Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Glorious Gospel 3

Guilty, worthless, Hell-deserving sinners are all welcome at the Cross, all those who have nothing to recommend them, no good works, or good feelings, or good intentions. Simply trust the merits and blood of Jesus Christ, and rest wholly in His Blood Atonement to pay for your sins made by His death, and you are saved, all your sins are forgiven at once, your evil nature will be changed by the new birth, and you shall become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Jesus is ready to save you today if you will simply trust Him. The gift of the eternal Savior is eternal life.

The gist of the inward work of the Holy Spirit is to lead a sinner to forsake his own righteousness and to accept the free gift of God. Acknowledge and confess that you are a bona fide sinner, because all have sinned. Confess that you can't do one thing about it, you're helplessly doomed and condemned and in need of Jesus' rescue and ransom. Nobody on earth can save a sinner, but there is Someone on the throne in Heaven that can save your soul. Admit and believe that Christ died, was buried, and rose again the third day especially for you. He paid for your sins with His own blood. He bore your sins in His own body on the tree. Receive Jesus personally into your soul now. Jesus offered up Himself as a sinless blood Sacrifice and Substitute to pay the eternal penalty and consequences due to your sins.

You cannot be saved by your own works. Nothing you can do can ever deserve divine mercy. Salvation must be the free gift of God. Put your faith completely in Jesus Christ, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God manifest in the flesh. Believe that He died for you and rose from the dead. Trust yourself wholly, simply, heartily, once for all with Him. Whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ that EVERlasting life. Unfeignedly repent of your sins. Ask God to give you true repentance - a mind totally changed about sin. What you once loved, you now hate; and what you once hated, you now love. This is a hearty loathing and giving up and forsaking of sin. You must be saved from your sins. You and your sins must part. Labor to give up every known sin, turn from every false way, or else your faith is a dead faith.

Restitution should also be made. The Gospel is tender to the repenting and trusting sinner, but the Gospel is all terror to the obstinate Christ-rejecting sinner. The Gospel offers free pardon to every sinner, and mercy for the ungodly. There is grace for the man who quits his love of sin, but there is wrath and justice upon every man that loves and does evil. How can God be just, and yet save the sinful? In a word, Calvary. Whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ is justified from all his sins freely and immediately. Whosoever believeth in Jesus Christ, God's appointed Sacrifice and Substitute for human sin, is set free from His sins' penalty.

The Precious Blood gives the sinner perfect peace with God. The application by the Precious Blood by the Holy Spirit purges the soul from dead works. *Hebrews 9:14* The Precious Blood of Christ has power to put away human sin, because it is God's Blood. *Acts 20:28* Free Salvation by Grace, Eternal Redemption by Precious Blood. Tell out the saving power of the Savior's Precious Blood. Humbly and heartily plead the Precious Blood. Put your soul's trust in the merits of Jesus' Precious Blood - this is the genuine work of grace in the sinner's heart. Your sin must confessed, forsaken and hated. By faith in Precious Blood your sins shall be washed out of your innermost being. Stop indulging in iniquity.

The Precious Blood purifies us to the center, it purges the core of the heart, it cleanses us in spirit, mind, memory, thoughts, intellect, affections, and we are clean. Sin is a foul and debasing thing, it is offensive and abominable in the sight of a holy God. Sin is the greatest conceivable danger to your soul. You cannot sin with impunity. The atheist has a depraved heart, a rebellious will, and a darkened understanding that leads him to hate God and reject Christ. The Holy Scriptures will never flatter human nature. No one earth can help save you at all, you must be born again from above. You must go directly to the Merciful Mediator for mercy. *I Timothy 2:5-6* Personally call upon Him for His free forgiveness of sins. Personally and directly deal with the Mediator. Do all for Jesus only, for Jesus wholly. Sin is slain, pride is buried, and risen to walk in newness of life. The key note of the Gospel came from the lips of Jesus - Come unto Me, and I will give you rest. *Matthew 11:28*