Saturday, August 30, 2014

Childlike Dependence 2

When a child looks to his parent or guardian for all of his earthly needs, that child is called a dependent.  The helpless child is depending on that parent/guardian to supply his food, clothing, shelter and the like.  You must become Jesus' dependent, that is, come to rely upon Him for all your spiritual needs.  Faith is simply defined as an empty sinner receiving the person of Jesus Christ.

Childlike dependence on Jesus Himself is most needful.  Patient waiting for Christ, firm adhesion to His words, intense love to His person, abiding in Him contently, praying for the Spirit's divine help.  Is eternal life dependent on something you can do?  Does your Salvation depend upon your works at all?  Self-dependence, self-help, self-exaltation, and self-salvation must be forsaken once and for all.

Renounce your love for sinning, give up your evil practices, abhor your own righteousness, trust to nothing but Jesus' sinless doings and bloody death - simply depend on the Lamb of God.  Put more and more faith in Christ Jesus, and less and less in your self, experience, and feelings.  Simple faith hanging alone on Christ Himself without any other dependence but God manifest in the flesh and Him crucified.  I am Jesus' dependent, are you?  My soul is absolutely dependent upon Christ Jesus.  Lord Jesus, thank you so much for your bloody death on the Cross for my ungodly soul.

The just shall live by faith.  Faith is the water that nurtures the root; faith is the sap which gives life to the branches.  But not just any faith will do.  Genuine faith is a gift from God.  God must lead you to direct and fix your faith on bloody death of the Mediator. Without faith in Jesus' finished work, all other graces begin to wither.  Faith in God Incarnate's Precious Blood is the connecting link between our soul and Christ.  Faith in His Blood, Faith in His Blood.  True and vital saving faith is of utmost importance.  Whosoever believeth on the Blood of the Son of God hath eternal life abiding in him.

Constant dependence on the person and power of the Holy Ghost is vital to our daily victory over self and this world.  We need divine assistance from the divine Spirit at all times.  Rely upon the eternal love of the Father, trust in the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, depend wholly upon the merits and righteousness of the Savior, but also confide in the Holy Spirit's work. The more childlike you are, resting more simply on the Holy Spirit's person and power, the more content and happy you will be in this life.  Panting after God's presence and smile.  Depend on the constant influence of the Holy Spirit; maintain present reliance on the unseen hand of God.

Renounce all dependence in anything you are doing to help save yourself.  Cease to be your own savior, give up your futile attempt to please God with your own righteousness, for you have no righteousness at all.  Until you are born again, there is no good or light in you at all.  When Christ Jesus is your All, then your soul is safe and sound.  Throw away every other dependence and rest alone on Jesus.  Many people go to church today, but very few of them have ever been to the Cross and trusted in the blood of the Lamb of God.

Your first business is to trust to Christ's Atoning Blood.  Faith in Jesus' blood is the starting point of Salvation; yea, it brings you to Christ Himself who is your Salvation.  Play it safe - Depend on nothing but the shed blood of the Lamb of God.  Cast your heavy laden soul on Jesus, with the whole burden of your sins, doubts, fears, and anxieties.  Absolute dependence upon a present God at this very moment with proper humility.  My defenseless soul is entirely dependably upon the Lord Jesus Christ.  I am resting in none else but Jesus; I am trusting who Jesus is, what He has done, and what He has suffered to save my soul from my sins.  Renounce all dependence upon your own efforts to help save yourself.

Simple, childlike trust in God manifest in the flesh who bled, died, and rose from the dead for sinners just like you.  Faith in Christ's Blood, and then love to Christ's person.  My main business is to trust Christ; to rest on Him; to depend on what He did for me on Calvary's Cross.  The first and immediate object of a sinner's justifying faith is Christ Jesus' Atoning Blood.

God manifest in the flesh offered a perfect, sinless Blood Atonement for the ungodly.  Look to Christ Jesus first as God, and as a sinless man as well.  Trust in His incarnation (virgin birth) and in His Substitution (Blood Atonement).  The Infinite became an infant, the Creator became a creature, the Eternal became a mortal, the King of Heaven became a Jewish peasant; His name was Jesus of Nazareth.  He became a servant of servants in order to save you from Sin.  Oh believe this promise true; Christ died for the ungodly, that means you.  The one road to Heaven is by childlike faith (dependence) in Jesus' Precious Blood.  Are you Jesus' dependent?