Sunday, September 22, 2013

Do Your Soul a Favor

It is inevitable that God must punish all sins ever committed, so God sent His only begotten Son into this sin-cursed world, and then God laid all my sins on Jesus, and then the Lamb of God bore all the punishment due to my sins.  The great ransom price for my sins was the life and blood of Jesus. Your soul needs a clear view of the Cross, the Atoning Blood, and the Substitution of God Incarnate.  Your Creator will soon call you to account for all your sins against Him.  You need understanding from the Holy Spirit concerning the great truths of Substitution and Reconciliation.  Only Christ Jesus can take an undone, guilty sinner and save that sinner to the uttermost through His grace and blood.

One believing look to Jesus, the sinner's Substitute, and all your transgressions will be forgiven freely and eternally.  Yield to Jesus, trust to His blood, and free eternal life is yours instantly.  Believe now the great saving truth of Atonement by Substitution.  Your soul will remain in Satan's bondage year after year until you look only and simply to the Lamb of God and His finished, redemptive work of Calvary.  Your sins were laid on Jesus, so they could be removed from your soul forever. Get this truth down deep into your heart:  Jesus was made to be Sin for us, that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Christ. Accept JEHOVAH'S single way of Salvation by faith in His Son's Precious Blood.  Whosoever believeth in Jesus shall receive the remission of sins freely by grace.

Now listen closely, do your soul a favor - rely now only on the merits of Jesus' Blood and Righteousness.  I accept Jesus as my Sin-Bearer now; I lay my hand on Him as my Sacrifice by Faith, and my sins are transferred to Him forever.  Sin cannot be in two places at the same time:  my sins are laid upon Jesus, and taken off of my soul. The remission of sins is only by Substitution:  Christ stood in the sinner's place, He took upon Himself the sinner's sins, and then shed His own blood to pay the debt that sin caused.  The only available hiding-place for your guilty soul is at the foot of the Cross underneath the Blood of the Incarnate God.  Christ's Blood and Righteousness are the hinges upon which my destiny hangs for time and Eternity.  Depend upon Jesus Himself; lean hard upon Him with all of the weight of your sins by Faith in His Blood alone; rest upon Jesus; make His Atoning Blood your soul's only Dependence.

Be wise, prepare for these five words:  Infirmity, Frailty, Mortality, Reality, Eternity.  The Precious Blood of Christ Jesus, God's dear Son, cleanseth us from all sin.  Study closely the matchless plan of Atonement by Sinless Sacrifice and Propitiation by Substitution.  Believe this scriptural fact:  God Himself becoming manifest in the flesh, and bleeding and dying as a human being to save sinners from the love of sin and the wrath to come.  Your Creator's only method of Salvation is by Substitution through the Mediator, the man Christ Jesus.  The truth of Atonement by Jesus' suffering and bleeding has a ring to it that catches the guilty sinner's ear.

Your guilty conscience can only be quieted by Jesus' blood.  The only Physician for sin-sick, broken hearts is the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Medicine is His own Blood.  The divine Ointment of Jesus' Blood must be applied by the Holy Spirit to your wounded spirit.  Jesus' Himself bore my sins in His own body on the tree, and now with His stripes my soul is healed from the love of sin.  There is no eternal cure for human sin but God's own Blood that flowed from Immanuel's veins.

The condemnation due to my sins was laid on Jesus at the Cross, so now I am clear before the bar of God's divine justice.  Jesus put Himself into my place by bearing my sins, and now He has put me into His place through the miracle of His Redemption.  Through Christ's redeeming love and blood, God is now able to show His full mercy to sinners like me without any violation to His demanding justice.

Come to Jesus now, confess your iniquities, believing in His Atoning Sacrifice, and you shall be completely accepted and pardoned.  On Christ's back fell the stripes that were due to my sins.  He was wounded for my transgressions; He was bruised for my iniquities; and now my sins are forever forgiven for Jesus' sake, and only because Jesus bore the full penalty of my sins. Jesus laid down His sinless life to Ransom me from  the evil of my sins.  My guilt was laid on Jesus, so I could be graciously forgiven.

Like a defenseless bird being chased by a hawk, flee now to the wounds of Jesus for your soul's eternal Safety.  My sin debt has been paid by Jesus laying down His life for me, and now that debt cannot be demanded of my soul anymore. The Incarnate God, my substitutionary Sacrifice, rose again from the dead for my free Justification.  Whosoever believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ is reconciled to God through the bloody death of the Son of God.  My Salvation was procured when Jesus Himself bore the vengeance of God that was due to my sins.  Christ died, the Just for the unjust, that He might reconcile my soul back to God.

God can now be Just, and yet the the Justifier, of all those who believe in Jesus' blood.  God can now freely pardon me, and yet punish my sins without any violation to His inflexible Justice.  Christ stepped into my guilty shoes, paid all my sin debt, and all my sins have been justly and mercifully expunged from the record books of God.  Christ's Substitution perfectly satisfies the intellect, the conscience, the soul, and the heart; but most importantly, Christ's Bloody Substitution satisfies the thrice-holy God Himself.  My soul is satisfied with the Lamb of God who has satisfied JEHOVAH. The love of God punished my sins when the justice of God was visited upon the willing Victim of Calvary.

God could not wink at my sin, He had to punish it, and that He did, when Jesus died on my behalf on Calvary's Cross.  The wrath of God in all its fury was spent on the sinless Substitute that dark day on Calvary.  You need not dread the just punishment due to your sins if you will but simply trust to Jesus.  If the dread of death and Hell is haunting your conscience, look now by Faith to the Blood of the Lamb of God, and you will be free from condemnation.  All my confidence is now entirely fixed in the great Substitution and Propitiation which Christ has made for me.

God Himself will pass over me in the Day of Judgment only for Jesus' blood's sake.  Jesus lost His life, so I could have free eternal life.  Don't forget:  The great central doctrine of the Gospel is the Lord Jesus Christ's Substitution for sinners.  You can only find God's peace and pardon in the Blood of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Creator God Himself became a Jewish man, that He might be able to be the Substitute for sinners.  Jesus was perfectly Innocent, but my sins were charged to Him; He was numbered with the transgressors, and bore my sins, so I could be numbered with the Righteous.