Sunday, September 4, 2016

Religion vs The Gospel

You can cross all your T's, and dot all your I's perfectly, and still spell the word wrong.  Religion is that stuff you do on a certain day at a certain place that makes you think you're better than someone else.  Religion is the stuff that pleases man, the stuff you think impresses God, and the stuff you do to help save yourself from sin and hell. Religion will only make you self-righteous (more lost), really strict, and continually mean; but JESUS and the Gospel will make you self-abhorrent, meek and merciful.

Now come up close, and listen with both ears:  Most religions will adamantly teach you that you must trust *their water* and *your works*, and then maybe you'll get to Heaven through their help, but only if you endure to the end in their sect; but the Gospel teaches and persuades you to trust the *Water of Life* (Christ Jesus Himself) and His Finished Work (Precious Blood and Perfect Righteousness). JESUS endured to the end for me - He cried, "It is Finished!" on the Cross right before He gave up the ghost. You see - It is Finished, Through His Blood, Worthy is the Lamb!  You can count on Jesus to save your soul from the love of sin and the damnation of Hell, but never count on yourself.  I believe I'm just going to 'Count On' what Jesus did for me, that's all. AMEN!