Friday, September 2, 2016

God's Pardoning Love

Snap out of your thoughtless delusional state - awake from your sinful, suicidal slumber and deadly distractions.  Don't keep messing around and miss God's pardoning love in Christ Jesus.  You're desperately wicked and sadly guilty, and God is holy and just. God is Love, but He is also Justice.  God is the Judge of all the earth and He must do right.  God the Creator is the great Moral Governor of the universe.  He has a Law and it threatens the sinner with a curse and eternal wrath.  God must execute the Law's penalty, or else His Law will lose its authority.  The Lord is the Lawgiver, and His Law is just, holy, and good.  Without Law there is nothing but anarchy and rebellion.  If you have ever broken God's law, your transgression involves evil and eternal consequences, but Christ died in your place as a Substitute and endured the full divine wrath due to your sins.

You're a sinner, that's for sure, and you desperately need a Savior from your sins that you so dearly love.  So in tender mercy, God the Creator visited this earth; He became a Jewish man and lived, suffered, bled, and died for human sin on Calvary's Cross and then He rose from the dead, so that you could be saved freely His Grace and live forever with Him in Heaven's glory.  Here is the blessed fact - Christ Jesus came into the world to save you - He loved you and gave Himself for you.   Jesus' sinless atoning sacrifice fully satisfies God's wrath for all of your sins; and now His Righteousness can be credited to your soul's account by simple reliance in His finished work on the Cross.

Repent - turn from stubborn and sinful way, renounce your proud self-righteousness.  You cannot save yourself by doing your best and letting Jesus make up the rest - Jesus must do Everything for your lost soul, or He will do nothing for you.  You can only be saved based on Christ's perfect works, not any of your works.  Human nature thinks this, "Jesus did a great deal for me, but I have to keep my salvation going by doing my best and living it, and do something that I can boast in.  I have to help Jesus out, and play a part in my own salvation, I have to get some credit for all of this."  The way to Heaven is by God's free grace alone.

Christ died for the ungodly.  If you reject the love and blood of Jesus Christ, you must die in your sins - your soul will surely be doomed in the lake of fire.  *Revelation 20:15* The only way of salvation is implicit trust and reliance on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ.  Any trust in human merit is sheer delusion.  Christ Jesus Himself is the only way of salvation from the wrath of God, He is the Ransom from the terrible judgment that is due to your human sin.  The Glorious Gospel tells the despairing sinner there is way of escape from the penalty due to his sins.  Stop drinking from the ditch water of self, and quit eating from the devil's dumpster!  

Natural men are besotted with their sins and insanely hate their own souls.  They recklessly reject God's divine love which visits them in grace, they willfully refuse free salvation through Christ who loved them to the death. This is spiritual suicide of the worst kind. But here's the Gospel again - God Incarnate in the person of Christ Jesus bleeding and dying for human sin is the your only way back to Paradise.  God Himself came to earth to bleed and die and be raised again from the dead to save guilty men like you.  Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near - Humbly ask God to give you true repentance and real faith in Jesus Christ's shed blood now.  Yield yourself up to Jesus Christ, trust your soul in His dear hands.  Jesus Christ is seeking you, will you not seek Him?  Please be saved today - have mercy on your poor soul - call 911 - Romans 10:13.