Sunday, September 1, 2013

Food for Thought 8

There is a war raging right now, and it is the battle for your thought life and beliefs through a subtle, gradual, systematic process of mass media and God-less education.  This world's system wants you to morally accept ungodliness and sex perversion as normal.  This is called the progressive movement, and they are progressing toward Hell faster than ever.  Most Americans believe what they told to believe through college professors, the news media, Hollywood movies, talk show hosts and politicians.  The TV, radio and Internet are the shapers of everything Americans think and believe today.

Most Americans are screen-aholics today; they have to be in front of some kind of screen all their waking hours, either a TV, cell phone, I-Pad, or computer.  They spend most of their weeks mindlessly in front of a screen where they decide for themselves what is truth and what is nonsense.  Many Americans are converted to atheism through disillusionment with religion and status quo; the shallowness and hypocrisy of professing Christians, and the desire for liberation from all moral restraints, especially when it comes to sex.  The atheist's point of reference for values is himself, and he abhors moral absolutes and boundaries.  The atheist worships himself, he is his own authority, and anything goes morally as long as it doesn't affect his bank account or health, so he tries to enjoy his sins responsibly..

The Lord Jesus Christ wants to rule and lead in your heart and mind, and the atheist kicks at this thought and resists Christ's leadership.  The atheist senses the definite reality of his depravity and lostness in sin, but they do not perceive the cause or cure for sin.  The atheist has no faith in him but his own.  The atheist thinks his happiness lies in his sins.  The carnal mind loves self-preemenince and worldly status.  The atheist sees God's Law as a restraint, but it is really his freedom.  Is anything wrong with anything?  You cannot define evil until you define purpose.  

The atheist doesn't like this word at all - Sin.  The atheist's education has defiled his conscience and eroded his common sense.  Human nature seeks after fame, fortune, material success and adulation from this temporal world. The atheist wants to live in a world of responsibility and stability without any accountability to God.  The atheist craves sensuality and violence.  The news media and higher education slowly idiotize the atheist.  This world was made for your body, the body was made for your soul, and your soul was made for God.  Now please understand - You are a soul that has a body, and only the Lord Jesus Christ Himself can satisfy your soul's innermost hunger.  The only real cure for your inward spiritual disease called Sin is the Precious Blood of God Incarnate.

The atheist is alienated from the Life of God - he is searching for temporal, carnal pleasure and he always comes up empty.  The atheistic worldling is sensually driven; he is selfish and violent; his body eventually becomes racked with disease and sickness, and spiritually he becomes more and more empty.  The predicament of sin is a frightening reality to him at times.  All of humanity is spiritually lost due to Sin.  The atheist's mind is restless, and his soul is continually dissatisfied.  The atheistic life is all hollow without true faith in Christ Jesus.  The atheist chooses to be his own master and ends up wrecking his immortal soul on the rocks of Eternity.

Lost men and women will strive to save birds (brown pelicans, warblers, laughing gulls, orioles, swallows) and sea creatures (blue fin tuna, oysters, hermit crabs, sea turtles, shellfish, plankton, jellyfish, marlins, squid, sharks, dolphins) during an oil spill, while at the same time they support the abortion of babies.  The atheist is dominated by his sinful desires that he cannot overcome.  Sin when it is over never delivers what it promised.  Ultimate Justice was delivered upon Jesus on the Cross while He bore your sins in His own body.  The Gospel of the Cross has a clear ring of free forgiveness of sins in it.

The guiding laws for the atheistic evolutionist's mind is Me first, and you next; and might is right.  The atheist refuses these common truths:  1) Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.  2) Things get worse; they never get better.  3) Life begets life; there is no "spontaneous generation".

Evolution is man trying to become an animal, so he will have no moral responsibility to his Creator.  Animals are amoral, that is, they have no moral boundaries (rights and wrongs); just like an atheist.  The Federal school system in America teaches children they came from animals, and they come out of those schools with no morals.  Atheism teaches that you are to think so highly of yourself that you think you are the final authority of "values and principles" for yourself.  Raw atheistic human nature has three goals in life:  self-preservation (me first, and you next); self-propagation (sexual pleasure); self-gratification (health and comfort).

Today the Federal school system teaches proper "condom use" and "safe sex" and accepts "sodomy" as normal, while math, science, and the reading and writing of English are not taught or retained.  Human nature is lost in sinfulness; while its tries to define good and evil by looking at itself. Man has rejected God's way of life (Christ Jesus), and His moral framework.  Deceived human nature thinks his sin will somehow bring him satisfaction, and that he will never get caught in his sins. Evolution is like a fish bone stuck in the throats of atheists on which their souls eventually choke to death.  Evolution is the idiot's hope and despair.  Human nature loves money, eroticism and violence.

Here's the Bottom Line - You have intentionally neglected and rejected Christ, because you love your sins; you are in rebellion against God, and ye must be born again of the Spirit by placing your faith in the Atoning Blood of God manifest in the flesh.  If you do not come to terms with what the Lord Jesus Christ said, and what He did for sinners, you are putting your soul at great risk.  If you really want to live, go to the Cross today by Faith and trust to Jesus' Blood.  Your life is valuable to God, for He sent His only begotten Son to bleed and die on Calvary's Cross to rescue your immortal soul from sin.  It is a terrible thing to be lost and not know it, but it is Good News for you to sense your lostness, and then have Christ Jesus lead you out of your sins at the Cross.