Sunday, May 18, 2014

Human Merit vs Christ's Merit 1

The first birth, human merit, religious rites and ceremonies have no life in them at all. You need to abhor the idea of any human merit helping your soul escape from sin. Plead only the merits of God's Son, trust to His Precious Blood, Believe on His wounds, the bloody sweat and death of the Cross, the resurrection, the ascension and intercession of Christ Jesus. When it comes to your soul's Salvation, human merit and human effort are all useless, pure nonsense. Human merit is a foundation of sand, if you build upon it, you will surely perish. Salvation is the free gift of divine Mercy to guilty sinners, and is never the reward of any human merit. You are not good at all, and you have no merit to please God with, because you're a sinner to the bone marrow, and nothing else. Your whole life is one big continual SIN; you are one big mass of sin.

You've never done one good thing in God's eyes, for you have preferred your imaginary goodness to Christ's goodness. A sinner can't do good. If you can help save yourself, what is the need of Christ's great Sacrifice on Calvary? If human merit can suffice, the Cross of Christ was all in vain. What are you trusting? Human merit or Christ's merits? Man's concocted religions reek of human merit. Salvation cannot be by human merit, it must be by divine Grace alone, for you are at enmity with God in your sins. Come and cast yourself on Jesus, without works, without merits. Trust only the merits of Jesus' agonies, sufferings, and blood. Salvation by human effort is a lie. Your merits can never match up with Christ's Perfect Merits. You are chuck full of de-merit.

All your merits are good for nothing and unprofitable. Come to Jesus Christ, believe in Him, not in yourself. You cannot add anything to the Perfect Merits of Jesus Christ. Salvation is of Christ alone, you have nothing to offer, Christ has Everything you need. Faith in Christ's blood and merits is the only way to New Jerusalem. Christ's sinlessness, agonies, groans, sufferings, merits, blood, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and intercession are essential. Hopeless sinners can never merit salvation. Religion exalts human ability and human merit. You have no merit, no righteousness, no good works. You will damned in hell unless Christ has mercy on you. You deserve God's wrath and you cannot avoid it by any merits or good deeds of your own. You must put your trust solely and entirely in the blood and merits of Jesus Christ. If you are putting your trust in any of your own works or merit - it is all in vain and you are doomed.

There is only one hope for a poor sinner from the divine justice of JEHOVAH, and that is the Lamb of God. Your only salvation is the Blood from Jesus' own heart. The door to Heaven is not wide enough to let your carry any of your self-righteousness with you. The law of God has been broken by us all, you can't offer anything to God to make up a recompense for what you have done. God is so angry with the man who sins, that He will damn that man, unless there is Someone who will be damned for him and suffer that punishment in his place.

Every sin ever committed by you must be punished. God will by no means spare the guilty. Someone has to pay for your sins. Will it be you or a Substitute? Christ Jesus stepped forward to be the Substitute and to be damned and to die in your place. God Almighty became a Jewish man - His name was Jesus of Nazareth. God became a human being, so that He could take the punishment we ought to have endured. Jesus bore the wrath we ought to have borne, He took the guilt we committed as the Scapegoat did in the Old Testament. Now, any sinner that puts his heart trust in Christ's substitutionary work can escape the eternal punishment and death due to his sins. God's justice cannot demand payment twice for the same offense.

The carnal mind of lost man can never understand the Gospel Riddle. Jesus Christ is everything to God, and until Jesus Christ is everything to you, you will die lost and doomed. Plead only the merits of God's Blood. The Incarnate God bled for your sins. God says, "You must please Me." But I cannot please you God, but Jesus Christ can, so I will trust His Blood Atonement to completely please You. The natural man will not humble himself and admit he cannot please God. The Gospel says, "you have to trust Jesus Christ to please God." Faith is pleasing God. Do well and you will be accepted in the Beloved. But I cannot do well. But God says, "My Son did well for you. Trust His Blood and I will accept you." Your chief need is Mercy. Your deepest desire is to be accepted by your Maker. Abel was accepted, he had a smile on his face. Cain was rejected by God, and he had a frown on his face. God smiled on Abel, but was angry with Cain. True hope is only found in the Savior's veins and wounds, the Father's mercy, and the Spirit's power.

The false gospel is half grace and half human goodness. Self-righteousness, pride, presumption, carnal security, hatred of God, contempt of His grace and blood, ignorance of the promises and Christ are only a few reasons why men remain lost in their sins. The Gospel is the free forgiveness of sins through Christ's blood and merits. You can never merit heaven and eternal life. Christ is all meritorious, look only to Him. Look straight to Christ for everything your soul needs in life and death and Eternity. Just look fixedly to the Cross. All the merits you could ever earn yourself are good for nothing. God says, "you must satisfy my Justice."

Justification by faith alone through the merits of Christ infinitely satisfies God's infinite justice. Human merit is nothing but dross and dung. Rest simply upon the Blood of Jesus Christ. Fix all your hope on nothing less than Jesus Christ's finished Sacrifice on Calvary's Cross. The Gospel is absolutely free, nothing must be done by you in order to receive it. No human merit must be brought to the Cross, only human sin. Free pardon through Precious Blood is the essence of the Gospel Message. Your faith in Christ's blood makes you completely whole and safe. Choose and take Jesus to be all your salvation. God will forgive me through the merit of Christ's blood, and give me a Perfect Righteousness to shield my soul in the Great Judgment Day.

The natural religion of fallen man is salvation by human merit. Human merit wants justice, not mercy. Guilty, empty, meritless sinners seek mercy at the foot of the Cross. Self-righteous sinner, stand back, you insult the Almighty when you bring anything but Christ's Precious Blood to satisfy God's justice. Sinners can never merit anything but punishment, and your repentance can never atone for your sins. Be wise - Stake all your eternal salvation upon the merit of Jesus' sin-atoning blood. Simply rely upon the sin-atoning Savior.

Trust in nothing else but Christ Himself. Relying and depending only on Jesus is real faith. Trust no more in the merits you have done, quit all the hopes you held before. Only trust the merits of the Crucified One. Your best obedience is a damnable sham. Nothing but faith in Christ can answer God's holy demands, by simply pleading what Jesus has done. What was my gain, I count my loss, my former pride, I call my shame, and nail my vain glory to the Cross.

Dear God, accept Christ's sacrifice - I am worthless, but have mercy and accept me through your Son's own merits. Humble faith in Christ, resting in His merits, trusting in His bloody death is the sure way. You cannot make yourself acceptable to God. Your soul's craving appetite, the inward gnawing, the aching void of your poor hungry spirit can only be satisfied by the Crucified God. Only God's grace can relieve and quench your soul's thirst. The world can never fill the aching void in your inmost being. When your natural and mechanical religion has left you empty, when your fleshly excitement is all gone, look away from self, look straight to Calvary, and view the bleeding Lamb of God. Only Christ can speak forgiveness to your soul.

The natural man gravitates to self-salvation in one form or another. Human natures follows after self-salvation either by personal worthiness or by religious repentance, or human resolves. This falsehood is ingrained in human nature, and very, very hard to remove. In some form or other, natural religion, the way of Cain, is the way of every unconverted man. We are so proud that we will not accept Heaven for nothing. We want to help pay our own way, or do something or other, but the one and only plan of salvation is, "Believe on Christ alone and live forever."

Trust, rely, depend, rest, confide only upon the God-man, Christ Jesus the Merciful Mediator. Self-righteousness is the natural religion of every lost man. Christ doesn't want any merit of yours, He gives everything He has away freely to lost sinners. Come to the Cross just as your are, be numbered with the transgressors, come without preparation, without trying to do better, without works, or dispositions. Come now to the foot of the mighty Cross, and trust in God's pardoning Blood and the all-sufficient merits of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The salvation of any sinner is only and all the mercy of God, and not his human merits. Man is very prone to relying upon his own goodness. The human mind clings to human merit, just as Adam clung to his fig-leaf apron and trembled. Pride and self-will is the inherent sin of man. Give up all your self-righteousness, and rely only on Christ. If you die rejecting Christ, you will enter into Eternity as the enemy of God by wicked works. Delight only in Christ Himself and His Finished Work, not in yourself or your works.

You have no goodness at all, no merits, no righteousness, nothing to bring to God but guilt, nothing to offer for acceptance. You are penniless and bankrupt, poverty-stricken, perishing, guilty, and lost. If you are under the load of guilt, the conviction of sin, believe on Christ now. Your sins deserve damnation, but Christ's merits deserve Salvation. Christ is more powerful than your sins. Christ's Righteousness is greater than your guilt. The Holy Creator is mightier than the unholy creature. You cannot do anything in the flesh to please God, all your works only makes your situation more treacherous. Your self-righteousness can never merit God's love and favor. If you go to Heaven, you must go through what Jesus did FOR YOU. You must accept Mercy as the absolute free gift of Heaven.

Remember now - Human sin and self-righteousness can never deserve anything but punishment. Trust in nothing else but the Bleeding Mediator. Rely simply and entirely upon His mighty Cross-Work. The winds of hell and the wrath of God will never touch you behind the Cross, the guilty sinner's Shield. You are worthless, and God will only accept you through Christ's Perfect Works. Your works are not perfect, every one of them is tainted with some sort of sin, and therefore; all your dead works are totally unacceptable in God's sight. God is ONLY well-pleased with His Son's finished work. I have no other Hope but Christ's shed blood. Hearken, incline your ear, you have no good works in which to trust, no self-righteousness on which to rely, cast all your boasting away. Come to the Suffering Savior at the Cross as a poor, guilty, helpless sinner that deserves Hell. God, have mercy and save my guilty soul for Jesus' sake, or I perish!