Friday, August 21, 2015

I Timothy 3:16 (1)

Salvation is just this -- Free justification and forgiveness of sins for any wicked sinner through simple faith in the atoning Sacrifice of the Lamb of God - The Lord Jesus Christ. A needy sinner will only trust to the Blood and Grace of God. Find life eternal now by trusting the blood of the Lamb of God. Trust in Christ's one Sacrifice for sin upon the Cross. Hang upon Him alone. Trust wholly in Him. You must have a personal encounter with the Crucified and Living Savior. I am spared only by the merit of His precious blood. Take Jesus to be your God, rely on nothing but the finished work of Jesus Christ. This is the best news you ever did hear - The Son of God came down to earth to live and die among sinful men, He died upon the Cross, He rose from the dead, and He still lives today. The eternal God was made flesh, Christ shed God's blood to make full Atonement for all our sins. These spiritual truths are food and drink for our souls - our faith grows, our spirit is strengthened by the Gospel. The man who died on Calvary's Cross was the immortal living God in human flesh.

Extol the wonderful wounded Creator. Our Maker took upon Him the form of man. There is only one way of deliverance from the guilt of sin, and that was for God Himself, in human form, to take the consequences of human sin upon Himself. God Incarnate dying for sinners nourishes our faith, this is the spiritual food of everlasting life. Trust in the Savior's great Atonement. Atheists deliberately commit spiritual suicide. God Incarnate bearing our sins in His own body on the tree. Keep your eyes fixed there, and all will be well. The Blood of Jesus Christ is only rescue from the terrors of an angry God in the world to come. Atheists flatter themselves by thinking they will die at ease while they live in wickedness. Don't take God's name in vain, don't willfully violate God's law or grieve Him. Honor the name of God and His person - Fear God's ear, the eye of God, the heart of God. Rest in the living God, trust God about the present, take your troubles to God, take your day to God, commit your night to God. Trust in God for little things (daily bread) and for great things (deliver of us from evil). Go after God with all your heart. God is the great object of delight. God is my exceeding joy. Toy not with the outward parade of religion.

Fear, trust, and love God. Cultivate a personal friendship with God. Trusting, praising, adoring Him. Free salvation by the atoning Bloody Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, through the sinner simply trusting in Christ alone. Poor guilty souls can find perfect Righteousness at the feet of Jesus. Look unto Jesus, and trust yourself entirely to Him to save you. Simply believe the promise of God, rest on it, trusting in Jesus only. Put Christ upon the throne of your whole being, surrender yourself to Him, without any terms or conditions. The course of this world is live for self, and to do what suits yourself not God, never consult God. To never bring up or mention God's blessings or goodness or mercies. The worldly way is to try to do the right thing, but never acknowledge Christ about it, or bring Christ into it, or give Him any glory for it. To live for the present, and not for Eternity, for me and not God. To live to entertain myself, not to exhort the church; to live to satisfy myself, not to save lost souls. No thought for God, Christ, the Gospel, souls, or Eternity. Living for self and now, and not God and eternity. You're not against God, but you're not for Him. You may believe in God, but you don't love and serve Him. The way of the world is to live day in and day out like nothing matters but today. To live like that all there is to this life is this life.

Loving, trusting, praising, adoring the risen LORD. Adoring gratitude to Him who died for me. Adore, exalt, and magnify Him. Admire and bless Him. Never trust in your own righteousness, lean only on the Blood and Righteousness of Christ. Really repose upon Christ for everything. Human nature seeks success, status, stuff, and significance. Think much of the Son of God, in the manger, in His ministry, in Gethsemane, the Pavement, Pilate's whip, on the Cross, see His veins bleeding, in the grave for three days, in His resurrection, and ascension, and intercession. The Maker of men became a man (John 1:3,14). The Infinite became a Jewish infant. He that made all things was wrapped in swaddling clothes.

The bread - the great truth that God was made flesh. I eat that bread - I feed spiritually on that truth. The cup signifies the blood of Christ - the symbol that Jesus died, the Just for the unjust, to bring me to God.  The cup represents the Blood of His Atonement. The great fact that He died as my Substitute and Atonement. I drink this sweet wine into my inward parts. I take the precious truth of Substitution, Christ dying and suffering instead of me. I drink this precious truth into my soul and it nourishes, strengthens, quickens, and delights me. Place your soul's confidence on God Incarnate, crucified, risen, and gone into glory. Worship God, adore Jesus, fellowship with the Spirit.

Meditation on His marvelous condescension and matchless grace. Magnify the Incarnate God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree - this is the sum and substance of the whole Gospel. Lay hold upon Christ, feed upon Him, live by Him. God in infinite justice determined that sin must be punished. The plan of Substitution - Jesus Christ the Son of God became a Jewish man to become the Substitute for sinners. The people in the congregation have become sovereign, not God. Your hair falls out, eyes grow dim, body aches and stiffens, so plan ahead.  God became Incarnate at Bethlehem, at Calvary He bled and died, He gave Himself up as a sinless Sacrifice for sin. Be conscious of your inability, make a willing abandonment to God's will.

Holy Spirit, please blow and wither all my human ability and merit. Let the Gospel enter into your inmost being. Let it soak into your soul. Be at odds with your sins. I am a sinful person, but you are a merciful Savior. Our soul needs to be constantly dusted and swept out, just like our house. Cling to Jesus as your only hope. The most damning sin is your neglect of Christ's Great Salvation. Faith in His Blood is of the utmost importance. Have as many good works as you please, but never trust in them, for if you trust in them, they are not good works any longer. Put your trust wholly in the Lord Jesus Christ. Never trust yourself a single moment.