Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Still the Blood

Human blood gives your body temporal human life. God's Blood gives your soul eternal abundant Life.  The very source of your daily physical life is blood. All men live here on earth with the same blood, and all men must be Saved from their sins by the same blood. Your human blood is the only thing that links your body and soul together right now. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can link your soul and God together forever. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from ALL SIN.

The Blood of Christ bothers and upsets the atheist's ungodly carnal mind. You have no merit to save yourself. Your sin offends God. God's doesn't require any of your goodness, for you have none, you are a sinner. Human boasting is all excluded at the Cross. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. The people that miss Heaven are the ones that think they deserve it, and the ones that go to Heaven are those that realize don't deserve it. To come to God with your good works is to suggest that your sins are not all that bad.

Think just for a minute of the worst sin you've ever committed in your life. The awful secret sin you don't want anyone to know about, and that you hope no one never finds out about. All of us sinners can call one of those to mind. Those shameful sins that our conscience so often washes back up on the shore of our mind. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can take that secret sin off your record with God. God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel. The Blood of Jesus Christ is so offensive to modern atheistic man. Jesus shed His blood to keep sinners out of Hell.

Atheists are self-worshipping, self-loving, self-adoring humanists. It offends atheists that anyone would suggest that their crimes and sins against their Maker are so great and evil that they would require the Blood of God to be shed to pay for them. God is so holy that even your least sin so offends Him that is requires the Greatest Payment - His Son's own Blood. God hates your sins, do you?

Every man is a sinner. Your sin is very offensive to God. Every one of your sins fly in the face of a holy God, the Creator. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am a sinner indeed. I will trust Jesus' blood to save me from my sins. I rest on His Atonement which He has offered for me. Be wise - Believe in Christ as a Victim for your sins. Jesus didn't stay dead. Christ is risen from the dead, He is alive right now, and able to save any sinner to the uttermost that come unto God by HIM. Your soul has sin on it, and only the Blood of God can put it away.

Your sins can only be forgiven through simple faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ. You can't cleanse yourself from your sins. Your good works only make your sin stains worse and worse. Free justification through faith in the atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only way. The blood of Jesus Christ will change your rebellious heart, and save your lost soul.

Man's views and opinions are only superstition and idolatry. The Blood of Jesus Christ is one and only acceptable offering that satisfies the demands and justice of God to pay for human sin and make an Atonement so that sinful man and a holy God could be reconciled together. The Blood of Jesus Christ is the still the only answer for your guilt. There's nothing as rare and valuable in all the universe than sinless Blood, and it came from the veins of Jesus Christ. Jesus shed His blood in exchange for your soul. God gave His best (His Son) for the worst (all of us). See John 3:16-36. Human nature will believe anything and everything but the Bible. Human nature downplays guilt, sin, the grace of God, and the Bloody Sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

Jesus' Blood still saves ungodly men from the love of sin. Your greatest need right now is Faith in His Blood (Romans 3:25). Sin's debt is fully paid by the Lamb of God's Blood. Only a sinless Man can save sinners. Only one Man was good enough to pay for your sins - His name was Jesus of Nazareth. The Lamb of God bled for your sins. No verse in the Bible says that Jesus saves from Hell, Jesus saves from Sin now. Your best is not good enough to save you. You can never be righteous enough to earn heaven. There's a holy God that your sin has offended, and it's going to take a perfect blood Sacrifice to satisfy the wrath of God towards 'your' sin. God requires the Best, and the Best is the Lamb of God. You can get out of debt, by borrowing more money. You can get out of your sin debt, by doing your best, your best is sinful in God's sight. Sin is such a heinous thing in God's sight, that only His Son's Blood is an acceptable Payment.

Consider your ways, fear Christ Jesus (Matthew 10:28), take heed to yourself, be careful that you don't damn your soul to Hell by neglecting Christ's Blood - the only cure for your deadly sin problem. There is a world to come. If you die in your sins, after this life will come the Judgment and then eternal wrath and misery. If you perish in your sins, on your own head will be your doom. If you die without Christ, it will be own fault. Your conscience warn you of this, and the Bible confirms it.

If you reject Christ, you are your own destroyer. You must be saved by free grace, and not by your own merits. If you continue to love and refuse to trust Christ, there is no mercy. Outside of Christ, there remains nothing for you but the fearful looking for of judgment and of fiery indignation. Jesus suffered bitterly and bled to death to save sinners just like you. You need to let Jesus rule your life. Trust His Blood implicitly to save you from the love of sin now. Looking to Christ alone will save you from your sinful habits.

See Acts 20:28; Romans 3:25; 5:9; Ephesians 1:7; 2:13; Colossians 1:14, 20; Hebrews 9:12, 14, 22; 10:19; 12:24; 13:12; I Peter 1:2, 1:18-19; I John 1:7; Revelation 1:5; 5:9; 12:11.