Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Glorious Gospel 2

Come to Christ Jesus with nothing in yourself, and take Him to be your All in All. Place no confidence or reliance on your feelings or works. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and whosoever believeth in Him hath everlasting life. Keep to your first faith in His Blood and Righteousness. Stand fast in your undivided faith in Christ Jesus. I am a sinner, Christ came here and died for sinners, I trust Him, so therefore I am saved freely and forever. You cannot be saved unless you personally turn from sin; it is the work of God's Holy Spirit to bring you to do so, but you must repent with your own heart and mind.

You have sinned, and you must repent of it, and turn from it. You must undergo a change in your mind about everything - this is called the new birth, being born again of the Spirit of God. You think little of sin and very little of Christ, so your mind must be totally changed about these facts. You must loathe your sins and grieve over them. Divine pardon bought with Jesus' blood, free forgiveness according to the riches of God's divine grace, making sinners new creatures in Christ. Salvation by grace, Redemption by by His precious blood, Justification by faith alone. The natural man hugs his self-righteousness, as he hugs his life. Redemption which frees, pardon that blots out sin, renewal which actually regenerates, salvation which completely saves. You are bound with the cords of sin, and only Jesus can release you.

The band of soldiers came to Gethsemane where Jesus was praying and bound His hands, and then they led Him off to Pilate and Herod. They brought the Son of God before the Roman governor - Pontius Pilate. They scourged Jesus with a cat-of nine tails. He bore the cross through the streets of Jerusalem. His hands and feet were fastened to the cross by the iron nails. He hung there in mid-air fastened to the cruel tree, for sinners just like you. He endured the wrath of God and paid the penalty of death for human sin, that He might set you free. His Substitution was for your deliverance from sin. Come bound with your sins and loaded with guilt. Look to His dear Cross, and trust yourself with Him, and you shall be set free by Christ Himself. Trust Jesus heartily and obey Him gladly. Do all things at His word, claim no merit of your own, claim only His gracious promise and precious blood.

Consider Jesus and you will enjoy living, and be ready for dying. You must be humiliated before you get saved. You must realize you are absolutely bankrupt, sunk, you're through. Nobody ever gets saved while they are proud. Every sinner has to come down to Jesus' feet. Needy sinners must simply trust Jesus. Trust your Best Friend with your soul. Atheists hate their very best Friend - Jesus Christ. You must be born again. You have to declare bankruptcy on your soul. You're bad enough to go to Hell, and you're not good enough to go to Heaven. You have to be a convict before you become a convert. You must plead guilty. Sin has brought condemnation to your soul. Condemnation first, then you're ready for some Consideration. Where can I go for help? Go straight to the holy and lowly Jesus. Confess all your secrets and sins to your Friend. Reconciliation, Redemption, Regeneration.

Be ye transformed - born again. The Gospel must first clean you out and then clean you up. Justification - completely pardoned in the sight of God forever - declared just and innocent in the sight of God, for Jesus' sake. A man is only fit to go to Heaven in Christ. Accept Christ's invitation - *Matthew 11:28* The word of God is my tranquilizer when I go to bed. There's no rest in religion. Sanctification - John 17:17 - inward purity only through the words of God. No man buys his wife groceries to become her husband. He does it because he is her husband. Live for Jesus by the grace of God. Eternal life is the gift of God in Jesus Christ. By faith consciously come and receive Christ HImself. Rest upon Jesus, become one with Him. Whosoever believeth in Him hath everlasting life.

The best you can do, just won't do. Salvation is not DO, Salvation is DONE. Salvation is what Christ has done for you, not what you can do for Christ. Self-righteous religion depends on what you can do, but Salvation depends upon what Christ has done. Come and trust what Christ has done on the Cross for your guilty soul. You're too late to do anything to save yourself. It has all been done for you in advance. Commit your helpless soul to Jesus. Trust Jesus better, love Him better, admire Him more. The essence of the Gospel is Christ Himself. Simply trust Him, and enjoy eternal life.