Saturday, September 10, 2016

Here's The Deal

Salvation is something that you can't earn; Salvation is something that is freely given to you by God. The mercy, goodness, kindness, and graciousness of God saves a sinner for Jesus' sake. Believe on Christ and commit your soul into His hands for eternal safety. Put your case of guilt into the hands of Jesus the Great Advocate. Put your case of sin-sickness into the hands of Jesus the Great Physician. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Come down from your proud thinking. There are 10,000 voices clamoring to be heard today, they are chattering a good deal, but only One Voice can tell you how to get to Heaven - listen closely now to the still, small Voice of Matthew 11:28 and John 14:6.  

Simply receive Christ, and then quit your sinning. Keep your bodies under, surrender your body and tongue to God. Turn to God from idols - that's Conversion; serve the living God - that's Christian Service; and wait for Jesus from heaven - that's Christian Hope. Just turn to Jesus Christ, and that will put your back against sin. If you're heart is unclean, you'll do and think unclean things. All the good things you do is unnatural for you, because you're a sinner. You were born wrong the first time, you need to be born right (John 3:7; I Peter 1:23). You have the devil in you right now, if you've never been born again. Your sin has you all tied up, and only Jesus can set you free. Education may press your pants and give you shiny shoes, but it won't ever give you a clean heart. Your heart is incurably sick because of sin. No one on earth can fix your sin problem. You need help from above. Put your faith in Jesus' atoning blood to save your sinful soul.

By the help of God you can do right. Vain is the help of man. Sometimes God helps us through a man, but all help comes from God. Go to the getting place, seek God and tell Him what you want. A man's words during a conversation will often betray him. Keep your feet on the ground, don't go off on tangents. Always pray, scramble prayer in everything part of your life, mix prayer in everything you do. 

The vocabulary of time is not the vocabulary of Eternity. Believe Jesus is the Son of God, He died to save you, He is the only God you need, trust Him, turn your back on all other gods including yourself. God's redeeming grace was revealed on Calvary when Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, bled and died for His enemies. What a sinner you are, if you have knowingly rejected Jesus Christ and His love and blood. The measure of your responsibility is the measure of your opportunity. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a Jewish virgin, He was God Incarnate, He came from heaven to earth to die for ungodly sinners. Jesus went up to Calvary's Cross and there He was wounded for your transgressions, He bore your sins in His own body, He laid down His life for you, He was buried, but the third day He rose from the dead. The sinner that comes to Jesus He will in no wise cast out. Come to Him right now, trust HIM alone, and you can be saved on the spot.

What you love, and what you hate, reveal and determine what you are. When you feed on Jesus Christ, you lose your taste for this world's garbage. As long as a man doesn't love bad things, there's hope for him. When you get where you here a man swear and have no reaction, you have gotten pretty bad. When you can watch pornography, and your conscience doesn't alarm you, you are not right at all. A Christian may sin, but he won't enjoy it anymore. A Christian loves what he used to hate, and hates what he used to love. A Christian may not admire, respect, or trust someone, but you love everybody.

If you are enslaved with sin, and holding on to your sin, you need to simply turn to Christ, look to Him bleeding and dying for you on the Cross, let Him rescue you, receive Him into your empty heart. Sin just doesn't pay, you can't get away with sinning. Sin won't ever make you happy. At the back of every tragedy in human character, there is a long, slow process of wicked thinking. No man ever failed suddenly: what you do in the hour of temptation will depend on what you were before that time. You always fall privately before you fall publicly. You fall the first time you begin to hold on to thoughts you shouldn't have. If you don't learn to think right, you'll never live right. Heart thinking influences head thinking.

 You can do anything better if your thoughts are clean and right in the sight of God. A man first thinks about stealing and it makes him into a thief. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. The only way you can ever think right is to ask God to give you a clean heart and right spirit. You what you do because you are what you are. Sin is a terrible thing - sin always brings disgrace, shame, and dishonor. If you don't get right with God, you're going to make a mess of your life here in time, and lose your soul out in Eternity.