Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Simple Gospel Truth

We must hang our hope all upon the Blood and Righteousness of Jesus Christ without measure and without reserve. Seek more grace from God to become an importunate pleader for others.The natural human mind is a factory that produces idols. By nature men are rebels against their Creator. Jesus is able to save any sinner who will come to Him. Come and appropriate the Savior personally, the sinner's Savior by confession. Lord, I am a sinner, I know it, I mourn over it. I have broken your righteous Law and rejected your dear Son. I need the Son of God to save me, I have sinned against His heavenly love. He who has a great Savior will know himself to be a great sinner. You would get upset if someone sent you back a gift you sent to them. Well, that's how God feels when you turn down His Son, the gift of God which is Eternal Life. You must choose between your sins and Christ.

A man filled with the Spirit will be mourning, pining, and sighing over his sins. I will sing unto the Lord. He is able to the uttermost. Salvation is not about the works of man, but the power and grace of God. Jesus is willing to take your sins away. He is able to blot out all the black record which is against you, let it all go to Him. Leave your case completely in the hands of the Advocate. Christ has a Righteousness, and our wisest course is to submit to it. Childlike trust, real faith in the Precious Blood.

The wise men in Matthew Chapter 2 brought the best news this world ever heard, and it troubled the people. The natural carnal mind will not receive the truth of God. The greatest, the best, the most acceptable work in all the world is that you come and trust Christ's Precious Blood. This saves the soul, nothing else will do. You cannot become righteous by doing your best. There is a new way of Righteousness. There is now a Righteousness which comes freely to the sinner by simple faith in Jesus Christ, not by doing, but by believing, a perfect Righteousness which is freely bestowed upon all them that believe. Every man at his best state is a guilty sinner. Remember that all your sins are offenses against God. Human nature abhors the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and passes by the Gospel with contempt and disgust.

The open gross sinner, the instructed religious sinner, the troubled seeker, the despondent sinner. Have you grossly sinned? Have you defiled your body with unhallowed abominable passions? Have you been dishonest to your fellow man? Have you grown hardened by long continuance in gross sins? Your soul is saturated through and through with iniquity. Have you been a gross, open sinner? Your life is teeming with sins of omission and commission. You have sinned against light and done despite to your conscience very often. Openly profane sinners love sin. Carnal men cringe when they hear the Gospel. You have done willful damage to your conscience, and become persistent in sinning. Men are slaves to evil company and vile habits dare not to do right for the life of them for fear of ridicule.

Many are too cultured to believe the common faith and the simple Gospel. The world by carnal earthly wisdom knows not the true God or His perfect Salvation. By personal faith lay hold on Jesus. Quietly and sincerely believe on the Lamb of God. Your repentance must be "toward God", for the actual wrongs you have committed are toward God Himself. You have defiantly disobeyed God. We misrepresent God by murmuring and complaining, we think there is pleasure in sinning, and weariness in divine service. Man is naturally at enmity with the truths of Gospel. When a man doesn't want to see, he cannot see. When he is determined not to learn, he twists the truth from its meaning.

Renounce all sinful pleasures and utterly despise them. Are you going to face death throes or death joys? If you deny and reject Christ's deity, Atoning Blood, imputed righteousness, salvation by faith in Him, you will damn your soul. Are you a trembler or a trifler? It is a fearful thing to speak ill of the Holy Spirit. The people who object to the Lord, their objections are not real. Their pretended difficulties are a red-herring, to turn the sent from their real reasons Christ rejection and Gospel opposition. Many cavil at Christ, because they do not want to give up their sin. They have some technical question or difficulty raised by geology or evolution, or something or other, they make a fuss over while the real trouble is that they are living a private unclean life, and do not want to give their vile companions and evil ways. The problem sometimes is that they are making money in a wrong way, and to be a Christian wouldn't be good on the pocket book. They would have to quit a bad trade or lose profit.

Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Gospel, Christians are all a protest against your evil condition and lifestyle. The Gospel disturbs and irritates the infidel, and vexes his heart. The ungodly speech of infidels are merely an attempt to conceal the unrest of his heart that they do not want to confess. The heart knoweth its own bitterness. You are at war with your Creator. Many sneer and are irate at the truth of Substitution, atoning Blood, justification by faith.

Be wise at once - cry to God to help you, cry for the Holy Spirit to enable you to lay hold on eternal life, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for immediate salvation. Trust Him, not yourself. I shall not save myself, Christ is the Savior, it is His business to save sinners all by Himself. Put your soul into the Savior's hands. To trust Jesus is most wise. It is wisest to do it at once. It is wisest and safest for you to appeal to the mercy of God through the atoning blood of Jesus. Sinners always need mercy.

Heaven's security cameras are always on. The most vital truth is simple. Know yourself a sinner, and Christ as the Savior. Quit your own self, and your own trusts. Simply rely upon the person and work of the Son of God. The safest truth is the simplest. You need the crucified Redeemer and His atoning Sacrifice. Men love a religion of show and spasms. We need an ordinary, common place, practical, everyday godliness. Love of man's commendation, and fear of disapproval. The pure Gospel agitates sinful human nature. Your sinful life cost Jesus His life. Jesus took my sin and died; I take His Righteousness and live. You are nothing and Christ is Everything.