Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Now Listen Up!

Ye must be born again *John 3:7* - This is what God said, not what man thinks. You have an evil nature within you call Sin, and the only thing that can change you within, and give you a new divine nature that loves God and purity, is to be Born Again by the power of the Holy Ghost, and that by simply trusting to Jesus Christ.

Now you can be certain about these things - God is going to punish sin, there is a burning Hell, your sins will damn you if you die in them, Jesus bore your sins, He bled and died to pay for your transgressions against God, men reap what they sow, you can't do wrong and get away it, if you love sin you're going to get it in the neck, God takes notice of your actions, and you must give account to God for those actions. The New Birth is absolutely necessary, you must be Born Again, God is no respecter of persons, the wages of sin is death for every soul, sin enslaves every man that plays with it.

Christ died for the ungodly, sinners can't help save themselves, God Almighty looks at the heart, Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, ungodly men are saved only by grace through faith in Jesus' atoning blood. What kind of heart do you have? Religion doesn't make you any better off. Baptism makes you wetter, but not any better. You better play it safe with your soul, trust Jesus Christ with your soul. Now don't forget - God looks at the heart. Turn, sinner, turn, for why will you die, God, your Maker, asks you why. The God who gave you your being, gave Himself to die for your sins. Will you spurn and grieve God's love, and die in your sins?

Anyone that wants to be saved from their sins can be saved. Only the Holy Ghost can shoot the arrows of conviction into a man's heart. In America, the divorce mill is grinding, the jails and prisons are filled with young people, the churches are empty, and there are no prayer meetings anymore. Millions and millions of dollars are invested in religion every year, and America is still going to Hell. Dead, cold, cursed formalism with no heart damns more souls than anything else. Religionists are very dogmatic, conceited, and opinionated - they have all the trappings, forms and ceremonies of dead religion, but it is all vain. Religionists are always loyal to their program or denomination. Religious bosses and ecclesiastic machinery hinder people from getting saved. Religionists are the meanest and proudest people you'll ever meet.

If you're not born again, the only thing between you and Hell right now is a heartbeat. If you don't have Jesus in your heart, you're going to Hell just like Usama bin Laden did. If you don't let Jesus in your heart, He'll never let you into Heaven.You better not play with sin. There's nothing as destructive and deadly as your sin. Watch your step, stay close to Jesus, flee youthful lusts, walk humbly before God, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, resist the devil, flee youthful and hurtful lusts, don't serve sin.

The Lord Jesus Christ - there is no better Friend, and there is no worse Enemy.

Now listen - read the Bible seriously, pray fervently in the Spirit, give cheerfully, serve God willingly, follow Jesus earnestly. Emphasize the New Birth, Free Justification by Faith, Imputed Righteousness, and Redemption by Precious Blood. Drive these great truths home. Don't strut your stuff, walk humbly before God, don't talk too wise, stick to the eternal essentials of Scripture, don't get off on tangents, let your heart be established with grace, adore Jesus and be devoted to Him, don't act the fool, don't look for trouble on purpose, help the helpless, always give Jesus the preeminence, long for inward purity, be a soul-winner, be disciplined (self-restraint), be faithful and loyal to God, strive against your sins, take God's side, exalt Jesus Christ, keep your eyes on Jesus, yield to the Holy Spirit, spread the Gospel, be thankful, practical and sensible. God be merciful to me a sinner, for Jesus' sake.