Saturday, November 9, 2013

Look Closely in the Mirror

The first mirror ever made was in Venice around 1300. In 1836, a German named Justus von Liebig created a mirror with silver plating on the back, and now everyone has a mirror. You've never met a woman that's too poor to not own a mirror. Mirrors are used in telescopes, cameras, lasers, and microscopes.

The Holy Bible is God's Divine Mirror; the Holy Scriptures reflect what you really are on the inside. That's why people can't stand to have The Ten Commandments posted in public places in America. The Bible is a spiritual mirror, and when you expose yourself to the Scriptures, they show you what you really are; just like a scale, or blood work, or an x-ray does.  There are two things that never lie: mirrors first thing in the morning and scales late in the evening.

Human nature doesn't want divine mirrors hanging up so they can see what they are on the inside. The Law of God is a perfect mirror that shows you that you're in the wrong, and that you can't put yourself in the right. A mirror will never lie to you, but every man is a liar. A man lies to himself and to others. Men are naturally born liars right out of the womb. The Bible won't ever lie to you. Every day you live, you look in a mirror to check yourself out. But you also need to look in God's Mirror to see what you really are, and to see who Jesus Christ really is.

Don't just glance in God's Mirror, look into it, focus and search intensely, asking God to show you the Truth about yourself, and Jesus Christ. Search the Scriptures with the Eye of Faith, with honesty and openness. The Holy Ghost will show you what you are by nature, and what you can be by God's grace. You always become what you look at, what you listen to, and what you think about every day.  Does your Bible lie around your house all week undisturbed?

Just for one moment, contemplate what will become of you after you die. The Holy Bible lifts up and exalts Jesus Christ, and puts down human nature and carnal pride. Jesus Christ was absolutely Perfect. Nobody can ever come close to Jesus Christ; no one is like Him; no one can touch Him. You can't blame the mirror for what you see. Human nature is drawn to what it shouldn't have, and it foolishly thinks it can escape divine justice through religiousness.  Your Self is an ugly thing to look at, that's why men avoid the Divine Mirror, The Holy Bible. Men try to pretend they aren't as ugly as the Bible says they are inside - but you're proud, a liar, self-righteous, and you're stuck on yourself. The Bible is no respecter of persons. A broken mirror will give you a distorted image, and there are many broken Bibles being sold today. You won't get the right impression about yourself from a broken Mirror.

The Holy Bible will give you a straight picture every time you look into it. You have to get close to a mirror to get groomed and cleaned up. When you look into a mirror, you are looking for flaws, so you can correct them. You need to get close to the Bible. Grooming in a mirror always begins at the beginning of the day. No man in his right mind ever leaves his home in the morning without checking himself out in the mirror. You need *light* in order to see yourself in a mirror. You must have the Holy Spirit's Light in order to see yourself, and then Christ Jesus in the Mirror of the word of God. The Holy Bible is the only Mirror that can actually change us on the inside. A mirror is no good, unless you use it. Running away from a mirror won't change your looks any, and ignoring the mirror never solves a thing.

If you want to know your true condition, you will find it in the Bible. The Bible won't kid you; it will show you the Cure for your sin problem - the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. *I John 1:7* If the Bible is right, you are lost; if the Bible is right, you can be saved from divine justice. Unsaved men go straight to Hell when they die, because they reject Christ, love their sins *John 3:19-20*, and set up their own righteousness in opposition to God's Righteousness - Jesus Christ. *Romans 10:3-4* If you believe that, the world will have no use for you at all. The best a man can do will land him right in hell. If you trust to any of your own self-righteousness, it will damn you. You have to come to Christ for a Righteousness that will satisfy God holy demands, because you're not any good at all. If you're a good guy that thinks you can make it past the White Throne Judgment on your own, you're going to perish in the Lake of Fire.

Your soul must live forever in some place. If you keep your sin-sick soul to yourself, you will lose it forever. Commit your soul to the Lord Jesus Christ now for safekeeping. Have you slighted, ignored, cussed, neglected, rejected, received, or believed on Jesus Christ? What have you done with Jesus which is called Christ? You need to personally respond to the Gospel, act on what you have just read. Receive Christ into your soul now. All religions are not the same, for all their founders are not alive. Christ Jesus is alive today, He is risen from the dead, and He is alive forever more. You can't meet God's Divine Standard - only Christ Jesus did that. He is Perfect, and you're not. Human nature desperately tries to cover up sin by some type of works. Religious folks try to meet the perfect Standard of God's law by their self-righteous works, and wind up losing their soul in the end. Trust Christ's Righteousness, not your own; believe in Him, not yourself. Never trust religious humanistic nonsense that men think up to try and justify themselves in the sight of God.

Jesus is the main issue; He's always been the real issue, and He always will be. Let's get down to earth now, and talk about this real plain like. Every last sinner is going to take a side either for Jesus Christ, or against Him. There's only one thing you have against Jesus Christ - He's Good, and you're Bad; He loved Righteousness, and you love Sin; and He condemned you by the way He lived and died. Jesus loved His enemies. *Romans 5:10* He bled to death for you. He loved me, and gave Himself for me.The straight edge of the Law shows us just how crooked we really are on the inside. On your very best day, you're as crooked as a dog's hind leg. You produce according to what you are. You can't do good, until you are made good by the only One who is Good - who is The Lord Jesus Christ. Sin has warped your mind, and bent your affections. Only Jesus can make the crooked straight.

Sin is an act of departing from the right, the good, and morality. Sin is a straying from the will of God. Faith is trusting and doing the will of God. You have left the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness. You rejoice to do evil, and delight to hear perverse things spoken against God, Christ, the Gospel, and the Bible. Turn from your crooked ways, and come to the straight Way. *John 14:6* Your wisest decision will be to trust the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ to save you from Divine Justice. Only God can save a sinner. God is infinitely just, and He cannot do wrong. You cannot deceive God. God knows just what kind of person you are in private, and in your thoughts. Sin always complicates life, and living for Jesus simplifies life. Doing what God likes is true Freedom. Living like you want results in misery, and problems, and ultimately, Damnation.

The world still mistreats Jesus Christ today. You can sell religion to men, but not Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh bleeding and dying to save guilty sinners from divine justice. This is man's way - "I'm a pretty good fellow, I take care of my family, I pay my bills, I'm loyal to my wife. What's the matter with me? I'm just as good as those Christians down there at that church. You mean to tell me, I've got to get down at Jesus Christ's feet, and tell Him that I'm a poor, miserable, lost sinner, and that I ought go straight to Hell for the dirty rotten life I've lived. You mean to tell me that? Not me, nothing doing, none of that kind of religion for me, I won't have Jesus, if that's the way. That means I will I have to quit this and quit that. I don't want it, I'd rather get it my own way." The Blood of Jesus Christ is on the hands of every lost human being.

Men are not naturally good, there's not one spark or atom of goodness in any sinner. Lost men hate it when you turn the Light on. *John 8:12* If you are doing filthy things in a pitch black room, and someone comes in and flips the light on, the light is not the problem. Human nature always tries to make it seem like the light is the problem. Human nature wants you to just turn the light off, so it can go back to enjoying its sin and darkness. And this is the condemnation, that *light* is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than *light*, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the *light*, neither cometh to the light, lest his *deeds* should be reproved. *John 3:19-20* Jesus is the Light which men cannot tolerate. Religion pats guilty humanity on the back, and says, "Just do your best, but you must do it our way, and then you might get to heaven." Don't let religion fool you - You must have personal faith and contact with Jesus through simple faith in His atoning blood in order to get to Heaven. Simply accept what Jesus suffered and did for you on Calvary's Cross, ask Jesus to keep you out of Hell.

After we are born again from above by the Holy Ghost *John 3:7*, we need to continue in God's word *John 8:31*, and continue to repent, to be temperate, and to seek holiness in our personal private and public life. You'll never figure God or His words out with your own intellect, you need Wisdom from above, wisdom from God to understand Truth. Doing right after you are born again doesn't help save you, we do right after we are saved out of Gratitude alone to the Sin-Forgiving Savior. Looking into the Divine Mirror, mixed with faith, will keep your moral life in check. Ask God to change you daily into Christ's likeness and conform you to His image. You must be transformed by the Divine Mirror. *Ephesians 4:23; Romans 12:2* The Holy Bible will cause you to start thinking and responding to situations and circumstances with the mind of Christ, not with your old carnal mind. Keep yourself pure by looking into the Bible continually, and by correcting your flaws with divine help from the Holy Ghost. *John 17:17,19; John 15:3; James 1:23; Romans 8:13; II Corinthians 3:18; Psalm 119:140*