Friday, January 8, 2016

New Birth Blessings

1.  You have access to God's grace.  Ephesians 2:8, 18
2.  You're adopted into God's family.  Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5
3.  You have an eternal inheritance.  Acts 26:18; Ephesians 1:11; Colossians 1:12
4.  You're elected as a child of God.  Ephesians 1:4; I Peter 1:2
5.  You become a child of God.  John 1:12; I John 3:1
6.  You obtain heavenly citizenship.  Philippians 3:20
7.  You become an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ.  Romans 8:17; Galatians 3:29
8.  You become a new creature in Christ.  II Corinthians 5:17
9.  You become a servant of God.  Romans 6:22
10.  You become a priest of God.  I Peter 2:9
11.  You are reconciled to God.  Romans 5:10; Ephesians 2:12
12.  You are sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus.  Acts 26:18; I Cor 6:11
13.  You are accepted in the beloved.  Ephesians 1:6
14.  You are baptized into Christ's body by the Holy Spirit.  I Cor 12:13
15.  You are indwelt by Christ and your soul is saved by Jesus Christ.  Acts 16:31; John 14:23
16.  You lay hold on eternal life.  John 10:28; I John 5:13
17.  You have peace with God.  Philippians 4:7; Romans 5:1
18.  You become a friend of God.  John 15:15
19.  Your name is recorded in Heaven.  Luke 10:20; Philippians 4:3
20.  You are seated with Christ in heavenly places.  Eph 2:6
21.  You receive a blessed hope.  Titus 2:13
22.  You obtain fellowship with the Trinity.  I John 1:3
23.  You receive a mansion in Heaven.  John 14:2
24.  You are born again by the Holy Spirit and the word of God.  John 3:3-7; I Peter 1:23
25.  You are anointed by the Holy Spirit.  I John 2:27
26.  You are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  John 14:26; 16:13
27.  You are sealed by the Holy Spirit.  Ephesians 1:13
28.  Your body becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost.  I Cor 6:19
29.  Your sins are forgiven.  Luke 7:48
30.  You are justified.  Romans 4:5; 5:1; 5:9
31.  You are redeemed by Jesus' blood.  Rev 5:9; I Peter 1:18-19
32.  You have an Advocate.  I John 2:1
33.  You become an ambassador for Christ.  II Cor 5:20
34.  You receive all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.  Eph 1:3