Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Glorious Gospel 5

Jesus came into this world as a Jewish baby, He lived a sinless life of service and suffering. Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and sweat great drops of blood, then He was falsely condemned to die, His back was scourged, and nailed to a tree. The Blood ran from His head, hands, and feet. He died for sinners. He descended into the grave for three days, and then rose again from the dead according to the Scriptures. Jesus paid all the sinner owed to divine justice. Jesus our Substitute has kept all the commandments. Jesus paid the whole penalty for our disobedience, and now instead of condemnation, Jesus demands as a debt of justice that we be acquitted. Come now and receive the free Forgiveness of sins and Eternal Life that is freely given for Jesus' sake. Only confess your sinfulness, emptiness, and need of the Savior. Trust the great Savior, and you are instantly and completely pardoned.

Disciples are learners, and as they learn, they do, as they are taught, they practice truth in their daily lives towards others practically. Disciples always trust to the Lord Jesus Christ to save them, not trusting to their doing or learning, but trusting alone to Jesus Christ. Only doing and learning because I trust and love Jesus. I will not live as I please, but as Jesus pleases. Consider Jesus - that is, look to Him through the window of Scripture until you see Him.

I am polluted and defiled; nothingness, emptiness, and sinfulness is all I can boast. My sins are great, the sinfulness of my human nature is grievous, and my case is beyond reach of human skill. You are guilty, lost, depraved, and condemned in your conscience by the divine law of God. Receive free pardon through Jesus' blood. He suffered in the sinner's place, He atones for our guilt, and we are acquitted. Cast yourself on Him, fall into the arms of His saving grace. No works, merits, fitness, preparation, self-righteousness, or doings are required. Look to the interests of your soul first.

Calvary exalted, Christ magnified. *John 3:14-15* Turn your eyes to Mount Calvary weary, heavy laden sinner, fix your gaze upon the bleeding Sufferer. See the Victim of divine justice, the sinless blood Sacrifice of Atonement for your transgressions. View the Savior in His agony with streams of blood purchasing your soul's ransom and freedom, and with intense agony enduring your punishment. Guilty soul, be of good cheer; there is one who died for you. Look to Calvary's Cross, behold the Lamb's wounds and blood, see the gore gushing from His side. He is your Mediator. He loves you with an everlasting love, and His chastisement was meant for your good, each stripe for your healing. As long as you look to yourself, there is no hope for you. Self-righteousness keeps men from the Savior. Look away from yourself to Jesus.

Self-righteousness will never qualify you to come to Christ. Sin and guilt are the only qualifications to come to the Savior. Sin will cause a man to come to Christ only when his sin's burden and danger is felt. When coming to Christ, the more sin you have, the more cause you have to hope for mercy. The bigger your sins, the better reason for asking for Mercy. The more vile you are, the welcomer you are to the Cross. The Sacrifice of Calvary was a complete and perfect payment (Atonement) for human sins. Poor soul, please believe in Christ, cast your soul upon the Atonement He made. Believe that the man who died on Calvary was God manifest in the flesh, and that He took your sins upon Himself. Christ was punished for your sins, and now you cannot be punished, for God cannot punish twice for the same offenses.

Jesus has satisfied the Law's demands, He kept the Law and satisfied the Law for me, I trust Him, and now Christ's Righteousness is mine freely by grace through faith in His shed blood. By faith look to the slain Victim of Calvary. The Gospel is meant only for sinners, and the Gospel can only be received by childlike faith. Whosoever believeth in Jesus is not condemned. Sin abounds, fears are thick, temptation are rampant, it is high time to trust in God. The Son of God came to save the guilty. I plead guilty. The Law is Just, but save me Lord God, for Jesus died for the ungodly. Fully and honestly trust Christ with your soul, and you will hate the sins you once loved, and get the victory by grace over them. Jesus loved me, and gave Himself for me.

Jesus is not a crutch, He is the Cure. Jesus sweat pardons, bled mercies, He tasted death for every man. Jesus suffered death, that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man. Christ died for ungodly sinners. Simple Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ's Blood and Righteousness.

Coming to Jesus, that is, to trust Christ, to depend upon Him, to believe Him, to cleave to Him for mercy, to rely upon Him for grace. Come with all your sins and needs about you. Give up your hold on everything but Christ. Jesus Christ, by His love and blood shall give you immediate rest and peace with God. Believe in Christ to conquer sin, as well as to pardon sin freely. Believe that the only power which can subdue the baser passions in you is the power of the Precious Blood. Trust Christ with the power of your sins, as well as the guilt of your sins. First trust Christ, prove in your own soul that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God to your salvation. Your eyes must be opened by the Holy Ghost, turned from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God. Really trust Christ with your soul now.

Trust Jesus, that is all, just as you are, with all your unfitness and uncleanness. The Gospel publishes and offers free salvation to the most ungodly. *Acts 16:31* Whosoever believeth in Jesus is not condemned. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. Look only to the Crucified One. Trust all your sins with Him. Your bad habits, trust Jesus Christ to break them, give yourself up to Him to be renewed in your mind. Do not doubt it, you have God's word on it. Simple, childlike reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ gives immediate and complete salvation to the trustful soul. Ye must be born again. Reconciliation and Redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ, and Regeneration and Sanctification by the work of the Holy Ghost.

God in human flesh died the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. Jesus Christ died in the place of guilty man, that He might bear our punishment. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them. God sent His Son to be the Propitiation for human sin. Apprehend for yourself this truth. Whosoever trusts His soul with the Lord Jesus Christ, relying on His sinless Blood Sacrifice which He offered, and the awful death He endured is saved and pardoned freely and immediately.

The word "take" is a grand word to express the Gospel. The world's gospel is "bring". Christ's Gospel is "take". Human nature's gospel is "make". Just change one letter, and you have the Gospel of the Grace of God which is "take". The water of life is free and available. You don't have to dig a well to find it, you only have to take it. The way of salvation can be summed in just four letters: T-A-K-E. If you desire Christ Himself, pardon, a new heart, Heaven, eternal life, freedom from sin, come and take it all from Christ's hands. That is all.

Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Trust alone in the atoning blood of the Crucified Creator. Whosoever believeth in Jesus is saved to the uttermost - pardoned, freed - without money, without merit, without preparation, simply because he believes in Jesus' blood and righteousness. He is justified from all things which he could not be justified by the law of Moses. Forgiveness of all sins instantly, a new nature, immortality, everlasting peace with God, perfect reconciliation. The work of the Spirit - emptying, humbling, bringing down, leading to repentance and faith.

We owe our God an immeasurable debt of gratitude for giving us the power to become the sons of God, giving us the power and privilege to be adopted into His family. *John 1:12* Sinfulness craves for divine mercy, rest on His Grace, your inability hangs on His Strength, your nothingness hides in His all-sufficiency. Without Christ we can do nothing, and we are nothing. Come and close with Christ's free invitation to give you salvation freely. Forsake your sins, and come and be at peace with your Maker at the Cross. Lean hard on Jesus, and in adoring gratitude prove your love to Him daily. Trust Jesus for everything, at all times, in life, in death, and to all Eternity. God help you to trust Him now. Jesus loves to save atheists too; He receives all them that come unto Him. Trust Him, know Him, love Him, follow Him. Genuine faith trusts Christ both to pardon and to conquer the evil of sins. Jesus is the true God and eternal life. *I John 5:20* Come and let Him destroy the works of the devil within you.