Saturday, August 2, 2014

Snippets of Truth 4

Doing right, right now, is better than planning to next week.  A Holy Spirit-led witness right now is better than having to say, "I wish I would have witnessed to that man before it was too late." Humility, diligence, perseverance, integrity, and a godly motive will bring victory in the end. Always be willing to do everything you ask of those you lead.  Do more than is required of you.  Always be prepared to pray and witness on the spot.  Be a good soldier of Jesus Christ, and serve and fight for right whithersoever He sendeth you. If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.  Do your full duty for Jesus Christ, and the rest will take care of itself.

When in doubt, always pray and ask God for His wisdom, help, and some sanctified common sense.  It is the Holy Spirit's presence and power that ensures the victory, not some man-made religious activity.  We must overcome the tug of worldlings against us if we are going to please God.  As long as you are trying to do right, you won't be able to find time to do wrong.  To be a successful Christian soldier, you must know the Bible, the Lord, and yourself.  You can only win souls by face-to-face witnessing for Jesus; a lost man will never forget when he received a Holy Spirit-led witness for Jesus Christ. Character is doing right a minute longer when you're tempted to do wrong.  Never stop serving Jesus until the rapture or the grave.

A living Savior cannot exist in an inactive Christian.  A Christian continually learns about character by practicing character.  Let Jesus lead you, follow Him, and stay out of His way.  Good success depends on obedience to God's words, God's speed, godly simplicity, and a good courage.  Something done for Jesus is better than anything done for self.  Live for Jesus rather than die for your own conceits.  Moral integrity is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men today - moral integrity is the essence of practical Christianity.

The invisible pins of the Law come from the Holy Spirit and poke holes in the stuffed shirts of religion and deflates them.

The Holy Spirit's preparations (enlightening, convincing, humbling, persuading, quickening) to save a lost soul may take a while, but the New Birth happens instantly the moment a sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ.  The carnal mind says, "When I get my life straightened out, I will get saved."  But its too late, for you have sinned against God, and what's done is done.  When it comes to sin, you are as helpless as a butterfly in a hurricane. Christ Jesus is our only shelter from Sin.

No good work was ever done by someone that just warmed a church pew.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Success is determined by how you respond when you hit rock bottom.  Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.  Never underestimate or overestimate the devil and his crowd. Do your best for Jesus in a humble manner all the time. Fight against your sins continuously, relentlessly, without rest, keep on warring a good warfare to the end.  For a Christian, retreat is an impossibility, keep on advancing the Gospel for Jesus' sake.

Every sinner's most immediate need is divine Mercy, and that Mercy is only accessible through faith in the most Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh.  Christ died for the ungodly; Ye must be born again; Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.

Inward and private purity is the supreme test of a man's character.  No man in his right mind is unafraid when he begins to witness for Jesus, but the love for the Gospel and the Savior produces in him a good courage, then the ambassador asks the Holy Spirit for His help, and beseeches the lost soul in Christ's stead to be reconciled to God. A real Christian witness is the man who witnesses even when he is scared.  Serve Jesus as good as you can, and a little bit more, that's all you've got to do.  There are two kinds of people in the world - the givers and the takers:  the takers may eat better, but the givers always sleep better.

Once or maybe twice, God will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder, and if that man has wisdom from above, he will turn around, and God will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, and if he has the guts, he will take it. Lost souls may be witnessed to by Christians, but they are won to Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit. It is the man who lets the Holy Spirit lead him that gains the victory.  Many Christians wind up in defeat by knowing too much about too little.