Saturday, August 22, 2015

Just be an Urbane-ite

Most people never read Romans Chapter 16 that closely. But there's one gentleman mentioned over there in verse 9 called Urbane. Paul called him a *helper in Christ*. The name Urbane means polite - if we're going to help out like we should, we have to be Polite and Affable.  Help at home, help your neighbor, help at work, help at church.  We all need to be Urbane-ites.

Urbane was just a nobody that helped out the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS - JEHOVAH JESUS. Urbane pitched in and did the things no one else wanted to. He showed up early and stayed late. Have you ever met an Urbane?  Urbane went a little a further, he walked the second mile, and smiled through the trials. He was a giver, not a taker. We should all be that way.

What's keeping you from helping out and being a blessing today? Remain humble, helpful, and thankful - be an Urbane-ite. Urbane was a blessing to others, and his name got written down in God's words forever. Religionists want to be 'somebody', but Urbane-ites are satisfied with serving Jesus in secret, and doing the little things that need to be done and trying to lighten the load on others. O Lord Jesus, I want to be an Urbane-ite first of all. On your death bed, when you look back on your life, you will want to be able to say, I was a "helper in Christ", that's all.