Friday, September 20, 2013

Wake Up Call

There is clear evidence of intelligent design and brilliant creation all around you, everywhere you look - from your eyeballs, to your fingerprints, to your children, to all the plants, insects, and animals you see every day.  God created the sun, He keeps it burning, He keeps it from burning out or exploding, He keeps His sun burning just at the right temperature so we can safely exist here on God's Earth every day.  Atheists are completely blind to the creation, to the frailty of their flesh, to the extreme brevity of life, to their imminent danger without Christ, to the sinfulness of their inward nature, to the certainty of death, the realities of Eternity, and the grace and kindness of their Crucified and Risen Creator.  Atheists are thoughtless, careless, and Christ-less. Living in this world from day to day in your natural state outside of Christ is risky business.

Frailty, Mortality, Reality, and Eternity are just around the corner; Soberness and Truth are just over the hilltop. It's just a matter of time. Simply put - atheists believe what Darwin says and they go to Hell, and born-again Christians believe Christ Jesus' words and go to New Jerusalem.  The atheists believe the words in a God-less textbook, and Christians believe the words of the Gospel found in the Holy Bible.  Everyone trusts someone's thoughts - many atheists believe on darwin's thoughts, and Christians believe on Christ's thoughts - the Gospel.  The thoughts you dwell on every day either came from yourself or God.

The lost atheist's real root problem is that he loves his own intellect and money.  Self-idolatry controls him; he loves attention.  Self-adoration is his critical objective in life. He has an intense dedication to promote darwinism, that puts most Christians to shame.  The atheist is caught up in the so-called American Dream, that is, "Gain status, stuff, and personal recognition."  Now understand - Money talks, it says, "I cannot satisfy you."  Human nature always wants just a little more.  Money (your paycheck, the paper bills and coins) is not sinful in itself - money becomes sinful when our heart responds to it in the wrong way.  We shouldn’t live for temporal worldly possessions.  Money is a dangerous liability. 16 of the 38 parables spoken by Jesus refer to money.  Money becomes sinful when there is any ungodliness in the acquisition and use of our finances.  Materialism, self-centeredness, and indulgence is the way of the atheist.

Do you know what being saved really is? “Oh yes", says one, “I want to be converted.” But do you know what being converted really means? Many people who seek the Savior do not know what it is.  Another says, “I want to be saved from going to hell." But that is not salvation. Salvation is being redeemed (set free) from the love of sin. Every murderer wants to be saved from the death penalty; every thief wants to avoid the policeman; and if that is all you want, there is no hope for you. What Christ came into the world to do, is to save you FROM your sins; He came to save the drunk from his alcohol and drinking buddies; Jesus came to save the liar from saying what is not true.

Christ came into the world to save the dishonest man from being dishonest; the Savior came to redeem the lazy from being lazy; He came to save the ungenerous from being selfish and hoarding. He has come to save the atheist from his blasphemy and unbelief, and the whoremonger from his lasciviousness.  That is what being *Saved* really means. *Acts 16:31*  If you haven't been saved from the love of sin now in time, mark it down, you won't be saved from the lake of fire out in Eternity.  Now always remember - The main reason an atheist can't find God is the same reason a thief can't find a policeman, he's not looking for him.

God-less human nature thinks that one day through science and technology it will wipe out disease and do away with human suffering without Jesus Christ.  But this is nothing but a devilish delusion.  Without Christ Jesus, you are facing a certain awful doom and eternal death.  You must personally receive Christ into your body and soul spiritually by God-given FAITH.  Bread must be taken, chewed, and swallowed, in order to get it into yourself.  Bread cannot be just looked at, or touched, or smelled, it must be received into your body to satisfy your continual hunger.  Likewise, Christ Jesus Himself, the Living Bread, must be taken into yourself, into your mind, soul, and heart spiritually by simple faith in His Atoning Blood.  God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ, bore your sins in His own body, and then He died for your sins to pay the penalty due to them.

Your emptiness cries out for Christ's fulness every day. Don't just think about Jesus, go a step further, and Receive *HIM* into your innermost being, and then you will be Born Again, and begin to hate your sins, and love Jesus Christ.  Only the Holy Ghost can grant you repentance, that is, a complete change of mind with regard to your sin.  You need divine assistance from the Holy Ghost to feel your sinfulness, danger and hunger, and only THEN will you seek and receive Christ Himself.  Every man's mind and soul feeds on something or other.  The atheist's thoughts feed on filthy things, the Christian's thoughts feed on Christ.  Christ is All, Jesus is Everything, Receive HIM, Trust in nothing but Jesus' Blood to save your soul. Trust your helpless soul with the Son of God at once.

You see, human nature is never satisfied; it always wants something more, something newer, something easier.  That which is a man’s supreme thought and affection is his idol. The carnal mind worships human applause, money, or lust. Money becomes sinful when we waste it, or when we hoard it for our own self-interests, and are not willing to give it away to those in need.  The atheist's way is to hoard, defraud, self-indulge, and be ruthless.  The atheist will take away his neighbor's livelihood and blame it on the survival of the fittest.  The atheist worships worthless junk; he loves and lives for money --"Make another buck, just do whatever it takes to win."

The atheist desires a soft life, where he doesn't have to work - retire comfortably is the way.  The passion of the atheist is to pursue luxury and promote self.  The atheist inwardly repines at other's promotions, he secretly sighs in envy when others get the pay raise and not him.  Greedy poor people play the lottery, and greedy rich people play the stock market.  Money talks, it will speak up and testify against us, or for us all, at the Judgment. Hopefully, the atheist will snap out of his deadly delusion before he dies in his sins.

No one that has ever studied the cardiovascular system of the human body could think that it just happened.  Atheists just willfully reject the light God reveals to them because they love sin, and just walk blindly off into the lake of fire.  Atheists think they can just keep on ignoring the Judge and His divine Law, and that they won't have to give account to Him.  That is like receiving a speeding ticket, and then blatantly ignoring the policeman, the judge, and the law altogether.  Eventually, ignoring the laws of your state would catch up with you; likewise, ignoring God Himself (your Judge), His Law, His Son, and His Gospel, will catch up with you sooner or later.  You ignoring God won’t make Him and the Reality of the coming Judgment go away (Hebrews 9:27).

Life is short, Eternity is Long; Plan Ahead.  If you love to Sin right now, you're headed for Hell Fire.  You have sinned, and you cannot undo your sin by your own doings. If you die in your sins, you'll be in an eternal mess. Stop trusting darwin, stop playing the fool with your soul, Repent, and rely upon Jesus Christ and His shed blood to take away your guilt and your love for your sins.  Ye must be born again by the power of the Holy Ghost.  Your greatest need is the New Birth.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved (rescued) from the love of sin.

Meditate on the Mediator who suffered, bled and died for your sins.  Look now to the Lamb of God. Salvation is far from the wicked, for they seek not God's precepts.  Christ died for ungodly sinners, especially you.  Jesus shed His blood to pay your sin's awful price, trust to HIM alone to save your wretched soul, or your eternal doom is sure. See Romans 5:9; John 3:36; I Timothy 2:5-6.  Jesus is God, He died in your place, and suffered the wrath of God due to your sins.  Trust the Atoning Blood of the Crucified Creator now.

Roses, orange trees, honeybees, hummingbirds, strawberries, songbirds, pecans, shade trees, rain, carrots, sunlight, little children, rain, your kidneys, fresh water, and your pancreas, and all the things you enjoy every day, didn't just happen by accident - wake up now, before it's too late.