Saturday, September 28, 2013

How Can I Escape?

How can I escape the enslavement of my sins?  When a man honestly and sincerely asks this question, he is on the verge of finding the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Giver of Free Eternal Life.

What is really wrong with the inward nature of human beings?   The atheist says, "Life is only matter and biology; and you are only a pack of neurons.  The only purpose of life is DNA survival."  Atheism reduces human beings to the level of animals, and brings animals up to the level of human beings. Victimology says, "If anything goes wrong in your life, blame someone else, it is always someone else's fault. Whatever the problem is, someone else must have caused it."

Sin is a twisted, devilish corruption in the human heart.  Sin is missing the mark morally, unrighteousness, wickedness, corruption of character, overstepping a moral boundary, and lawlessness.  Sin is not just about your outward actions; sin is the inward evil nature that leads you to reject Christ and to violate the divine moral Laws of your Creator.  Only the Gospel can open your eyes to see the reality and wretchedness of your sinful condition, and to see also the glorious Salvation that Christ offers through His Atoning Blood.

Paul said in Romans 7:8-9, that the commandment (the divine Law) came, then his sin inwardly revived, and then he died.  Read and study that text closely. Only the Holy Spirit through the divine Law can cause the revival of sin within you, and then you will begin to sense your wretchedness and the enslavement to your sins. I was brought low, and then the Lord Jesus Christ helped me.  Once sin truly revives within you, you will then die, that is, you will be truly humbled, your soul will be weaned from all carnal self-confidence, and you will become inwardly despaired and brought low.

When you call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in your distress, God the Holy Ghost will then miraculously apply the Precious Blood of Jesus to your soul, and give your soul the grace of Faith, whereby you will lay hold on Jesus, and give your soul consolation and assurance, whereby you will cast yourself wholly on the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus for all your Salvation.  You will then know you are born again and rejoice in Christ's free pardon of sin, and begin to hate the sins you loved before.  This is the true work of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.  Everything else is nothing but dead religiousness.

Atheistic Psychology says, "There is no such thing as sin and evil; biology is destiny; blame everyone else, everyone else is to blame."  The Gospel upsets us and challenges us about our sins, provokes us to repent, demands that we change, and then sets us free from sin and gives you the freedom to live a private and public life pleasing to God your Creator.  The world loves a Jesus as a moral Example, but not as a Judge or Savior.  Sin is a word this generation avoids today.

Today, if you are self-righteous, self-sufficient, ungodly, careless, worldly:  you are in the snare of sin and Satan, you shall remain there until you repent and trust to Jesus alone; you shall perish, unless you Repent, for it is written “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” May God Himself through the Holy Spirit save you from perishing, by giving you a sincere interest in the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ?  Be wise, make Jesus’ Blood and Righteousness your only Trust. Your works can never have a part in your salvation.  Your main business is to come to Christ; come to Him sin-sick, weary, and soul-diseased, and ask Him to cure you of your sin problem. You are not to try be your own savior and physician; simply go directly to Christ, just as you are; the only salvation for your lost soul is to trust implicitly and simply to Christ Jesus Himself.

In atheism, man substitutes himself for God.  In the Gospel, God in the person of Jesus of Nazareth substitutes Himself for sinful man. God Himself stepped out of Eternity into time, He stepped out of His glory down into His fallen creation at Bethlehem, so that He could become a Jewish man, and so that He could live a sinless life for you, and then bear your sins in His own body, and pay the consequences due to your sins by dying in your place on Calvary's tree.  Jesus died on account of your sins.  Only the Gospel correctly identifies your sinful condition and alienation from God, and only the Gospel correctly diagnoses your deadly condition, and then provides the divine Remedy for your sins, and that is the Atoning Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grasp and face what you really are within with honesty:  an undone sinner in need of God's free and open forgiveness through God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ.

You may think you are nice enough that God likes you just the way you are, and that you don't really need Christ's forgiveness, because God really owes a person as good as you something as great as Eternal Life.  The Gospel is only Good News if you have a real sin problem.  Only bone fide sinners come to the Cross. Do you really believe that sin is an evil, bitter, heinous nature within your heart?  Sin is not merely doing wrong things; sin is a corrupt, rotten nature within every human heart that separates us from God.  Without Christ, you are truly lost and oppressed by your sin nature daily.  Today, people want to be free from moral restrictions and restraints, they want to do what they want, when they want, with whom they want.  Sexual immorality and perversion is rampant in our society.

There is something profoundly wrong and broken within the heart of every man and woman, boy and girl - it is called Sin. You have a broken relationship with the personal Creator God because of your sins.  You have ignored Him and rebelled against your Maker. Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!  Jesus can save you from the enslavement and love of sin. You need divine intervention from God Himself in order to have your sins forgiven.  Now understand - You are not clever enough to save yourself from your sins.  Human nature insanely thinks that it can help itself out of its sinful condition.

The Good News of the Gospel is that Salvation is free; but the Bad News is that your sinful condition is so hopeless and helpless that you cannot help save yourself from sin.  Think on these words:  Sin, Cross, Jesus, Forgiveness, Blood Atonement.  Today's Christianity teaches of a God without wrath, human beings without sin, a Salvation without Repentance, an Eternity without a Judgment, and a Christ without a Cross.  Salvation is Free, but it cost Jesus His life.  Self-righteousness kicks at that and thinks it can help God out.  Consider the heinousness of your sins, and the Holiness of the Creator God.  You are a great sinner, but Christ Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, is the Great Savior.  You must first sense your emptiness and wretchedness, and then you will sincerely seek the Savior.

Come now by Faith in Jesus' Blood, sit down and rest your soul at the Cross of Christ, and seek Repentance from the Blood Atonement which Christ has offered for your guilt. There is no cure for sin in your heart like a one-on-one encounter with Christ Jesus. Spend much time with Jesus; for it impossible for you to dwell with Jesus and with your sins at the same time.  You can only escape the enslavement of your sins through the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.