Friday, August 22, 2014

Going to Heaven Alone?

A man once put out some crumbs on a window ledge for birds - one sparrow came, the crumbs were there, he wanted them, so he picked up the crumbs and ate them, and the crumbs were his. The next day, the same sparrow came back for more crumbs, but he brought some of his friends with him to the window ledge, so his friends could enjoy the crumbs with him. If you want the Bread of Life and God's mercy, there is rich mercy available right now within your reach, come and take *Mercy* from the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. And if you have truly partaken of Christ Jesus (The Bread of Life), you will surely invite others to come to Him.

If you have learned and received Jesus' salvation and love toward sinners in your own heart, then tell it out to others. If indeed the Gospel is glad tidings to you, then tell out the happy message to those around you, and say to every sinner you can, "Christ died for the ungodly; Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved; Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." You prove your knowing the Lord Jesus Christ by your sincere desire to make Him known to others; and you have need to doubt whether you truly understand the salvation of the Lord in your own soul, if you feel no inward impulse to make others aware of the glorious Salvation of your Lord.  The old proverb goes like this, “He that would go to Heaven alone, shall never go there at all.”