they don’t love Jesus Christ Himself. You are hopeless, and you can’t save yourself. You can’t do anything for yourself. Human nature hasn't changed any, the world is still against Jesus Christ. Every man still has to be born again or he'll go straight to Hell in his sins at death. You have to be made all over again by the Grace of God, you have to Repent, or you'll Perish forever in your sins. Man wants it how he wants it. Men talk in a moral way, but they don’t want absolute Righteousness, that is, Jesus Christ Himself.

You’re not a liar, because you lie; you lie because you’re a liar. Your not a thief, because you steal; you steal because you’re a thief. You’re not a sinner, because you sin; you sin, because you’re a sinner. Your unregenerate heart is desperately wicked. The flesh (sinful human nature) only produces chaos and corruption. Man in the flesh (in his natural unregenerate state) cannot please God one bit. Man is a depraved sinner, without any divine spark in him. You were born in sin, there is nothing of God in the natural man. There is a hunger for God down in the heart of every man, but you have no divine nature in you at all until you are born again. Man cannot be good in himself. The man that thinks he doesn’t need God, and that he's all right without Jesus Christ, that man has gone to the Devil and is doomed for sure. The Holy Spirit is hindering evil in this world today; the Holy Ghost’s influence restrains the ungodliness of man every day, or all hell would break loose for sure. There would be no good at all in this world if the Holy Ghost was not working. The restraining hand of God is the only thing that keeps unregenerate human nature from having its way in the sinful world.