Monday, November 18, 2013

Simple Gospel Truth 3

The Gospel is the simplest fact to understand and believe as long as you don't love your sins.  I have nothing to declare unto you but the Gospel of the Grace of God.  No one but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself can save a man from the love of sin.  You must trust wholly, entirely and exclusively to the Blood and Righteousness of God Incarnate.  Behold the Lamb of God's Precious Blood.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; His Precious Blood must be all your confidence and hope.  Forsake your own righteousness; renounce your love for sin - that is Repentance.  Ask the Holy Spirit for Repentance.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and free Everlasting Life is yours.  I am resting, resting wholly in who Jesus is, only on His Precious Blood, not in some baptism or sacrament.

You are devoid of all that is Good, for you are a sinner.  There is within your nature a propensity to sin which you cannot conquer.  Your best works are unholy; ye must be born again within; you must be saved through the merits of Another, by the free, undeserved favor of God.  Faith in Jesus makes you righteous through His Righteousness, accepted in the Beloved, and perfect in Christ Jesus.

Christ Jesus Himself is my Medicine as well as my Physician.  An earthly physician may save your physical life for a few months or years, but only the Son of God can save your soul eternally.  Take the divine Medicine of the Gospel for your sin-sick soul. Childlike Faith in Jesus' Blood alone is the best Remedy for your fears and doubts.  The Precious Blood is the true and only Remedy for the ills of your soul.  Your trust and hope must be fixed on Jesus, the Substitute for sinners.  Whosoever believeth in Jesus shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life.

Listen closely; hear the good news from the better country: Free salvation for lost sinners; complete forgiveness for the guilty; and acceptance for the ungodly.  Christ died for the ungodly; He loved His enemies to death; He is willing to receive the wretched and miserable; He is full and grace and truth; He justifies the unrighteous through His own merits.

Sin's penalty is eternal death; Jesus paid that penally for you on Calvary's Cross with His own life's blood.  The Holy Spirit through the work of the Law and Divine Justice must break your righteousness down, so that you will quit trusting it.  Now understand - Jesus must have all the glory for your Salvation.  If you attempt to mix your own doings with Christ's Righteousness, you are deceived and doomed.  Appeal only to the Precious Blood for pardon and to the Holy Spirit for power to overcome your sins.  God delights in mercy for Jesus' sake.

Whosoever believeth in Jesus shall be saved from the love of sin.  True prayer and Faith is a gift of God.  The shortest and sincerest prayers in Jesus' name reach God's ear.  Loathe the very thought of self-righteousness.  Once you begin to feel your sins' guilt and evil, you will begin to pray to God for His mercy through Jesus' Blood.  The Reconciliation of a sinner to the Creator can never be achieved by a sinner, for this is the work of Christ alone, and to Him must be all the glory.  The strongholds of sin within your heart and mind can only be overthrown by Christ Jesus.

O God, I have offended you over and over; I have sinned greatly and followed my own will; I have no goodness of my own; I am so guilty and undone; I need your Mercy most of all; save my defenseless soul for Jesus' sake; please change my heart and appetites within; I am so sick of myself; give me your Holy Spirit; you have given Jesus to die for sinners; I am a sinner; I put all my trust in His Precious Blood; God be merciful to me a sinner for Jesus' sake.  Let all the Glory be ascribed to Christ Jesus Himself.